Warentment, _sb._ == military apparel. Alys. 7943. Fr. garnement

Wariness, _sb._ [iwarness]. O. and N. 1226

Waring, _sb._ == price. Ps. xliii. 13

Warison, _sb._ == reward. Alys. 2512. Fr. guerison

Warn, _v. a._ == advise a person. HD. 2834. AS. warnian

Warn, _v. a._ == refuse a thing to a person. RG. 367, 550

---- == hinder. 1274 B.

Warned, _adj._ == defended, said of a city. Ps. x.x.x. 22; fortified. Ps.

cvii. 11

Warnesture, _sb._ == garrison. RG. 94

Warrant, _v. a._ == insure safety to a person, keep harmless. Alys. 2132

Warp, _v. a._ == throw. HD. 1061; 3 s. pres. "werth." HD. 1176; place [worp]. O. and N. 596; pret. "warp." O. and N. 45

---- == strike. part. "iworpe." O. and N. 1119. AS. weorpan

Warring, _sb._ == fighting. Alys. 6095

Warring, _sb._ == cursing. Manuel des Pecches, 1289

Warrior, _sb._ Alys. 1461

Warye, _v. a._ == curse. See Werien

War?treo, _sb._ == cursed tree, gibbet. 2233 B. AS. werg, accursed

Was. See Be

Was, == whose. See Who

Wash, _v. a._ RG. 435; [whosshe]. Wright"s L. P. p. 70; pret. "wosh." 273 ; "wesche." Ps. lxxii. 13

Wa.s.sail, _sb._ RG. 117

---- _v. n._ HD. 2098

Waste, _sb._ == reckless spending. RG. 376

---- == wilderness. Alys. 7121

---- _v. a._ RG. 136

Wastel, _sb._ == cake of fine flour. HD. 779

Wasteyn, _sb._ == wilderness. Manuel des Pecches, 1767

Wate, _sb._ == luck, hap, that which is foretold. RG. 31, 411. AS. hwatu, divination

Water, _sb._ RG. 371, 402

---- _v. a._ Ps. lxxvii. 15

Watercress, _sb._ Alys. 5767

Waterdog, _sb._ Alys. 5771

Waterless, _adj._ Ps. cvi. 25

Wathe, _sb._ == torment. Ps. cxiv. 3. AS. wite

Watloker, == much rather. See Whatloker.

Wave, _sb._ 525 ; [wawe]. Alys. 5018. AS. w?g, wauma

Wawe, _v. a._ == move. RG. 207. Alys. 2634. AS. wegan, wagian

Wawe, _v. n._ == wag, _q. v._

Wawing, _sb._ == motion. Fr. Sci. 385

Wax, _sb._ Pol. S. 151. AS. weax

Wax, _v. n._ RG. 9, 442; part. "ywox." RG. 412. AS. weaxan

Waxing, _sb._ Fr. Sci. 335

Way, _sb._ == road. RG. 7, 391; "to fly his way." O. and N. 308. "Do way," an expression like our "Get along with you." Alys. 7646; pl.

"weyre." Body and Soul, 63

Way, _sb._ == ma.s.s? Ritson"s AS. viii. 31. AS. waecg

Wayle, _sb._ == a girl. Wright"s L. P. p. 38. AS. wylen

Waynoun, a proper name? Wright"s L. P. p. 47

Wayte, _sb._ See Wait

Wayteglede, == watch-the-fire, i. e. one who sits in the chimney corner, poking over the fire? Wright"s L. P. p. 47. Cf. the Norse phrase Kolbitr; and see the Introduction to Dasent"s Popular Tales from the Norse, pp.

lx.x.x-lx.x.xii. 1st Edit.

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