A Fight For Love

Chapter 3  You Are A Bad Boy

Chapter 3  You Are A Bad Boy

In the morning, Qian Lin went to school as usual. As soon as Lin Ziqi saw Qian Lin leave, he went into the room. After a while, noises came out of Qian Lin’s room.

First, the sounds of a guitar came out, and then a man’s voice, like a ghost, filled the room. Even when the outside door opened, he didn’t hear it.

Oh, my G.o.d! What happened? My room. . . No sooner had Qian Lin opened the door than she was struck by the noise. What is this? Psychic events? Immediately, she shouted to Lin Ziqi and rushed to her room.

The room was quite again. Qian Lin appeared in the hall. Lin Ziqi held her hands over her ears.

“s.h.i.t! You are a bad boy! Why are you touching my things again? How many times have I said that?" Her words ended in a cough.

Lin Ziqi looked at Qian Lin choking and coughing in anger, causing ripples in his heart. But then he quickly despised her. Speaking quickly made her choke on her own saliva. She is really stupid.

“That’s not yours. . . ”

s.h.i.t! What? You even dare resist! f.u.c.k, if I don"t hit him today, he"ll think he is in charge here! Qian Lin thought. She threw her bag on the sofa and ran to where she kept the broom.

Although Qian Lin wanted to hit Lin Ziqi in anger, she didn’t realize that in her heart she had made Lin Ziqi a part of this place.

“Why are you just looking the same as Zifeng? Why are you so different in character? Don’t you even know that other people’s things can’t be moved around?”

Lin Ziqi looked at Qian Lin as she raised her broom, and winked at her. He looked up at her with pity. But he hummed in his heart. Compare me to that man. I’m not like him! Lin Ziqi gloomily thought.

Qian Lin looked at Lin Ziqi’s face and silently put the broom down. She gently walked around Lin Ziqi’s back to look at him.

“It’s not your sister who wants to be so hard on you. You’re too far from your brother. When he first started living with me, he never went in and out of my room casually. After we were in love, he would knock before entering my room. Your brother said that a boy coming into a girl’s room always makes him uncomfortable. You’re his brother. Why . . . ?”

Lin Ziqi went back his sulking, and then a light and elegant smile suddenly came to his face. Qian Lin looked silly, and knew his smile was charming. She knew he wouldn’t lose to Zifeng when he really laughed.

“Sister, you are late for cla.s.s today!”

"Oh, s.h.i.t!" Qian Lin shouted. She grabbed her bag and ran outside. Then she rushed back into her room and ran out hastily with things in her hands.

“Boy, you had better be obedient; otherwise . . . ”

Qian Lin made a killing action with her hand, and closed the door. Left Lin Ziqi alone to look at the door. He was mumbling to himself. She had never forgotten that person, and she missed him so much. Why? Why does he have everything, and I have nothing, with the same surname Lin? In that tough home, I lived in his shadow as soon as I was born. Now that I come to his girlfriend’s home, I’m still a subst.i.tute. Am I just a double of someone else?

Lin Ziqi thought more and grew angry and depressed. When he first entered the house of Lin and saw a picture in that man’s room, anger and depression became even more uncontrollable. Every time he thought of the person in the picture laughing so happily with Qian Lin, he got the feeling of trying to s.n.a.t.c.h that happiness away.

What he once had, I want to have. What he once did, I can do, and even better than he did! I want the old man to open his eyes and see who is better and who is more worthy of having the surname Lin. Mom, you have always dreamed that one day you can openly come into the family of Lin. You can’t live to achieve this wish, but your son will certainly achieve it for you. Not only will let you into the family of Lin, but will also let everyone remember you.

Lin Ziqi lay back on the wide sofa and thought all this, and his consciousness gradually blurred. The time seemed to return to the night he first met Qian Lin—the girl who was startled when she first saw him with incomparably clear eyes. He was sure that at that moment the woman must have thought of him as the ghost of that man!

It seemed he had come up with another good way to play tricks on Qian Lin. Lin Ziqi’s eyes were smiling.

“Ziqi, I’m back! Open the door.”

Lin Ziqi hid in the bathroom with his eyes fixed on the door, and his ears p.r.i.c.ked up to hear the sounds. No matter what Qian Lin shouted, he wouldn’t open the door for her. Are you kidding? I’m not the doorman, and you have the key, Lin Ziqi thought.

Huh! Is Ziqi not here? she muttered in her heart. Qian Lin pulled out the key and opened the door. It had only taken a few days for her to get used to getting home without having to use her keys.

