A Fight For Love

Chapter 27

"Ow! It hurts! How cruel-hearted you are! You even hit your tender younger brother!"

Lin Ziqi"s disease-free c.o.c.kroaches made Qian Lin feel like she had eaten a fly, which was not good to swallow it or spit it out.

But she did not continue to say anything, for she knew that in this kind of matter, it was wise to stop where it was. Some things could develop worse and worse if one continued further speaking. If it was not handled well, he would really regard her as his girlfriend. No, things couldn"t go on this way. I am Zifeng"s girlfriend, no matter if he is alive or dead. I will always have this life. Even if I marry after graduation, the person I marry will never be Lin Ziqi in front of me now. He can only be the little brother of my ex-boyfriend.

What? Qian Lin was shocked by the idea clicking in her brain! Since when did she not exclude this unclear relationship with him?

Qian Lin"s body shook twice, and she struggled to calm her ups and downs, and her face remained calm as before. She was Qian Lin, a mysterious and legendary senior sister at Sakura Academy.

A cla.s.s had pa.s.sed during Qian Lin"s stupor. With the ringing of the cla.s.s bell, all the students packed up their things and prepared to go to the next cla.s.sroom. In the vast cla.s.sroom, except for the girls who peeked at Lin Ziqi, there was only Qian Lin, who was still lost in her thoughts.

Lin Ziqi shook his hands before Qian Lin with a smile on his face and his curved, peach-blossom-like eyes full of unclear sentiment. He kept observing Qian Lin and he did not miss Qian Lin"s a single fighting frown and her hurting, helpless expression.

"Qian Lin! The cla.s.s is over, we . . . "

Qian Lin came back to her senses. She suddenly understood why she had always been self-contradictory these days when she saw Lin Ziqi"s merry eyes full of indistinct sentiment and his care for her written on his face. She wanted Lin Ziqi to respect and recognize her as his big sister, yet at the same time, she really did not want him to treat her as a big sister in the depths of her heart. It turned out that her dead heart, which had been cheated by his Zifeng-like face, had become alive again.

Qian Lin"s lips curved in a barely perceptible smile. Since she had recognized this fact now, she could handle the next thing much easier.

"Let"s go, Xiaoqi. Big sister takes you to the cafeteria to have a meal." Qian Lin stood up and sighed in relief.

She held Lin Ziqi"s hand and walked to the school"s restaurant with a light and relaxed look, ignoring the frequent screams of the girls behind them.

"Qian Lin, let me go! What"s wrong with you? Didn"t you always dislike me calling you sister?"

Qian Lin looked at Lin Ziqi with decisiveness and noticed the horror showing on his face. Then she gently pulled up the corner of his wrinkled clothes.

"Even so, I am still your big sister!"

These words, which seemed like small talk, added more depression to Lin Ziqi"s heart. He calmly looked at Qian Lin and couldn"t think of a word to describe his mood at this moment. Did he spend so much effort to come to Sakura Academy as a transfer student just for such a strange big sister? Why did he come here? He was somewhat unclear about his original intention in coming here. Was it because of the fabulous smile on the photo, or because he wanted to take a look at the girl with a bright smile? Or did he have a strong interest in her when he saw the huge smile in that photo? The so-called finding the footprints of his brother and the so-called stealing of everything belonging to his big brother were all excuses for that smile!

Lin Ziqi shook off Qian Lin"s hand and faded away from the cherry blossom road. He was eager to calm down and sort out all these complicated things so that he could make his next plan.

"Xiao. . ." As Qian Lin looked at Lin Ziqi, who had already decisively gone, she opened her mouth, but then swallowed the words back down. Good! It is good for him to leave! I won"t have so much trouble without him!

Qian Lin wandered alone to the cafeteria and walked to the table where she often sat with Teng Yue. In the past, this table would be empty, because everyone who came here knew that it was Qian Lin"s spot. Considering there were so many seats in the huge cafeteria, no one would make a fuss with Qian Lin over such a trifle.

Nevertheless, today there was a boy and a girl sitting at this table. Qian Lin looked at the boy who occupied her position, whom Qian Lin could recognize even with one eye closed—Sun Yi, the playboy who had bothered Xiao Yue a few days ago. He took advantage of his family"s wealth and flirted with girls all the time. Over 100 girls had been hurt by him. Why were there still girls stupid enough to be with him?

Qian Lin looked at the girl who was sitting opposite Sun Yi. She wondered who had no forethought to be with him.

Ha, Yan Xiaoxiao! Just now she was still doting on Xiaoqi. How could she have a meal with this big playboy at this moment? Did Sun Yi bother her, too?

Qian Lin calmly walked to them as she smiled. If it was anyone else who sat there, she would just get over it, since she had not bought this place. But it would be okay for Sun Yi who sat there!

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