Wickedness, _sb._ Pol. S. 230

Wickehede, _sb._ == wickedness. Body and Soul, 43

Wicket, _sb._ K. Horn, 1106. Fr. guichet

Wiclik, _adv._ == wickedly. Ps. xliii. 18

Wide, _adj._ RG. 410.

Widow, _sb._ HD. 79. AS. wuduwe

Wield, _v. a._ == govern, rule. 816 B.; [wolde]. RG. 147

Wife, _sb._ RG. 26, 380

Wigeling, _sb._ == an out-of-the-way place? Ps. cvi. 40. AS. wicelian, to stagger, to go out of the direct road

Wight, _sb._ == a man. RG. 533. 470 . AS. wiht

Wight, _adj._ == active. HD. 9; [with]. HD. 1756; comp. "wyghtyore." Alys.

2396. Swed. vig

---- _adv._ == immediately, quickly. Wright"s L. P. p. 44

Wighth, _sb._ == a s.p.a.ce of time. Alys. 5362; a s.p.a.ce. Ps. viii. 6. AS.

wuht, wiht

Wightness, _sb._ == valour, activity. Alys. 5001

Wike, _sb._ == dwelling. O. and N. 604. AS. wic

Wike, _sb._ == office, duty. O. and N. 603; station. Alys. 4608. See Gl.

to Orm. _s. v._ Wikenn

Wike, _v. n._ == be weary. Wright"s L. P. p. 87. AS. wican

Wikness, _sb._ == wickedness. Ps. v. 5

Wil, _adj._ == wild, uncertain. HD. 1042

Wild, _adj._ == fierce. RG. 374, 510; "wild beasts." RG. 375

Wilderness, _sb._ == a desolate place. RG. 15

Wildfire, _sb._ RG. 410

Wile, _sb._ == trick, deceit. Ritson"s AS. viii. 180. AS. wile

Wilful, _adj._ RG. 359; [willesful]. RG. 77

---- == voluntary. Ps. lxvii. 10

Wilfully, _adv._ == without a cause. Ps. x.x.xiv. 7; lxviii. 5

Will, _sb._ RG. 367

---- _v. n._ == wish. RG. 384; pret. "wolde." RG. 550

Will, _v. aux._ pres. 1 s. "wole." 39 B.; 2 s. "wolt." 40 B.; "wlt." O.

and N. 499; 3 s. "wule." O. and N. 1360; "wile." O. and N. 1358; pret. 3 s. "wolde." 17 ; 2 s. "woldest." 35 B. "Will" is constantly used with the infin. of the verb to form an imperative, as "nil ou nie" == strive not.

Ps. x.x.xvi. 8, and cf. Ps. lxxiv. 5, 6

Willesful, == wilful, _q. v._

Willing, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. 212

Wilne, _v. n._ == wish. RG. 217. AS. wilnian

---- _v. a._ == covet, desire. RG. 46; part. "y-wilned." RG. 309

Wimple, _sb._ Marg. 47. AS. winpel

Win, _v. a._ == subdue, get possession of [i-winne]. RG. 519; recover, obtain. RG. 523, 549; pret. "wonne." RG. 384; "wonde." RG. 258; "wan."

Alys. 5561. AS. winnan

Wind, _sb._ RG. 367

Wind, _v. a._ == twist. pret. "wond." Pilate, 126. AS. windan

Windmill, _sb._ RG. 547

Window, _sb._ Wright"s L. P. p. 91

Wine, _sb._ RG. 6, 542. AS. win

Wine, _sb._ == a friend. M. Ode, 111. AS. wine

Wineyard, _sb._ == vineyard. Wright"s L. P. p. 41. AS. win-geard

Wing, _sb._ RG. 28

Winli, _adj._ == winsome. Ps. xxiii. 3. AS. wynlic

Winne, _sb._ == joy. Pol. S. 195. AS. wyn

Winne, _sb._ == labour. O. and N. 670. AS. win

Winsome, _adj._ == lovely, delightful. Ps. lxxviii. 9. AS. wynsum

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