A Fight For Love

Chapter 6

Publishedat 3rd of June 2019 04:43:00 PMChapter 6
The two-month winter vacation soon pa.s.sed, and a new semester began . The campus welcomed the incoming freshmen, who were young-looking, with curious eyes that held admiration toward their senior cla.s.smates .

Right at the door of a cla.s.sroom, Lin and Yue met after a long time of separation . “Lin, why don’t you ask me to go shopping with you after cla.s.s these days? By the way, you are my psychologist, remember? Are you still angry at me because I didn’t ask you to pick me up on the day of school opening?”Lin lifted her head to take a careful look at the pretty girl with some pride, though somehow remote, and she sighed, saying, “Yue, I didn’t call you at midnight for several days . Are you missing my ghost stories? Maybe I can call you tonight . ”Yue’s face turned pale immediately, like a ghost herself .

“Lin, no need . I won’t bother you anyway . ”“Oh, really? Oh, but I want to bother you now . ”Huh? Yue didn’t figure out what she meant . She was still in a panic and got a little angry about her suggestion of calling her to tell ghost stories . “So don’t you dare bother me any more . ”Yue rolled her eyes at Lin . Lin was her only best friend on this campus . However, since she knew that she feared ghosts, once she got angry at her, she would call her at midnight to tell her a ghost story . If she turned off the phone, Lin would tell ghost stories to her whenever they met . Though she was Yue’s best friend, she was also the one she was feared most .

“Lin, you are so strange recently . I am just worried about you . Is there anything special you want to talk to me about?”Yue’s innocent curiosity caught Lin’s attention . Her mood changed and so she smiled at her best friend and said, “Yue, I met a true ghost because I opened my door at midnight . ”“What? A true ghost?” Yue was frightened again . Lin knocked her forehead and sighed .  “There are no ghosts in the world . Why do you believe those things really exist?”“Then what are you referring to?”“I am talking about the stinky boy who broke into my apartment ten days ago . He is still in my room . ”Yue’s mouth was in an “O” shape when she heard this . Lin told her everything she thought suitable . “So, he is the younger brother of Zifeng Brother, right? He’s been living with you ever since? What about his looks? Is he like the Brother, or more handsome?”“Hey, Yue, I was haunted by someone and you are so happy to gossip about it . I think I should call you at midnight . ” Lin took a look at Yue, who took pleasure in her misfortune, then caught her bag and stepp away from her, in the direction of her own dormitory . “No  . . . no, Lin, don’t misunderstand me, please!” Yue called her twice from behind, and then stopped . She knew Lin well enough that she understood Lin was simply annoyed by the boy, and not truly angry at her . Though she wanted to help her, she had no solution, because Lin always did her brainpower work . Yue went on her way, the way toward the dance hall she feared . Lin turned her head to look back at Yue . She called her to tell her ghost stories only because she wanted to help her defeat her own fears . Indeed, there were no ghosts, Lin believed . Lin sighed and kept walking . Anyway, she herself still had two spots of trouble . The brother of her ex, and the horrible make-up exam from the Public Relations and Etiquette lesson .The two-month winter vacation soon pa.s.sed, and a new semester began . The campus welcomed the incoming freshmen, who were young-looking, with curious eyes that held admiration toward their senior cla.s.smates . Right at the door of a cla.s.sroom, Lin and Yue met after a long time of separation . “Lin, why don’t you ask me to go shopping with you after cla.s.s these days? By the way, you are my psychologist, remember? Are you still angry at me because I didn’t ask you to pick me up on the day of school opening?” Lin lifted her head to take a careful look at the pretty girl with some pride, though somehow remote, and she sighed, saying, “Yue, I didn’t call you at midnight for several days . Are you missing my ghost stories? Maybe I can call you tonight . ” Yue’s face turned pale immediately, like a ghost herself . “Lin, no need . I won’t bother you anyway . ” “Oh, really? Oh, but I want to bother you now . ” Huh? Yue didn’t figure out what she meant . She was still in a panic and got a little angry about her suggestion of calling her to tell ghost stories . “So don’t you dare bother me any more . ” Yue rolled her eyes at Lin . Lin was her only best friend on this campus . However, since she knew that she feared ghosts, once she got angry at her, she would call her at midnight to tell her a ghost story . If she turned off the phone, Lin would tell ghost stories to her whenever they met . Though she was Yue’s best friend, she was also the one she was feared most . “Lin, you are so strange recently . I am just worried about you . Is there anything special you want to talk to me about?” Yue’s innocent curiosity caught Lin’s attention . Her mood changed and so she smiled at her best friend and said, “Yue, I met a true ghost because I opened my door at midnight . ” “What? A true ghost?” Yue was frightened again . Lin knocked her forehead and sighed .  “There are no ghosts in the world . Why do you believe those things really exist?” “Then what are you referring to?” “I am talking about the stinky boy who broke into my apartment ten days ago . He is still in my room . ” Yue’s mouth was in an “O” shape when she heard this . Lin told her everything she thought suitable . “So, he is the younger brother of Zifeng Brother, right? He’s been living with you ever since? What about his looks? Is he like the Brother, or more handsome?” “Hey, Yue, I was haunted by someone and you are so happy to gossip about it . I think I should call you at midnight . ” Lin took a look at Yue, who took pleasure in her misfortune, then caught her bag and stepp away from her, in the direction of her own dormitory . “No  . no, Lin, don’t misunderstand me, please!” Yue called her twice from behind, and then stopped . She knew Lin well enough that she understood Lin was simply annoyed by the boy, and not truly angry at her . Though she wanted to help her, she had no solution, because Lin always did her brainpower work . Yue went on her way, the way toward the dance hall she feared . Lin turned her head to look back at Yue . She called her to tell her ghost stories only because she wanted to help her defeat her own fears . Indeed, there were no ghosts, Lin believed . Lin sighed and kept walking . Anyway, she herself still had two spots of trouble . The brother of her ex, and the horrible make-up exam from the Public Relations and Etiquette lesson .

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