
Bridge House, 181, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.

"I rejoice to know that this most important and blessed effort has already achieved such good results out on the stormy seas. It rests with us to contribute liberally to its maintenance."--The Archbishop of Dublin.

"The undertaking is a blessed one, and will be accepted by our Heavenly Father as an offering of true devotion."--The Bishop of London.

"I desire to express my most cordial sympathy with the active efforts of the Mission, and my earnest hope that the public will liberally support it."--The Bishop of Norwich.

"It does one"s heart good to watch the benefit conferred by these Mission smacks. G.o.d bless them! They go forth in the fulness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ."--The Bishop of Exeter.

"I have myself heard smacksmen speak in most grateful terms of what the Mission has done for their cla.s.s; and I recently heard one of the largest owners state publicly that his employes had become "better servants, better men, better husbands and fathers, better in every way,"

through the work carried on amongst them while at sea."--The Duke of Grafton, K.G.

"The only effectual attempt that has been made to counteract the work of the _coper_ has been carried on through the agency of the Mission smacks. It is not, as a rule, easy to estimate how much or how little practical good is effected by missionary agencies, but here the case is clear. I gladly add my own testimony to that of others, and say that, at present, the Mission affords the only relief from the temptation and the only remedy to the evils of the _copering_ system."--W. Burdett Coutts, Esq., M.P.

"I look upon the Mission vessel as a blessing to the trade of the port."--The Mayor of Great Grimsby.

"It is indeed an advantage for our fishermen at sea by means of these vessels to enjoy the same privileges as we ourselves do on sh.o.r.e."--The Mayor of Great Yarmouth.

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