A Good For Nothing

Chapter 27: Stop Dwelling on It (1)

Chapter 27: Stop Dwelling on It (1)
Translator: Dragon Rider
In the room.

Head down, He Zheng stared emptily at his hands. Just now, following the mental cultivation method of He family, he had performed Qi circulation and finished a full circuit. He felt that his body had become considerably lighter and more at ease, as if some kind of wastes that had been acc.u.mulating inside him all these years had been expelled bit by bit during the Qi circulation, making him feel extremely comfortable.

He stretched. At the thought that he would be able to do a lot of things at his own will after he laid a foundation for future cultivation, He Zheng was in a manifestly better mood.

And he even forgot that minor disagreement that he had had with Li Zong before entering the bedroom.

He pushed the door open and walked outside. Li Zong had left the apartment some time ago, but He Zheng didn"t have any particular feelings about it. He was just about to leave when he caught sight of the sticky note on the refrigerator and paused.

He Zheng walked over, casually removed the sticky note from the refrigerator and squinted carefully at it. There were a couple of lines written with elegant handwriting on the note. Li Zong had recommended several pretty good takeouts. Originally, He Zheng had no intention of having meals right away, but surprisingly, after reading this note, he actually sat down on the sofa and fished out his phone to order takeouts.

However, Childe He had never ordered any takeout before, and neither did he know that he needed to download an app called Meituan (A famous app Chinese people use to order takeout or book seats, rooms, tickets etc.) first. Hungry, having no idea how to order takeout online, He Zheng went somewhat anxious and directly called Li Zong.

The ring lasted quite a while before Li Zong answered the call and uttered "h.e.l.lo?" in a lowered voice.

He Zheng was sent into a brief trance. Then it struck him that Li Zong was attending to some matter. He curled his lip and said brusquely, "I don"t know how to order takeouts."

The one on the other side of the line seemed to be surprised that it was this matter that this call was about. "This Eldest Childe of He family has really been spoiled and pampered. I should have antic.i.p.ated this."

Li Zong replied in a voice tinged with amus.e.m.e.nt, "I see. What would you like to have? I"ll order it for you."

"Anything. Order a couple of dishes and sweet dumplings cooked with rice wine."

After saying this, He Zheng hung up without saying goodbye or something to Li Zong.

At this moment. In the meeting room of the first action group in the headquarter of the Supernaturalism Management Bureau (SMB) on Rosefinch Avenue.

All group members were goggling at their chief, replaying in their mind the scene that they had just beheld. "This man, who has just answered a phone call and talked to someone with a mild look on his face, is really our Chief? He answered a phone call during a meeting? Goodness knows when having a meeting, our chief might not answer calls from his immediate superiors in SMB!"

A cat with snow-white fur and yin-yang (Yin and yang are two concepts used in Chinese philosophy, medicine, etc., referring to two opposing principles in nature, the former feminine and negative, the latter masculine and positive) pupils was sprawling on the lap of Li Zong. Its expression changed after Li Zong answered the call.

Li Zong ordered a couple of takeouts to be sent to his home and then hung up. Seeing this, the cat took a flying leap, landed on Zu Zhichong"s lap and, surprisingly, said to Li Zong in human language, "Chief, we"re going out to answer the call of nature."

Upon saying this, it quickly slipped out of the meeting room. The tail of Zu Zhichong"s coat was clamped between the cat"s teeth, and he was caught off guard. Though the cat was not big, its strength was extraordinary. Zu Zhichong was forcibly dragged outside.

"Slow down..." Zu Zhichong coughed repeatedly. "My goodness. You"re killing me!"

"Tell me! Who was Chief talking to just now?" The cat landed on the ground after a leap and turned into a fair-skinned, delicate boy about thirteen or fourteen years old, who was wearing white clothes. With a pair of yin-yang pupils, he closed in on Zu Zhichong and asked him this question in a fierce, threatening tone of voice.

Zu Zhichong briefly rolled his eyes left and right and then replied with affected confusion, "I have no idea."

"Chief has been acting so not like him today. It was after performing that task with you that he began to behave this way. You definitely know the reason!"

The fair-skinned boy made a face at Zu Zhichong, revealing two little canine teeth, then he licked his right palm, looked up at Zu Zhichong and said in a sinisterly deep voice, "If you lie to me, I"ll eat you like a fish tonight!"

"A kid like you should not be so gossipy, my dear. Indulgence in gossip will distract you from your work, my dear."

"Are you telling me or not?!" Tun Shanhai drew his claws.

Zu Zhichong still hadn"t recovered from the three scratches on his hand yet. Scared by this little bully, he hurriedly shook his hand and, as if having resigned himself to his fate, said, "Okay, okay. I"ll tell you."

Upon saying this, like everybody else would do when they were going to disclose something secret, he looked around, stooped down and lowered his voice, saying, "Come here. I don"t want anybody else to hear this."

Tun Shanhai immediately craned his head over and p.r.i.c.ked up his ears. Then Zu Zhichong whispered something to him.


"Chief got married?!"

Tun Shanhai exclaimed aloud in shock. Zu Zhichong hastily clamped his hand on the boy"s mouth. "Keep it down! d.a.m.n it."

Tun Shanhai calmed down. After hearing this, with an eccentric look on his face, he asked, "Are you telling me that Chief and that ... that...from He family have gone through marriage registration?"

Zu Zhichong scratched his head and lowered his voice, "I stealthily saw it with my own eyes. Today, before the meeting, Chief handed the marriage application and required materials to Mr. Zhen to be examined and approved."

On hearing that Li Zong had submitted required files, Tun Shanhai came to realize that this was really happening, but he still found it hard to believe. After flicking a skeptical glance at Zu Zhichong, face full of disbelief, he observed, "This is impossible. Why did Chief do this?"

"Chief said that that person was different." Zu Zhichong had no idea either, believing that even if He Zheng"s good looks took the fancy of his chief, there was no need to come to marriage. After thinking for a while, Zu Zhichong said, "Maybe it was because He Changchun wanted the dragon scale so bad that he begged Chief, leaving Chief no choice."

Tun Shanhai gave a bob of the head and replied reluctantly, "That figures. If Chief fell for that good-for-nothing, even I will feel sorry for Sister Zhen!"

Zu Zhichong curled his lip and reminded the boy, "Hey, kid. Do not talk about this whenever Chief is present or else I"ll be in deep trouble."

Tun Shanhai gave a sweet smile at him. "Relax, I won"t."

Then he instantly turned around, walked into the meeting room and insisted on going to Li Zong"s place to see his wife.

Zu Zhichong, who had failed to stop him, fell speechless.

"Is trust between colleagues really so scarce these days?" he wondered.

Unable to refuse the boy"s request, Li Zong reached out his hand and tapped his fingers on the table. "After the meeting."

With this remark, group members" intentions to gossip were nipped in the bud. They collected their thoughts and concentrated their minds on the meeting.

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