---- _v. a._ == please, appease. RG. 314. part. "ypaid." RG. 391; "ipaised" == restored to peace. RG. 570. Fr. paier. Lat. pacare
Pay, _sb._ == peace. RG. 125. Fr. paix
Payloun. See Pavilion
Paynim, _sb._ == heathen, pagans. RG. 395
Pays, == pitch, _q. v._
Pea. See Pese
Peace, _sb._ RG. 491, 500
Peaceful, _adj._ Ps. cxix 7
Peacefully, _adv._ Ps. x.x.xiv. 20
Peac.o.c.k, _sb._ Alys. 5410
Peak, _sb._ == The Peak of Derbyshire. RG. 7
Pear, _sb._ 1203 B.
Peer, _sb._ == equal. RG. 17
Peer, _v. n._ == look into. [pure]. K. Horn, 1124; [pouren]. Alys. 5799
Pelican, _sb._ Ps. ci. 7
Pell, _sb._ == fur, skin. Alys. 6697. Lat. pellis
Pelle, _v. n._ == drive, go? HD. 810. Lat. pello
Pelure, _sb._ == a furred robe. Alys. 4129. Fr. pel
Penance, _sb._ RG. 255
Pencel, _sb._ == pennon, banner. Alys. 2688. Fr. pencel. Lat. penna
Penny, _sb._ RG. 404, 493; [pan]. Pol. S. 204. pl. "panes." RG. 473; "pans." 530
Pepper, _sb._ Alys. 7032
Perauntre, _adv._ == peradventure. RG. 375
Perch, _sb._ == the fish. Alys. 5446. Fr. perche. Lat. perca
Perche, _v. a._ == p.r.i.c.k, spur. Alys. 2460. Fr. percer
Perforce, _adv._ Alys. 4577
Peril, _sb._ RG. 452
Pers, _sb._ == a cloth or stuff. Alys. 4987; usually of a blue colour. Fr.
pers. Vid. Roq.
Pervink. See Parvenke
Pese, _sb._ == a pea. Alys. 5959. AS. pise
Pesens, _sb._ == neck-armour covering the breast. Alys. 3697; same as "pesane" in the later Romances. Fr. pis, piz, the breast
Pett, _sb._ == pit. Alys. 5764
Pett, for pight? == made. Alys. 7495
Peys, == pitch, _q. v._
Phantom, _sb._ == vanity. Ps. iv. 3. Fr. fantosme
Philosophy, _sb._ RG. 130
Physic, _sb._ RG. 151
Physician, _sb._ RG. 68
Pick, _v. a._ Pol. S. p. 150. part. "pycchynde." Wright"s L. P. p. 110
Piece, _sb._ == a portion, bit. RG. 555. St Kath. 229
---- == a man. RG. 355
Piecemeal, _adv._ RG. 278
Pierce, _v. a._ RG. 437
Piete, _sb._ == pity. Pol S. 213
Pike, _sb._ == sharp stake. RG. 51
---- _v. a._ == pierce. RG. 51
Pile, _sb._ == hair. Body and Soul, 38
Pilgrim, _sb._ 2360 B.
Pilgrimage, _sb._ 5 B.