Fro, _adj._ == good. Wright"s L. P. p. 100. AS. from

Frog, _sb._ RG. 69; [frosk]. Ps. civ. 30. AS. frosc

From, _prep._ [fram]. RG. 501, 500; [fron]. O. and N. 1612

Frome, _sb._ == beginning. O. and N. 477. AS. fruma

Fromward, _adv._ 885 B.

Fronst, _adj._ == shrivelled. Alys. 1630. Fr. froncer

Front, _sb._ == brow. 1195 B.

Frontel, _sb._ == frontlet. Pol. S. 154

Frosk. See Frog

Frost, _sb._ RG. 416; [forst]. O. and N. 524

Frother, _vb._ == comfort. AS. frofre

Frouri, _v. a._ == comfort. O. and N. 535. AS. frofrian

Frou?, _adj._ == wicked, froward. Body and Soul, 150. AS. fraec

Frude, _sb._ == ferret. M. Ode, 138. Fr. furet. Dut. foret

Fruit, _sb._ RG. 372, 378

Fruitful, _adj._ Ps. cxlviii. 9

Frusche, _v. a._ == smash. Alys. 1814. Fr. froisser, fruisser

Fuatted. Probably a mistake for "flatted." Alys. 6447

Fuel, _sb._ RG. 568

Fulfil, _v. a._ M. Ode, st. 150 (Hickes), but the Egerton MS. st. 156, reads "ful"

Fulhede, _sb._ == fulness. Ps. x.x.xv. 9

Full, _adj._ RG. 33, 380; [fulli]. Ps. cx.x.xviii. 22

Full, _v. a._ == baptize, lit. "whiten." part. "yvolled." RG. 239; "ifulled." St Kath. 141. AS. fullian

Full, _sb._ == the whole. Pol. S. 151

Fuller, _sb._ Pol. S. 188

Fully, _adv._ [follyche]. RG. 371; [fuliche], O. and N. 128

Fulmake, _v. a._ == complete, perfect. Ps. xvi. 5

Fundament, _sb._ (of the body). RG. 310, 526

Fundement, _sb._ == foundation. RG. 130

Fur, _sb._ Alys. 3295

Furchures, _sb._ == legs. Alys. 4995

Furford, _part._ for "forfared" == perished. Alys. 3814; where the first "ymad" should be omitted

Furlong, _sb._ Pol. S. 69

Furred, _adj._ Alys. 5474

Furrow, _sb._ HD. 1094

Further, _v. a._ [forthern]. Wright"s L. P. p. 99

---- _adj._ 2360 B.

Furthermore, _adv._ Ritson"s AS. viii. 42

Fyger, _sb._ == fig-tree. Alys. 5784

Fyke, _v. a._ == deceive, flatter. Wright"s L. P. p. 46. Cf. "fikele," and AS. facen


Gabbe, _v. n._ == chatter, joke. Pol. S. 204. AS. gabban

---- _sb._ == talking. Wright"s L. P. p. 49

Gabbing, _sb._ == talking. "bi my gabbyng." Pol. S. 158. (Cf. "on my word.")

---- == idle talk. O. and N. 626. AS. gabbung

Gadeling, _sb._ == lit. "companion;" thence afterwards a term of reproach, vagabond. RG. 310. See Gloss. Rem. to La?. iii. 485. AS. gaedeling

Gaff, _sb._ == an iron hook. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 174. Fr. gaffe

Gage, _sb._ == pledge. Alys. 7236. Fr. gage. Lat. vadium

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