A Good For Nothing

Chapter 22

Li Zong walked out of the Supernaturalism Management Bureau (SMB), intending to go home. Zu Zhichong, who had left the compound a little later than Li Zong, broke into a trot and caught up with Li Zong. "Hey, Chief. I want to ask you something."

Li Zong halted and turned aside to look at Zu Zhichong.

"Chief, are you really going to marry that guy from He family?" After hearing the conversation between He Zheng and Li Zong on the plane, Zu Zhichong felt that the whole world had gone crazy. He couldn"t help nagging. "I know that guy is good-looking... but there"s no need to do this. Chief, you are at the top of the excellent husband-to-be list of our bureau!"

Seeing that Zu Zhichong was talking non-stop, Li Zong knitted his eyebrows and planned to ignore him.

Another person showed up on their side. It was a pretty girl who looked as cute as a doll. She was Zhen Ni, the only female group member of the first action group of SMB.

But her manner was far removed from that of a doll. She directly gave Zu Zhichong a kick. "Hey, you think you"re acting in an opera or something? Why do you keep nagging like that?"

"Zhen Ni! I"ve warned you ten thousand times not to kick my a.s.s!" Zu Zhichong gasped in pain and then abruptly got angry.

The two people began quarreling. Li Zong had to watch them squabble numerous times every day. He had just had a meeting with senior management of SMB and the issues discussed during the meeting were still giving him headaches. As a result, he couldn"t help but raise his hand and rub his forehead. "Neither of you cares about the bonus of the next month, I suppose?"

The two people shut up at the same time.

Eyes of Zhen Ni were randomly darting back and forth, but she didn"t dare to rest them on Li Zong. In fact, she had also just heard about Li Zong"s engagement on the grapevine and rushed here at once to confirm it.

Zhen Ni made up her mind. She bit her lower lip and looked at Li Zong. After hesitating for quite a while, she asked, "Chief, is it true that you and that... that..."

"That good-for-nothing from He family are getting married." Zu Zhichong sourly rolled his eyes and finished her sentence for her. He was also puzzled. "But why, Chief? Why did you agree?"

Zu Zhichong couldn"t help recalling that on the plane, He Zheng asked Li Zong to do him a favor, and Li Zong agreed without even asking what kind of favor it was.

Afterwards, to Zu Zhichong"s surprise, He Zheng asked Li Zong to marry him!

Li Zong never liked to share his private affairs with other people but made an exception in this case. He slightly raised his head. It seemed as if he was looking at those ever-changing clouds in the sky, but he also seemed to be looking through the clouds thinking about someone. "He"s different."

Zu Zhichong fell speechless.

So did Zhen Ni.

"Why is Chief acting like a teenage girl in love?!" they wondered in shock.

In He family.

He Zheng lived in a separate room next to the window on the second floor, which was the largest room in He family"s messuage. Since Zhu Ning had picked this room for He Zheng shortly after He Zheng was born, Qiao Peiyu didn"t dare to ask He Zheng to move to another room.

At this moment, He Zheng was leaning against the rail of the balcony. Beside him was a small table on which the green jade pendant broken by him was placed. A faint light was emanating from the fracture of the broken pendant.

n.o.body knew that on the windy hilltop of the Four Sides Hill on that day, He Zheng broken the yin jade which had been shackling his mother for so many years. The moment the jade pendant was broken, He Zheng felt something inside him break apart. His maternal grandfather screened his body and came to the conclusion that his apt.i.tude for cultivation had been sealed with some kind of spell, and that jade pendant was the magical implement used for maintaining the spell.

Qiao Peiyu was such a ruthless woman. She had not only used this yin jade to harness Zhu Ning"s remaining Qi, but also used it as a magic treasure to inflict a magical seal on He Zheng"s apt.i.tude, which was why He Zheng was unable to cultivate.

After making all these things clear, Old Master Zhu had intended to go to He family immediately to get justice, but He Zheng, who was calmer than ever, stopped his maternal grandfather. He pulled his collar and saw that the pattern of the Welkin Upender was gradually emerging on his chest where the heart was. Then he had an idea.

However gifted he was, currently he was no match for He Qin or He Jin. He couldn"t even defeat He Yu. If he was to fix the woman and her sons, his only choice was to hide his apt.i.tude, covertly cultivate and take revenge on them when the time was ripe.

At this time, He Zheng was trying to recollect the incantation that Zu Zhichong had quickly recited on the plane. After that jade pendant was broken, his memory seemed to have become better as well.

But Zu Zhichong had recited the incantation really quick, and He Zheng hadn"t been paying close attention to it, so no matter how hard he tried, he could only vaguely remember a few words.

"The four enlightened realms, the infinite heaven... monsters and bogeys cower... evil to its end." Unable to recollect a single complete sentence of the incantation, He Zheng got rather annoyed and tossed aside the brush-pen dipped in red ink.

Even if he managed to make a Fu (Fu is a piece of rectangular paper on which magical figures are drawn by Taoist priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune), without the right incantation and mudras, it would be no different from a piece of waste paper.

He Zheng had intended to try his hand at exorcism, but his plan turned out to be a failure. In a fret, he rubbed his fingers and goggled at the pieces of the broken jade pendant.

He Zheng withdrew his gaze, gathered the pieces of the pendant and put them into a small bag.

"It seems that I cannot use anything that doesn"t belong to me," he thought.

He Zheng planned to learn the mental cultivation method of He family. He was just about to start practicing when his cellphone rang.

The number on the phone screen was strange to him.

Watching the phone number displayed on the screen, He Zheng tightened his mouth into a thin line.

He never gave his private phone number to anybody when he hung out with his friends, so very few people knew this number of his.

The rings from the phone sounded rather hurried. After thinking for quite a while, He Zheng slid his finger rightward on the screen and answered the call.

"He Zheng." A deep male voice came from the other end of the phone. He Zheng knitted his brows, wondering why Li Zong called him at this time of the day.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to have sensed the confusion of He Zheng. "If it"s convenient for you, I"ll pick you up and take you back to Li family."

It was on hearing this remark that He Zheng recalled that on the plane, he had expressed his wish to leave He family as soon as possible.

There were many things he needed to do but He family was not the right place.

He Zheng hung up, thought for a while and stored Li Zong"s phone number. Apart from phone numbers of members of Zhu family, Li Zong"s number was the only one in his contact list, which was why it seemed somewhat obtrusive.

Back then on the plane, it was in a desire for vengeance that he decided to marry Li Zong. But many years later, when he was reminiscing, he found that this was the wisest decision he had ever made in all these years when he had been a muddle.

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