King of Heroes Sympathiser

“Good morning Ryu, it’s good weather today as well”

Morning, Deep Forest Eastern Region.
In front of a small shrine, I joined Lily.

Dragon Knight’s decided meeting point is here, we meet here at least once a day.
For that reason I met up with Lily but……Terry’s figure can’t be seen.

“Where’s Terry?”

“Ahh……now that you mention it that’s true huh”

Recalling such a thing, she consents.
The goblins captured a n.o.ble woman, it won’t end overnight.

“Perhaps Terry’s younger brother will be born after some days”

“A nephew or a cousin as well. It would be good if lots were born this time”

“I’ve heard that as well. If it’s the queen then she’ll give lots of births”

Lily and I talked talked about the ecology of goblins.

That point isn’t thought of as strange. The reason being is that everyone is different.

Goblins make n.o.ble women nurseries; Lizardmen have only men, so they warm their eggs with two fathers; Vampires have perpetual youth and longevity so instead of reproducing they make humans they’re pleased with into followers.

Since they’re all different, thinking it’s strange every single time is stranger.

Incidentally, slimes’ diets consist of fibers. There are individuals who like clothes that have been seasoned with human sweat as well, but I’m an exceedingly normal type. A herbivore slime who eats vegetation. TN: this herbivore is the j.a.p. met. for non ag. men

“We’re incomplete today, so what should we do”

“That’s true too”

Since the goblins are very busy today Dragon Knight is taking a break from heading out. I gained the privilege to slack off brazenly.

In order to head to my basking spot, I headed back to the center of the forest for the moment. There I encountered the scene of an uproar.

There are a lot of monsters making a ring, and in the center of that is a single person. A human with his hands tied behind his back, a hero.

He’s young, his age is mid twenties. Despite being surround and bound, he floats a daring smile.

“What is this”
“Ohh, Ryu”

The monster closest to me answered.

His name is Jack, he’s my senior by who knows how many years.

“Jack-san. What is that?”

“I see”

There are these types occasionally, the kind who specialize in defense. Even if they can capture the human, they’re unable to defeat them, but.
At those times they can capture them, bring them here, and the executives will take care of it.

“Fuhahahahaha, even though you’re called monsters, you’re not that big a deal huh”

Despite being surrounded by monsters after being bound he isn’t frightened. Rather he looks to the sky and laughs loudly.
Thus Jack gets annoyed and threatens the man.

“You can be for now, if Mother Dragon deals with you, you’ll be torn limb from limb in an instant”


Jack is dubious, at the same time the surrounding monster become noisy.

“That’s right. Our Savior, the Legendary King of Heroes Ryu-sama”

I let out a voice reflexively. Why me?

The monsters looked at me for a moment since I let out my voice, but they immediately burst into a clamor of laughter.

“That’s not it, it’s different, it’s not about Ryu”

“Saying that’s no good, Ryu is Mother Dragon-sama’s son, he’s a dragon”

Though they’re teasing me, it’s all in good fun.
I felt a little relieved. I reacted reflexively when he spoke about me, but the monsters laughed that away.

“That slime’s also named Ryu, filthy. Listen here, Ryu-sama is incomparably strong compared to something like that slime. To start with, he’s a Dragon Slayer, in his lifetime the number of dragons he’s killed exceeds 100”

Don’t exaggerate as you please, certainly of those mentioned 99% of them were Wyverns or something like that but.
A true dragon that holds intelligence like Yui, I’ve only defeated at most five haven’t I.

“He’s not only strong, accompanied by his twelve disciples, he’s annihilated many monster’s nests and labyrinths”

Those guys called themselves disciples! Even though I only taught them the basics of of capturing Labyrinths or exterminating monsters a little.

“In order to bequeath that strength throughout the world, he was pet.i.tioned by kings from various nations to train the next generation of heroes”

That was extremely bothersome.

To the point that a certain country with a fairly old tradition of right of the first night pressed it on me.

The man continuously bragged about stories of my past self.
They were mostly troublesome events. Although they were not lies, they’re were stories that had been conveniently exaggerated by some influential person, as such I was worked to death retorting within my mind.

Jack, who had been listening for a while, judged the timing and forcibly cut in when the hero paused his boasting.

“Are you done yet?”

“I also know the stories of the King of Heroes Ryu, but, that guy’s dead already”

With Jack’s declaration the monsters simultaneously became relieved.

When they heard he had died, they became relieved.

“Fu, fufufufufufu”

“Ryu-sama will soon be resurrected”

“Ryu-sama’s number one disciple, Alex-sama, has said so. That he has found Ryu-sama’s soul”

……now that you mention it, that guy sniffed out my existence.
Ah mou, so troublesome that guy!

“I, for the sake of Ryu-sama’s resurrection, came here”

The man said that, and spread out a magic circle at his feet.

“What is this!?”

Jack questions the hero.

“A transfer magic circle. Five minutes from now, our comrades will transfer here in great numbers. I talked about Ryu-sama’s stories non-stop in order to buy time for this magic circle”

The monsters become noisy all at once.
This is the center of the forest, if they transfer here it’ll be non-stop all the way to Mother Dragon.

“You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”

“Ku! Everyone, call back your comrades!”

With Jack’s brief statement the monsters dispersed and began running.
They ran to call they’re companions to intercept the large crowd of the heroes who would come.

In a flash, the monsters disappeared.

“Ha-hahahahaha! With this Mother Dragon will be defeated, as long as she’s gone we can slowly search for Ryu-sama’s soul afterwards.

“……N? What, a slime, are you fine? Without running to call your comrades to gather”

The man looked down on me, he looked at me with eyes full of contempt.

Well that’s how it is, with a slime as an opponent, that’s how it is right.

“Bringing out this kind of Transfer circle, you really plan to conquer/dominate this forest”
“Fu, of course. Look they’ve come, the first party has come”

The radiance of the magic circle increases, at last it begins to operate.


I let out a sigh, and spread a magic circle at my feet.
On top of the magic circle the man spread, I place another magic circle.

“It’s useless, this magic circle was handed down by Ryu-sama directly. It’s a magic circle that’s impossible to destroy or stop”

“The first party will……be sent to the Lizardmen’s place. This next one will be the Ogre’s nest. The rear priest force will, be a present for the goblins”

I briefly judged the transferred lot, and sent them to the monster with the best affinity’s place.

“W-what are you doing”

“What did you say……y-you……what are you”
“I’m Ryu, a common slime”

I said so to the astonished hero, I defeated him so he wouldn’t be an obstruction.

[Good work]

From behind I hear Mother Dragon, Kaa-san’s voice.

If I overlooked this group being transferred the heroes would go non-stop to Kaa-san’s place in large numbers……if it became such a situation, I would be scolded afterwards.
It’s good that I happened to pa.s.s through here coincidentally.

I was considerably tired from placing a transfer circle on top of another transfer circle in order to re-transfer, but without fail I split up the heroes and transferred them in a way that the monsters could defeat each of them.

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