Traitor, _sb._ RG. 519

Traitory, _sb._ == treason. Alys. 3983

Transcript, _sb._ 548 B.

Transmigration, _sb._ RG. 9

Trappe, _sb._ == trappings. Alys. 1606

Travail, _sb._ RG. 379, 395

Trayed, _part._ == annoyed. Alys. 3046. AS. trega

Treachery, _sb._ RG. 56

Treachour, _sb._ RG. 455

Treacle, _sb._ [tracle]. c.o.k. 82. See Triacle

Tread, _v. a._ RG. 132

---- == copulate. part. "itrede." O. and N. 501

Treason, _sb._ RG. 385, 447

Treasure, _sb._ RG. 375

Treasurer, _sb._ Alys. 826

Treasury, _sb._ RG. 374

Treble, _adj._ == triple. Alys. 6606

Treche, _sb._ == track. RG. 145. Fr. trache

Tree, _sb._ == RG. 408, 536; [trough]. Alys. 6829; [trowe]. Alys. 6762

Treisuses. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176; probably a corruption of Fr. "tres uses;"

old worn pieces of leather, to the use of which the cobblers were restricted in mending shoes. The alutarii, or cordwainers, on the other hand, were confined to the _making_ of shoes with _new_ leather

Trenne, _v. a._ == separate. Rel. Ant. ii. 212

Tresche, _sb._ == trench. AG. 552

Trespa.s.s, _sb._ RG. 374, 528

---- _v. n._ Pol. S. 198

Tressed, _adj._ Alys. 5409

Tressure, _sb._ == tresses. Wright"s L. P. p. 105

Treye, _sb._ == sorrow. Rel. Ant. i. 113. AS. trega

Triacle, _sb._ == medicine, remedy. Alys. 5071. Wright"s L. P. p. 26

Trichard, _sb._ == deceiver. Pol. S. 69

Trick, _v. n._ == deceive [trichen]. Pol. S. 69

Trie, _adj._ == choice. c.o.k. 19, 73; Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176

Trifle, _sb._ RG. 417. Lit. "a small piece," from AS. trifelan, to pound

---- _v. n._ part. "trifling." St Dunstan, 74

Trinity, _sb._ RG. 532

Tripe, _sb._ Alys. 1578. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176. Fr. tripe. Ital. trippa

Trobles. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176; probably a corruption of Fr. "trobles,"

waste, spoilt leather; from Fr. "trobler" == corrompre, gater, Roq. See Treisuses

Trod, _sb._ == tread, or track. Body and Soul, 212. AS. trod

Tromcheri, _sb._ == trumpery? Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176. Fr. troncer, to break into small pieces. Cf. Gawin Douglas"s "trumpis," fragments, which is probably the origin of the modern form

Trome, _sb._ == a company. HD. 8. AS. truma

Trone. See Throne

Tronn (sic in MS.), _sb._ == a steelyard. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176

Trotevale, _sb._ == trifling, joke. Body and Soul, 146. Lat. t.i.tivillitia

Troth, _sb._ == betrothal. K. Horn, 694

Trouble, _adj._ == troubled, murky. Alys. 4709

Troue, _sb._ == hole. Alys. 7465. Fr. trou

Trough. See Tree

Trow, _v. a._ == believe. RG. 110

Trowe, _sb._ == trust, belief. Wright"s L. P. p. 100. AS. treow

Trowe. See Tree

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