---- _adv._--of time. RG. 443. [biforen] Wright"s L. P. p. 24

---- == foreward, onward. O. and N. 774

Beget, _v. a._ == obtain. O. and N. 726. RG. 516

---- == procreate. RG. 516. part. "by?yte." RG. 388

Begetting, _sb._ Alys. 6866

Beggar, _sb._ Body and Soul, 139

Begin, _v. n._ RG. 380

Beginning, _sb._ RG. 384

---- == (of a country.) RG. 399

Begon, _part._ == adorned, or covered with. Ritson"s AS. viii. 35. Cf.


Begrown, _part._ [bi-growe]. O. and N. 27

Beguile, _v. a._ K. Horn, 328

Beh. See Bow, _vb._

Behalve, _v. a._ == divide into two parts. HD. 1834

Behead, _v. a._ Pol. S. 213

Behest, _sb._ RG. 231

Behind, _prep._ O. and N. 594

---- _adv._ RG. 395

Behind, _sb._ == rump. O. and N. 596

Behold, _v. a._ == hold in the hand. O. and N. 1323

---- _v. n._ == look up. RG. 395; have regard. Ps. v. 3

---- _v. a._ Wright"s L. P. p. 86

Behoof, _sb._ RG. 348. [byefe], ib. 354

Behote, _sb._ == vow. Ps. cxv. 14

Behave, _v. n._ == RG. 177. Ps. cxiv. 18

Beigh, _sb._ == ring. Alys. 1572. AS. beag

Beigh, _v. a._ == bow, bend. Alys. 4373

Being, _sb._ == condition. Alys. 223

Beknow, _v. a._ == make known. Alys. 7472

---- == know thoroughly. Rel. S. i. 31

Belde, _v. a._ == protect? Wright"s L. P. p. 24

Belie, _v. a._ O. and N. 837

Belay, _v. a._ == besiege. RG. 519

Belief, _sb._ == religious faith. RG. 73

Believe, _v. n._ RG. 229

Belive, or Blive, == quickly. RG. 50. SS. "bilife." Cf. Dan. "oplive," == to quicken, enliven, and the two senses of our Eng. "quick"

Bell, _sb._ RG. 509, 541

Belly, _sb._ [bali]. Rel. S. v. 83

Bellows, _sb._ [bulies]. 467

Belock, _v. a._ == lock up. 3 s. pres. "bi-luth." O. and N. 1555. pret.

"bi-leck." O. and N. 1079. part. "bi-loken." Rel. S. vii. 68

Beme, _sb._ == trumpet. Wright"s L. P. p. 25. AS. beme

Bemoan, _v. a._ [bimene]. RG. 490

Bemoaning, _sb._ [bymening] == complaint. Alys. 534

Bemothered, == confused, perplexed. Pol. S. 158. Cf. Engl. prov. to "mither" == to bother, perplex (the _i_ is p.r.o.nounced long). Probably connected with AS. mede == weary; Dutch, moeden

Bench, _sb._ Body and Soul, 153. [bink]. Ritson"s AS. viii. 69

Bend, _v. a._ RG. 377, 536

Bende, _sb._ == bond. RG. 379

Bene, _sb._ == prayer. Wright"s L. P. p. 58. AS. ben

Beneath, _prep._ O. and N. 910

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