Toraced, _part._ == broken in pieces. RG. 22. ON. rekja, part. rakit, to undo, unweave

Toraunced, _part._ == broken in pieces. RG. 216. This is probably only another form of the preceding word

Toreave, _v. a._ == tear; pret. "torof." RG. 29

Torede, _v. a._ HD. 118

Torel, _sb._ == tower. Alys. 3239

Torend, _v. a._ Alys. 6622, 7881

Torforth, == mult.i.tudes? Alys. 3205. W. torf

Torive, _v. a._ == split. Alys. 6217; part. "toriven." HD. 1954

Torment, _sb._ St Andrew, 18. St Kath. 165

Tormenting, _sb._ St Andrew, 57

Tormentor, _sb._ St Andrew, 81

Tort. See t.u.r.d

Toshake, _v. a._ O. and N. 1645

Toshene, _v. a._ == destroy. O. and N. 1118. AS. to-sc?nan

Toshiver, _v. n._ Alys. 2728

---- _v. a._ HD. 1993

Toslit, _v. a._ O. and N. 694

Tospill, _v. a._ Ps. xliii. 8

Tospread, _v. a._ RG. 160

Toswolle, _part._ == swollen. Pol. S. 157

Tote, _v. n._ == look, spy. HD. 2104. Swed. t.i.tta

Totear, _v. a._ Alys. 6297; pret. "totare." Alys. 4658; part. "totorn."

HD. 1948

Tothriste, _adj._ == very bold. O. and N. 171. AS. rist

Tothute, _vb._ pret. == thou hast confounded. Ps. xiii. 6. AS. wan?

Totill, _v. a._ == cultivate. Fr. Sci. 42

Totorve, _v. a._ == throw missiles at. O. and N. 1164. In v. 1117, "totorneth" is probably a misprint for "totorveth." AS. torfian

Totose, _v. n._ == hurt, injure. O. and N. 70; part. "totused." HD. 1948.

AS. teosu

Totread, _v. a._ 3 pl. pret. "totraden." Alys. 3946

Totwitch, _v. a._ == pluck at. O. and N. 1645. AS. twiccian

Touch, _v. a._ 2229 B.

Touching, _sb._ St Lucy, 33

Tough, _adj._ [tou]. RG. 515; [tou?t]. RG. 510; [to?te]. O. and N. 703; [tohte]. O. and N. 1444. AS. toh

Toupe, _sb._ == a tup, ram. Ritson"s AS. viii. 107. Sw. tuppa, a c.o.c.k

Tour, _sb._ == arrangement, business. RG. 468. Fr. tour

Tournament, _sb._ RG. 384, 534

Tourney, _sb._ 213 B.

Tourneying, _sb._ == jousting in tournaments. Alys. 1045

Toute, _sb._ == rump. c.o.k. 134. Dut. stuit. ON. torta. Cf. Fr. touton.


Toward, _prep._ == on the side of; "toward Normandye." RG. 2

---- _adv._ == this way; "toward, fraward." Ps. cxviii. 8

Tower, _sb._ RG. 402

Towhen, _adv._ == how long? Ps. iv. 3; lx.x.xviii. 47

Town, _sb._ RG. 378, 512

Townsman, _sb._ Rel. Ant. i. 144

Towrench, _v. a._ == extricate. Body and Soul, 155

Towrest, _v. a._ == force open. Body and Soul, 189

Toyear, == this year. 235 . Ritson"s AS. viii. 183

Tprot, == interjection of contempt. Pol. S. 223

Trace, _sb._ "took a trace" == retired. Alys. 7771. Fr. traxir

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