A Good For Nothing

Chapter 8

At this time, in Coastal City which was thousands of miles away.

At the doorway of a top-cla.s.s box of some high-end recreation center.

He Jin, the third son of the patriarch of He family, briefly adjusted his clothes, a smile on his face. He had invited some friends to this place to have some fun. To his surprise, all of them arrived in advance of the agreed time, which he took for a clear indication that they valued their friendship with him very much.

He was just about to enter the box when suddenly a voice came from inside.

"Hey, did you hear the news? It is said that the patriarch of He family was seriously wounded and a dragon scale is the only thing that can save him! He"s going to have his own son marry into Li family to be Li Zong"s wife." He Jin"s lips curved in the suspicion of a smile. He really wanted to hear what outsiders thought of that good-for-nothing He Zheng, so he stood at the doorway, listening.

"This time He family really forked out for the dragon scale. Though that He Zheng... That"s his name, right? Word has it that he is a good-for-nothing who"s incapable of learning exorcism, but apart from anything else his mother was the legal wife of the patriarch. It would be so humiliating if he marries into another family."

Another person gave a significant smile. "I"ve seen He Zheng before. He"s a little bad-tempered and very c.o.c.ky, but he"s also pretty handsome, so it"s a fair deal to some extent. A few days ago, on his father"s birthday party, didn"t he... Hha. If I had a son like him, I would also have him leave the family as soon as possible lest he bring more shame on my family."

"Surely Li Zong won"t degrade himself to such an extent as to marry that good-for-nothing? I mean, even a divorced guy would be a better choice!"

"He"s Superintendent Li. Who knows what he thinks? He might not necessarily agree." The speaker had all people around him in fits of laughter with his words. Hearing them talking about He Zheng in such a mean manner, He Jin was in a pretty good mood. He was just about to enter the room to share with them the good story of what happened on that day when someone inside asked, "I heard that He Changchun counts as a master of exorcism to some extent. How come he got hurt so badly?"

Another person replied, "It was all because of his "dutiful" son. All of you are outsiders, so you know nothing about it. But my father works for the Supernaturalism Management Bureau (SMB), and he told me some inside information."

"Cool. Come on. Tell us," someone urged him in excitement.

"You know about He Qin, right?"

"Sure. He"s the second son of He Changchun, isn"t he?"

"Bah! He"s not his second son but his b.a.s.t.a.r.d son. He"s even a couple of years older than He Zheng. He Changchun is a shameless old goat. Don"t be fooled by his righteous exterior. Years ago, before his wife was pregnant, he had an affair. It is rumored that the woman was from a humble family."

Someone chuckled, "What"s the relation between this matter and He Changchun"s need for a dragon scale?"

"Because He Changchun is greedy and shameless when he does business with others." This remark sent a ripple of laughter across people around the speaker. "People from humble families are innately narrow-minded. They are drawn to money like flies to s.h.i.t. He Changchun went too far and the other party, who was pushed over the edge, went to extremes and hired a Black Robe Wizard from Southeast Asia to retaliate against him."

"And his own father was the one who carried the chamber pot for him. Hha!"

Anger kept building up inside He Jin as he eavesdropped on their conversation. He had always believed that all these people regarded him as a friend, and it had never crossed his mind that they would talk about matters of his family in such a venomous manner behind his back!

Such was his fury that he could barely forbear to kick the door open and storm inside to teach them a lesson. However, those people in the room were not only young masters of n.o.ble families, many of them had relatives of exalted positions in the cultivation world. As a result, though an impulsive man, by no means would he take such reckless actions.

"Okay. That"s enough, boys. He Jin should be arriving soon," said someone in the room.

Another voice sneered, "Who cares if he"s coming? If it weren"t that I earn serious money doing business with him, I wouldn"t even lay eyes on him. He"s nothing but a sucker yet he"s stupid enough to think that we regard him as a friend. Even if he were here right now, I will say the same thing to his face!"

The voice sounded very familiar to He Jin. It occurred to him that the speaker was the very person who called him "brother" a couple of days ago! "So this is what they really think of me!"

Wrath surged beyond flashpoint instantly and He Jin could no longer subdue it. He raised his foot and was just about to kick the door open when suddenly his chest churned violently, as if something inside was trying to break out of it. The countenance of He Jin changed drastically several times in a row. "s.h.i.t!" he exclaimed in his mind.

At this very moment, a waiter delivering drinks came over. Seeing the sullen expression on his face, he asked, "Sir, can I help you?"

Filled with rage that he had no channel to vent, He Jin aimed a kick at the waiter. "Beat it!"

The kick sent the waiter flying, drinks scattered all over the ground. Hearing the noises, people inside the room stopped jeering. Someone walked outside to check but He Jin had already left. Bubbling over with rage, He Jin kept hammering the wall while walking in the corridor. After a few steps, his chest churned again and with that he involuntarily opened his mouth, spat a mouthful of blood and uncontrollably knelt down to the floor.

"The Dream Eater was killed!"

He Jin was infuriated even more, the ferocity on his face deepening.

"He Zheng, I swear to G.o.d I"ll take your life to avenge this humiliation!" Kneeling, He Jin violently smacked his fist onto the floor, an icy look on his face.

The author has something to say:

[Cough! Cough! Small steamed bun (He Zheng) is only physically weak, not mentally r.e.t.a.r.ded. And he"s a man of depth, em... only that I personally doubt the "depth" here.]

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