Cowl, _sb._ 2246 B. AS. cufle

Crab, _sb._ Alys. 4943

Crack, _v. a._ == break in two. HD. 568

---- == discourse, "reisons craken." Alys. 6991. Cf. our Engl, "to crack jokes"

Crack, _v. n._ == snap short. Alys. 4436

Cradle, _sb._ RG. 107

Craft, _sb._ == art. O. and N. 757; skill. Wright"s L. P. p. 35

Craftfully, _adv._ Rel. Ant. ii p. 176

Craftilich, _adj._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 175

Cram, _v. a._ Pol. S. 238

Cramp, _v. a._ [crempe] == interrupt, stop. O. and N. 1786

Crane, _sb._ HD. 1726

Crave, _v. a._ HD. 633. part, "cravand." Ps. cxviii. 121

Craver, _sb._ Ps. lxxi. 4

Craving, _sb._ == desire. Ps. cxviii. 134

Creator, _sb._ Fall and P. 51

Creature, _sb._ 2255 B

Creed, _sb._ Pol. S. 204

Creek, _sb._ [krike] == creek of the sea. HD. 708. AS. creeca

Creep, _v. n._ RG. 296; part, "crepand." Ps. lxviii. 35

Crice, _sb._ == rima podicis. HD. 2450

Crices, in the phrase "Nai crices." St Andrew, 31. This is evidently an interjection, and may possibly be the same as our vulgar "crikey"

Crisp, _adj._ Fragm. Sci. 282

Crocodile, _sb._ [c.o.kedrill], Alys. 5720

Croke, _sb._ == bend double. Rel. Ant. ii p. 211

Croll, _sb._ == curly. Alys. 1999. Dut. krol

Crook, _v. a._ == distort. Marg. 53

Crook, _sb._ == wile. Wright"s L. P. p. 105. Alys. 4819

Crooked, _adj._ Alys. 7099. Fragm. Sci. 326. part, "icroked." O. and N.


Crop, _sb._ == belly. Pol. S. 208. AS. cropp

---- == produce of a plant. Wright"s L. P. p. 100

Cross, _sb._ [croys], RG. 392

Cross, _v. a._ == mark with the cross [croice]. RG. 480

Crosslet, _sb._ == piece of armour [croisli?te]. K. Horn, 1353

Croude, _v. a._ == press down, keep back. Alys. 609. AS. crydan

Croud, _part._ == crowded, oppressed? HD. 2338

Croupe, _sb._ == crupper. Alys. 2447

Crouthe, _sb._ == fiddle. Wright"s L. P. p. 53

Crow, _sb._ == the bird. RG. 490

Crow, _sb._ == c.o.c.kcrow. 1090 B.

Crow, _v. n._ Pol. S. 238. O. and N. 336

Crown, _sb._ RG. 376

Crown, == top of the head. HD. 568

Crown, _v. a._ RG. 383. part. "ycrouned." ibid.

Crowning, _sb._ RG. 367. HD. 2948

Crownment, _sb._ RG. 433

Croyserie, Creyserie, _sb._ == crusade. RG. 346, 502

Crude, _v. a._ == creak? K. Horn, 1333

Cruel, _adj._ RG. 417

Cruets, _sb._ 313 . Fr. cruche

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