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Dungeon Skill

Inside a s.p.a.ce with nothing in it, and without color a three-dimensional vision emerges.

In the middle of that lake a small island was made, on that island stood a tower that rose to the heavens.

“This is Crystal Tower, huh”

“Not mine, this tower’s boss will be Shesta”

“……I understand”

The Land G.o.d accepted that.
Rather than leave it to Shesta, it might be more convenient for me to do thing from behind the scenes.

“Well then, I made a new dungeon, following the established practice I’ll gift you a single dungeon skill”
“Dungeon skill?”

What is that, it’s a term I’ve heard for the first time.

“Dungeon skill is exactly as it’s name says, a skill that the dungeon possesses. Humans and monsters both have skills as well right? The dungeon version of that”

“It can do anything. From the standard disabling magic to level restriction or gender restriction, a rare one would be the resurrection of monsters or such are there as well”
“The resurrection of monsters?”

*Twitch*, my non-existent eyebrows jumped.

“Is that, inside the dungeon no matter how many times you die it’s possible to resurrect, like that?”
“Exactly that”

I see……so it was like that.
When I reincarnated it had already happened so I accepted it as a natural phenomenon, but Deep Forest’s no matter how many times you die, if it’s inside the forest resurrection is possible, was a dungeon skill’s effect, huh.

“……those dungeon skills, how many can you attach?”
“You’ve noticed a good point”

The Land G.o.d broadly grinned and laughed.

“In the dungeon there’s something called a dungeon core. If you offer up defeated human’s life force and magic power there then you’ll be awarded new dungeon skills”
“I see, if we continue defeating heroes then new skills will be attached”

Hearing that, I arrived at something else I knew.

Of course there are exceptions, but it’s largely like that.

Because this was like that immediately after reincarnating as well, I never thought it mysterious. If I think about it now, this was a dungeon skill as well.

“That’s the case so, I’ll give you a single dungeon skill”

“Imagine it, then I’ll create it. In this land there is magic power that has acc.u.mulated for a long time, if you strongly wish for it, and are able to clearly imagine it, then most things can be realized”
“I see”

I pondered, this dungeon----what I hoped for Crystal Tower.

For that reason, I made a tower type dungeon where heroes would continuously head up.

Naturally, the dungeon skill became like that as well.

I closed my eyes, and imagined strongly.
What I wished for the dungeon, that skill’s effect.

----Dungeon Skill ・Turning Back Prohibition is acquired1

I head a neutral and monotonous voice.

“What is it, that Turning Back Prohibition being called”

“I see”

At first I planned to make it distinguish between human and monster, but then I remembered Human ・Yurie and changed the condition.
This way if I’m on the first floor, then since the heroes will steadily head up eventually I should be able to relax.

“With this, the dungeon’s initial configuration are complete, if you got out from there, then you’ll return to your former place”

The Land G.o.d said as such, and pointed behind me. There was a vortex of light, it’s fine if I jump through there right.
I pick up Shesta, and dragged him who was still fainted with his eye spinning along.

“My handsome youth, don’t forget it”

I bid farewell to the Land G.o.d or rather to the h.o.m.os.e.xual dirty old man, and along with Shesta I jumped through the vortex of light.

Shesta and I who returned to the former world were transferred to different places.
We both returned to the place we were just before we went to the different dimension, Shesta was in the middle of the monsters, and I returned to a place where I wouldn’t be seen a little distance away.

Shesta was still unconscious, so I hurled a ball of magic attached with the attribute of concealment.
A fist outline hit Shesta’s face.

“Oww! What are doing!”

“Are you ok Shesta-sama”
“Eh? Here is……uwa! some amazing like big tower is here”

Shesta who regained consciousness looked around restlessly, and finding the tower he was greatly surprised.

“That isn’t the dungeon Shesta-sama made?”
“It was incredibly splendid so I had thought so but……”

A single one of Shesta’s followers asked.

“Eh? A-ahh……”

Shesta was a little perplexed, so after taking a glance at the tower----Crystal Tower, *cough*, he purposely coughed.

“Of course, it’ what I said to the Land G.o.d to make. Originally it was about half as tall, but after persuading him it was doubled”

“As expected of Shesta-sama”

Oi oi, even though you don’t remember anything don’t go blowing smoke.

“Shesta-sama, is it fine if we go inside?”
“Ou, come and follow this one”

While being enthusiastic Shesta took along the monsters and entered the tower.
The inside of the tower was extremely wide, and other than the stairs there was nothing.

It was dreary with nothing there, but there’s also the meaning of being able to remodel however from here on.

Magic Prohibition would be fine, even MP Absorption would be fine.
The Level Difference Restriction that I thought considerably troublesome when during my human days would be fine as well. If I attach that then since it will become such that not even a single strong hero will be able to enter, defeating them will become easy.

“Are? Ne Shesta-sama, somehow aren’t these stairs strange?”
“Hm? There’s nothing particularly strange right”

Calling me back from my thoughts was the speaking voices of Shesta and co that went up to the second floor.
One of the followers who went up the stairs said that, and Shesta frowned.

Certainly, at the stairs’ place there was a thin membrane there.
A membrane of magic power, I intuitively understood that that was “Turning Back Prohibition”.

“That’s one of the dungeon skills, Turning Back Prohibition”

Hopping out ahead, I explained.

“It’s something I heard from Kaa-san, in dungeons with that, heroes are able to go up but can’t come down is what they become”

“If Mother Dragon-sama said that then it’s surely so”
“Dungeon skill, I know”

The monsters became noisy, bringing out Kaa-san’s name was correct, they were able to accept it in one try.

I showered even more answers on them.

“The dungeon’s first skill is seemingly what that person strongly wishes for. Kaa-san’s was that even if monsters die in the forest they’re able to resurrect, exactly that”

“Mother Dragon-sama is kind after all”

“But, Shesta-sama why something like Turning Back Prohibition?”

The monster paid attention to Shesta.

“Eh? T-that’s……”

Shesta faltered, that’s natural, it’s not something he himself wished for after all.
That’s not a problem either.

“Shesta-san surely thought like this. Heroes who have come to the dungeon come on up, without doing something underhanded behavior like going back, head straight up to my place. That’s why it became like this”

When I said that, the monsters fell silent for an instant, but immediately after an explosive cheer went up.

“As expected of Shesta-sama”

“Lovely! Embrace me!”

The monsters unanimously praised Shesta.
That Shesta was bewildered at first as well but.

“Fu, I planned to keep it a secret but……Ryu, from now even if you realize stuff like that, don’t say it”

Like that, he turned to me and said smug lines to me.
Amazing huh, even without remembering a single thing and with no basis he’s able to get this carried away.

Well, even so.

“We have to do our best as well!”

“Ahh, Shesta-samaa”

The other monsters are in high spirits as well, so it’s fine with this.

--------Dungeon Skill--------

・Turning Back Prohibition NEW

1.This is means that going back is prohibited or not allowed. I could also write it as Turning Back Ban and Magic Ban, but which sounds better/conveys it better?

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