Want-wriggle _s._ mole-track
War _v. pret. of the verb_ "_to be_" I war, he war, we war, &c.
Wash-dish _s._ the wag-tail
Wa.s.sail _v._ drinking success to the apple crop
Way-zaltin _s._ a play in which two persons standing back to back interlace each others arms, and by bending forward alternately raise each other from the ground
Weepy _adj._ moist, abounding in springs
Welch-nut _s._ walnut (Ger. _welsche-nuss_)
Well _s._ a running spring, a source (Ger. _quelle_, as distintinguished from a wenk or wink)
Weng _s._ the front rack of the sull
Wevet _s._ a spider"s web
Whippences _s._ bodkins or swingle-bars of a plough
Whipper-snapper _s._ a little, active, nimble fellow
Whipswhiles _s._ a short interval, as between the strokes of a whip
Whister-twister _s._ a smart blow on the side of the head
Whiver _v._ to hover, to flutter. Whiver-minded _adj._ wavering
Widow-man _s._ a widower
Wim _v._ to winnow. Wim-sheet, Wimmin-sheet, Wimmindust _s._
Windle, Windle-thrush _s._ red-wing
Wink _s._ an excavated or sunken well (Query supplied with a Winch?)
Wipes _s._ f.a.ggots for draining or fencing
Wisht _adj._ sad, untoward
Without unless, except
Woek, Wuk _s._ oak
Woeks _s._ clubs on playing cards, from their shape
Wont-heeave, Want-snap _s._ a mole-hill, mole-trap
Wood-quist _s._ wood-pigeon, cushat
Wood-wall _s._ woodp.e.c.k.e.r
Worra _s._ part of the centre of the old spinning-wheel
Wosberd, Whisbird, Whosbird _s._ a term of reproach.
Wrede _v._ to spread abroad, as wheat is said to wrede when several stalks shoot out of the ground from a single grain.
Wrick _v.s._ strain
Wride _v.n._ to stretch, to expand
Wring _s._ press, ex. A cider-wring
Writh-hurdles _s._ plated hurdles
Wrizzled, Wrizzly _adj._ shrivelled up, wrinkled
Yails _s._ the uprights in hurdles
Yal, Yalhouse, Yarm, Yel, &c. _s._ ale, alehouse, arm, eel, &c.
Yap _v._ to yelp like a cur
Yappingale, Yaffler, Yuckle _s._ woodp.e.c.k.e.r
Yea.s.s _s._ an earthworm _pl._ yea.s.ses
Yeo _s._ main drain of a level
Yeth _s._ hearth. Yeth-stone hearth-stone
Yoak _s._ the grease in wool
Yoaky _adj._ greasy, applied to wool as it comes from the sheep
Yokes _s._ hiccups
Yourn yours
Yow _v._ to cut the stubble short, to cut with a hook
Zam _v.a._ to heat for some time over a fire, but not to boil
Zam-sod, Zam-sodden half baked
Zand-tot _s._ sand hill