“Killing time, been here so long
it feels like home once I believed, 
but this war has took so much from me, 
The things I’ve seen, 
the bloodshed and the broken dreams, 
they follow me relentlessly. 
I survive on foolish pride, 
thinking I can save the world
from their crimes, 
but I’m alone ”

As the voice of the singer drifted through the air, Qian Lin closed the door with her foot and reached into her bag with her other hand to touch her phone.

Looking down at the phone, she found the caller was Teng Yue, so she quickly pressed the answer b.u.t.ton.

“Hey, Teng Yue. What’s the matter? What? You have time to go shopping with me today. Great! I’m just . . .  There is an uninvited guest in my home. Let’s meet at the old place! Oh, don’t mention it. This boy . . .  I’ll see you later.”

After Qian Lin hung up the phone, she hurriedly stacked the bags and food on the sofa. Swinging her bag, she walked out without seeing the eyes looking at her from the bathroom.

“Lin, Lin, I’m back to see you!”

Just as Qian Lin put her hand on the doork.n.o.b, there was a sound behind her that made her hair stand up. The voice, the name. . . Zifeng, is that you? But it’s too scary to have a psychic event in the daylight.

Turning back uneasily, a man with his hands held straight out in front of him and his tongue hanging out of his mouth appeared in front of him, making her face bloodlessly pale. If it had not been for his gloomy eyes, Qian Lin would have believed that Lin Zifeng was a ghost that had come back to see her.

“s.h.i.t! Lin Ziqi. . .  You . . . You are a bad boy! I need to go out now. Wait for me! I’ll come back later to deal with you.”

Hmm, deal with me? Are you kidding? You had better wait for me to deal with you! We’ll see!

Lin Ziqi wiped his pale face and spit out the flour in his mouth. He took out the phone from the pocket and very skillfully pressed a number. At the same time, he said, "You"re not the only one with friends, but I also have brothers."

“Fengzi, I have been living here for a few days. Why are you so silent? Cut the c.r.a.p. See you at the old place in half an hour. You are a f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d grandson if you don’t come.”

Lin Ziqi put his phone in his pocket, and went to the bathroom. He could not go to see his friend like this. Only Qian Lin had a chance to see it.

Lin Ziqi arrived at the designated spot and looked at the time. He had arrived a few seconds earlier than the appointed time. He spat on the ground. He had to wait for the b.a.s.t.a.r.d grandson for a few seconds. If he was late, he would kick him.

“Hey! Ziqi, don’t stare. I"m just late. This meal is on me!”

“Sheng Lingfeng, you have to be late a few seconds every time. I know that this is your habit. Come on, when are you going to make friends with the girl?”

Lin Ziqi’s smile was like a spring breeze, but his seemingly soft words had pierced everywhere. A pair of eyes looked at Sheng Lingfeng, who was just in a hurry, and actually waited around for a long time. He had known him for so long. If he didn’t know his brother’s little habit, he was a loser.

"Who is the girl? What’s that mean?” 

“Are you being deliberately obtuse? You are already a b.a.s.t.a.r.d; don’t pretend to be silly anymore. Come on. Tell me the truth.”

Lin Ziqi squinted at Sheng Lingfeng. He couldn"t fight with Lin Ziqi if he was not intelligent enough—maybe in the next life. The man who could fight with Lin Ziqi had not been born yet.

“Ziqi. . . You insult me, right? You know that the girl is very rich, and the house was under surveillance by bodyguards. It’s hard to get close to her. Besides, why don’t we try someone else?”

“Someone else? Okay! We choose your princ.i.p.al’s daughter, okay?”

Lin Ziqi was obviously deceiving him; soft words were full of traps. If he kidnapped the rich girl, he would be punished. But if he kidnapped the princ.i.p.al’s daughter, he may be dead. That girl was studying karate, and she could protect herself even without the princ.i.p.al.

“Ziqi, that girl is too feisty. Let’s get another one!”

Lin Ziqi narrowed his eyes gently and put his arm around Sheng Lingfeng’s shoulder. He looked at Sheng Lingfeng with derision.

“Sheng Lingfeng, it’s not like you. As soon as I can enter the girl’s room, you are the campus beau in Ying Hua School. You won’t even deal with that silly girl, will you? You’re not afraid, are you? You’re not going to do anything to that natural stupid girl, are you?”

“Don’t laugh at me. It’s just a bet. I would like to lose my bet. I should be too bored to make this bet with you. I just can’t figure out how you got into that girl’s room. I hear that she is weird.”

Bang! A thought suddenly came to Sheng Lingfeng as Lin Ziqi’s roared.

“Curiosity is so strong. Mind your own business. I want to find a place to eat.”

Lin Ziqi walked in front of Sheng Lingfeng and didn’t listen the curse among Sheng Lingfeng’s gnashing teeth. But he also thought that Sheng Lingfeng should curse him in his heart, because he had deceived him.

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