Disdain, _sb._ [dedayn]. RG. 172

Disguise, _v. a._ Alys. 121

Dish, _sb._ HD. 919

Disherison, _sb._ [diserteison]. 1872 B.

Disherit, _v. a._ RG. 327, 375

Disherit, _sb._ [deseryte] == a disinherited person. RG. 452, 563

Dishonor, _sb._ Alys. 3867

Dismay, _v. a._ [demay]. RG. 156

Disordain, _v. a._ == deprive of holy orders, unfrock. RG. 473

Dispence, _sb._ == equipment. Alys. 2616

Disport, _sb._ Ritson"s AS. xviii. 15

Dispute, _v. n._ St Kath. 74

Disraying, _sb._ == irregular fighting. Alys. 673

Distance, _sb._ 1287 B.

Distinction, _sb._ == distinguished person. Alys. 112

Distrain, _v. a._ 742, 752 B.

Distress, _sb._ RG. 460, 442, 568

Disturb, _v. a._ RG. 396, 436

Disturbance, _sb._ RG. 429, 436

Disturber, _sb._ 1110 B.

Ditch, _sb._ RG. 408, 549

Ditched, _adj._ [ydyched] == surrounded by a ditch. Alys. 2658

Dite, _v. a._ == indite. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176

Ditement, _sb._ == indictment. Pol. S. 198

Ditty, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 175

Divers, _adj._ == several. RG. 378

Di?ele, _adj._ == secret. O. and N. 2. AS. digel

Do, _vb. a._ 19 B. part. "ydo" == done. RG. 369. == finished (of winter).

RG. 371

---- == place. pret. "dude." 259 B.

---- == cause. Wright"s L. P. pp. 69, 71

---- _vb. abs._ "do" == act. RG. 501. [done]. RG. 377. 2 s. pres. "dost."

RG. 428. 3 s. pret. "dude." RG. 369

---- _vb. aux._ RG. 429. "dost chese"

---- "doth" used to represent a preceding verb. Wright"s L. P. p. 34

Dod, _v. a._ == chop, cut. Pol. S. 192. Probably another form of "dock"

Dog, _sb._ RG. 69

Dogged, _adj._ Pol. S. 199

Dole, _sb._ == portion. RG. 165

---- == grief [del]. RG. 392; [deol]. RG. 381

Doleful. [deolvol]. RG. 414; [delvol]. RG. 558

Dolefully, _adv._ 1448 B.

Dolphin, _sb._ Alys. 6576

Doom, _sb._ RG. 53

Doomsday, _sb._ HD. 748

Doomsman, _sb._ == judge. Rel. S. vi. 3

Door, _sb._ RG. 508, 495

Doorpin, _sb._ K. Horn, 1003

Doppe, _sb._ == a round ball, k.n.o.b. Alys. 5776. ON. doppa

Dor. See Deer

Dorre, _v. n._ == need. RG. 457. Germ. bedurfen

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