Hunting, _sb._ RG. 564

Hurdice, _sb._ == hurdle. Alys. 2785

Hurdle, _sb._ RG. 232

Hure, _sb._ == a covering for the head. 2111 B. Pol. S. 156. Fr. hure, the head

Hure, _p.r.o.n. gen. pl._ == of us. O. and N. 185

Hure, "and hure and hure." O. and N. 11, 481. This phrase is probably the French "hure a hure," or "tete a tete," and seems to mean "in company with, or together." See Roq. _s. v._

Hurfte, _sb._ == circ.u.mference, circuit. Fragm. Sci. 4. AS. hwearft

Hurl, _v. a._ pret. "harlede." RG. 487, 537

Hurne, _sb._ == a corner. RG. 45, 137, 272. AS. hirne

Hurt, _v. a._ Alys. 5814; part. "y-hurt." RG. 288

Husband, _sb._ == husbandman. RG. 544

Hwat, _vb._ == quoth. HD. 1878

Hyde. See Hide, _sb._

Hymn, _sb._ [ympne]. Ps. xcix. 4; cxviii. 171.

Hynde, _adj._ == courteous. Alys. 3762. Probably another form of "hende"

Hynder, _sb._ == an insulter. Fragm. Sci. 282. AS. hyn, or it may mean "subtle," as in La?. ii. 12


[For most participles and substantives commencing with "i" see under the consonant following.]

I, _p.r.o.n._ [Ich]. O. and N. 1189, et seq.; [Ih]. O. and N. 866

_acc. s._ "me." O. and N. 1182

_gen. dual._ "unker." O. and N. 151

_dat. dual._ "hunke." O. and N. 1731

_nom. pl._ "we." RG. 306. O. and N. 177

_gen. pl._ "hure." O. and N. 185?

_acc. pl_, "us." O. and N. 201

Iambleue, _sb._ == gambolling. c.o.k. 164

Ibedde, _sb._ == bedfellow, wife. O. and N. 1488

---- == husband. O. and N. 1568

Ibede, _sb._ == command. Fragm. in Warton, H. E. P. vol. i. p. 21

Ibobbed, _part._ == insulted. Fall and P. 59. Fr. bobance

Ice, _sb._ RG. 463

Icholde. See Shall

Icore, == chosen. 718

Icund, _adj._ == natural. O. and N. 85

Icunde, _part._ == taught by nature. O. and N. 114

Icundeliche, _adv._ == naturally. O. and N. 1422

Idelgong, _sb._ == idleness. Body and Soul, 50

Idelhede, _sb._ Fragm. in Warton, H. E. P. vol. i. p. 22

Idle, _adj._ == lazy. RG. 195

---- == useless. O. and N. 915; "on idel" == in vain. O. and N. 918

Idleness, _sb._ RG. 195

Idrei?t, _part._ == oppressed. St Kath. 45. AS. drecan

Idu?e, _adj._ == profitable. O. and N. 1580. AS. dugan

If, _adv._ [?yf], RG. 405; [?ef]. RG. 377; [?if], O. and N. 902

Ifurn, _part._ == excommunicated? O. and N. 1304. AS. fyrran

Ihende, _adv._ == at hand. O. and N. 1129. AS. gehende

Ildel, == each deal or part HD. 818

Ilete, _sb._ == enc.u.mbrance, care. O. and N. 1444

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