A Fight For Love

Chapter 19

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 04:36:27 PMChapter 19
Qian Lin dully looked at the girl who called her together with Jiang Senyuan . Who is she? Her name was right on the tip of Qian Lin"s tongue, but she could not recall it . At the same time, Teng Yue walked out of her room and stood by Qian Lin"s side after she saw these two strange girls .

Qian Lin looked at Teng Yue, who was standing still by her side . The girl was somehow excited, so she asked, "Who are you?""Xiaotiao! I am Ji Xiaotiao! Don"t you remember me?""Ji Xiaotiao?" Qian Lin rolled mind"s eye as she thought, as if she wanted to recall some pieces from deep in her memory . "Me! It is me!! You used to help me!"Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Oh . . . oh . . . " Qian Lin shouted as she raised her eyebrows, "I remember you now! You are the one who has the fabulous hair that rivaled a shampoo advertis.e.m.e.nt and you are always bullied!" Qian Lin looked at her graceful, flowing hair as she praised her . Qian Lin realized Teng Yue"s spot after praising her and she wondered who this girl was looking for—was it she or Teng Yue? Then she turned to look at Teng Yue, who was by her side . With just a simple look at each them, Qian Lin knew that Teng Yue did not know these girls . When she was about to speak, Ji Xiaotiao excitedly ran over to Teng Yue all of a sudden . She called Teng Yue"s name and held her hands, which scared Teng Yue into hiding behind Qian Lin . Teng Yue asked in a low voice, "Do we know each other?"Ji Xiaotiao awkwardly looked at Jiang Senyuan, then Qian Lin, and then she finally muttered, "Probably . . . no . "

After hearing that, Teng Yue, who was hiding behind Qian Lin, smiled and said somewhat indifferently in an alienated tone, "Then you must look for Qian Lin . "Although Teng Yue spoke it in a calm manner, Qian Lin still felt the fluctuation of her mood at her words . Qian Lin looked at this scene as she curved her lips; she had no idea what happened . Since she had not figured out the situation here, she stepped back and was willing to see what would happen next . She never grew bored of watching plays . At this time, Ji Xiaotiao anxiously shook her hands, and said, "No, no, no . We are looking for you . We want to apologize for the thing that happened at the restaurant that day . My friend was in a bad mood that day and he caused you to lose your job . I am here to apologize to you on behalf of him . "

Qian Lin was finally aware of the situation after she listened to these words . It turned out that the arrogant guy, who had been mentioned beforehand by Teng Yue, was the friend of Ji Xiaotiao! Since when does she have such an arrogant, impolite, and handsome friend?During the time Qian Lin was thinking, the other three girls and the guy had already begun to quarrel .  "h.e.l.lo, Xiyuansi Teng Yue? It was not Ji Xiaotiao"s fault, but she still apologized to you! How can you behave like this? You are so over the line!"Jiang Senyuan was an impetuous person and she got angry as soon as she saw that Teng Yue did not respond to Ji Xiaotiao"s apology with a gloomy face . Thanks to Jiang Senyuan"s shout, Shao Xun, who was standing behind Teng Yue, would not easily let her go . He was angry at her shouting and wondered who did this bold girl think she was that she even dared yell at his Xiaoyue . "Depending on your att.i.tude and mood, I"d say you are here to quarrel rather than apologize . "After yelling at Shao Xun, Jiang Senyuan"s face became downcast at once . The same happened to Ji Xiaotiao . Since Jiang Senyuan was accompanying her, how could she not defend her? Furthermore, it was none of his business . Qian Lin watched this quarreling scene as she came back to her senses . She became super awkward . What now? My friend is quarreling with Ji Xiaotiao"s friend? Hha . . . it is my turn now . "Shut up! All of you!" After that, the chaos stopped in a second . You had to admit that, in such a situation, shouting worked . Qian Lin rolled her beautiful eyes and looked at Shao Xun . All of these girls were friends of hers, except for him . "Teacher Shao, it is our girls" business . Why do you get involved in it? Who can bully our baby Xiaoyue with me here?"Shao Xun opened his mouth but said nothing . He had to admit that it was not appropriate for him, the only guy on the spot, to involve in girls" business, and what was more, he was a teacher . Therefore, he stepped back and kept silent .

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