A Good For Nothing

Chapter 52

Translator: Dragon Rider
It was from hunger that He Zheng woke up. He had only had a few bites of sweet potatoes in the morning, and now it was almost lunchtime, but Li Zong still hadn"t come back. Getting up on the wrong side of the bed and hunger put He Zheng in a rather bad mood.

Without giving a single glance at the phone number of Tun Shanhai that Li Zong had sent him via WeChat, He Zheng pocketed his cellphone, directly opened the door and left the room.

He Zheng walked around near the path along which Li Zong had led him to the living quarters earlier this day. Next to the living quarters was the United Front Work Department, the entry into which required a key card. He Zheng stood at the gateway in fidgets for a while. He was aimlessly looking around when the closed automatic gate opened. He Zheng casually flicked a backward glance and made eye contact with He Changchun who had just arrived in haste, and with that both of them did a double take.

"How did you come to be here?" He Changchun eyed He Zheng with a frown of suspicion on his face. "Did you sneak in here? This is not a place you are allowed to come to!"

He Zheng gave a snort and ignored his father. He was just about to enter the building when it suddenly occurred to him that Li Zong had once told him He Jin was up to something illegal. Added to this hasty arrival of He Changchun and He Zheng came to realize what was going on. He paused and twisted his head around, a bland look on his face. "What makes you think I"m not allowed to come to this place when you are?"

Burning with anxiety, He Changchun didn"t have the time to argue with him. "Never mind. Just follow me. Don"t walk around."

Then he hurriedly led He Zheng into the building. He Changchun was not affiliated with the Supernaturalism Management Bureau (SMB), so he took the visitor pa.s.sageway. The views around them were totally different from those when he had just entered the United Front Work Department.

Zhen Daoyuan had just walked out of the office, followed by Li Zong and some others. He Changchun opened his mouth and was just about to greet Zhen Daoyuan when Zhen Daoyuan raised his hand and stopped him. "Changchun, you may talk with Li Zong. He has a free hand in dealing with this matter."

Looking at Zhen Daoyuan, He Changchun shut his mouth.

Li Zong flicked a glance at He Zheng who was standing behind He Changchun and with that He Zheng walked to Li Zong"s side in a very natural way.

"Didn"t I tell you to contact Tun Shanhai?"

He Zheng curled his lip, making no response.

Li Zong fished a small bag of bread out of his pocket and handed it to He Zheng. He Zheng, after a brief surprise, took the bread and started eating. Corners of eyes of others involuntarily twitched but all of them pretended not to notice.

The look in He Changchun"s eyes grew even deeper and he swallowed back the words that had sprung to the tip of his tongue.

With a bland expression on his face, as if nothing had just happened, Li Zong tapped at the surface of the table. "Mr. He, I"m sorry to have put you to the bother of making this trip, but there is something we need your help to verify."

Zu Zhichong volunteered, "Chief, let me handle this."

"That won"t be necessary." Li Zong knew Zu Zhichong was worried that, given his relationship with He family, people might make idle talk if he dealt with this matter himself. But Li Zong believed that it was unnecessary for him to stay out of this to avoid arousing suspicions, because he was not going to be partial towards He Changchun.

"Go and get Lin Di of the second group."

Zu Zhichong hurriedly left. The others went to the Ministry of Supervision.

In the Ministry of Supervision, there were some specifically designated rooms for detention of this kind of "special" people.

Li Zong led them forward. He Changchun, who had come to SMB immediately after receiving some vague messages, didn"t know any details about what had happened.

He Changchun was taken into a room, inside which was a small-scale magic circle. Lin Di, a member of the second action group, was in the middle of the magic circle. He was of extremely yang (Yin and yang are the two opposing principles in nature, the former feminine and negative, the latter masculine and positive) attribute, which meant that, with him standing in the middle of the circle, any common demon would be forced into showing its true features on entering the magic circle.

As an experienced exorcist, He Changchun was fully aware of the function of this magic circle. With a fairly sullen look on his face, he asked, "Supt. Li, what"s this supposed to mean? Do you by any chance suspect that I, He Changchun, is in collusion with demons in some way?"

"Open the display screen." Li Zong didn"t answer the question.

He Zheng, who had been cleverly following Li Zong all along after finishing the bread, had an intuition that the interesting part was about to come.

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