Unfele, _adj._ == evil. O. and N. 1379. See "unfaele" in Gloss, to La?.

Unfest, _adj._ == insecure. Ps. xxv. 1; xxvi. 2

Unfestand, _adj._ == insecure. Ps. ix. 4

Unfete, _adj._ == not feat, not good. Wright"s L. P. p. 43. Fr. faiteis

Unfiled, _adj._ == undefiled. Ps. xvii. 31

Unfillandlike, _adj._ == insatiable. Ps. c. 5

Unforholde, _adj._ == unrewarded. M. Ode, st. 30. AS. unforgolden

Unfree, _adj._ == n.i.g.g.ardly, illiberal. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 191

Unfulmaking, _sb._ == imperfection. Ps. cx.x.xviii. 16

Ungirt, _part._ RG. 526

Unglad, _adj._ Wright"s L. P. p. 29

Ungood, _adj._ O. and N. 129. Ps. i. 1

Ungreithe, Ungreithed, _adj._ == unready. Wright"s L. P. p. 99. 2241 B.

Ungrete, _sb._ == smallness. O. and N. 752

Unhallowed, _adj._ RG. 349

Unhealth, _sb._ M. Ode, st. 96, 8

Unhele, _v. a._ == uncover. Ps. xxviii. 9. AS. unhelan

Unhendly, _adv._ RG. 412

Unholde, _adj._ == unpleasant. Wright"s L. P. p. 24. AS. unhold

Unhonest, _adj._ == foul, indecent. Alys. 6472

Unhooded, _adj._ Ritson"s AS. xvii. 126

---- == lay, a layman. O. and N. 1176

Unhosed, _adj._ RG. 526

Unicorn, _sb._ Alys. 6710. Ps. xxviii. 6

Unisome, _adj._ == disunited. O. and N. 1520

Uniune, _sb._ == pearl. c.o.k. 87. Lat. unio

Unker, == of us two. See I

Unkevel, _v. a._ == uncover. HD. 601

Unkindly, _adv._ == against nature or kind. HD. 1250

---- == cruelly. 1540 B.

Unkindness, _sb._ RG. 31

Unkunde, _adj._ == not legitimate (of a king). RG. 423

Unkundede, _sb._ == unkindness. RG. 479

Unlast, _v. n._ == not to last. Ps. lx.x.xix. 6

Unlaw, _v. a._ == outlaw. RG. 473. 602 B.

Unlawfully, _adv._ Wright"s L. P. p. 53

Unlede, _adj._ == wicked. O. and N. 974. AS. unl?d

Unlength, _sb._ == want of length. O. and N. 752

Unliche, _adv._ == only. Alys. 69

Unlike, _adj._ O. and N. 804

Unlovesome, _adj._ Alys. 6423

Unl.u.s.t, _sb._ == misery, want of pleasure. Body and Soul, 95

Unmade, _adj._ Creed of St Athan. 31

Unmarried, _adj._ RG. 31

Unmeek, _adj._ Ps. iv. 3

Unmeet, _adj._ Wright"s L. P. p. 23

Unmerry, _adj._ [unmurie]. O. and N. 346

Unmethe, _sb._ == want of moderation. O. and N. 352. AS. unmaete

Unmight, _sb._ == weakness. 1443 B.

Unmighty, _adj._ Wright"s L. P. p. 22

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