A. "the." RG. 42

constr. with subst. and adj., "the waters." RG. 374; "the new forest." Ib. 375

with compar. adj., "the bet, the worse." RG. 374

The, _dem. p.r.o.n._

_sing._ N. "the." O. and N. 798. neut. "that." RG. 377; "thet." RG.


D. "than." O. and N. 1684

A. "thut." 533

The, _rel. p.r.o.n._ == who

_sing._ N. "the." O. and N. 1384, 1612; "that." RG. 387; "thit." HD.


A. "that." RG. 387

_plur._ N. "that." RG. 387. Alys. 4656

The, _adv._ == there. HD. 863

The, _v. n._ == flourish, prosper. HD. 2606; Alys. 5472; [y-the]. RG. 428; part. pres. "theonige," for "theoninge." 149 B.; part. pa.s.s. "ithe?." 151 B.; "y-then." RG. 346. AS. eon

The, _v. a._ == do. M. Ode, 44. part. "that." HD. 1674. Germ. thun

The, == or, after "whether." O. and N. 822, 1358, 1360, 1406

Thede, _sb._ == country, [theode]. O. and N. 1581. HD. 105; territory.

Alys. 96; place. HD. 2890. AS. eod

Theft, _sb._ RG. 503

Thei. See Though

Thelde, _v. a._ == tell, give account of. Creed of St Athan. 93. ON.

ylja. AS. yle. The AS. ylian does not occur in this sense

Then, _adv._ [thonne]. RG. 115; [thanne]. O. and N. 508

---- == when [than]. O. and N. 421

Thence, _adv._ gen. of "then." [thannes], 1141 B.; [thanene]. RG. 377; [thethen]. Ps. cx.x.xi. 17

Thene, _v. n._ == reach to. Rel. S. i. 1. AS. enian

There, _adv._ == of place. RG. 367; "thar." O. and N. 1612; "th.o.r.e." Body and Soul, 98

---- with verbs, "there has." RG. 367

Thereafter, _adv._ RG. 401

Thereafterward, _adv._ Pilate, 110

Thereagainst, _adv._ 294 B.

Thereat, _adv._ RG. 464

Thereby, _adv._ [tharbi]. O. and N. 244

Therefore, _adv._ RG. 115; [thar forn]. Ps. x.x.xi. 4

Therefrom, _adv._ RG. 352

Therehence, _adv._ 1145 B.

Therein, _adv._ RG. 387

Thereof, _adv._ 100 B.; [thurof]. O. and N. 190

Thereon, _adv._ 546 B.

Thereout, _adv._ RG. 537

Thereover, _adv._ 516 B.

Therethrough, _adv._ 75 B.

Thereto, _adv._ 37 B.

Thereupon, _adv._ RG. 393

Therewith, _adv._ 272 B.

Therewithout, _adv._ 439 B.

Therne, _sb._ == a girl. HD. 298; O. Sax. therna. In the Avowyng of Arthur, st. 23, the word occurs under the form "thorne"

Thertekene, == mark thereto. HD. 2878. AS. tacnian

Thestri, _sb._ for "the estrie" == the apparition, i. e. of the heavenly host. Wright"s L. P. p. 96. Fr. estrie

Thethen, == thence, _q. v._

Thevethorn, _sb._ == dog rose or wild briar Ps. lvii. 10. AS. efe-orn

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