A Good For Nothing

Chapter 54: Emotionally Abusing Bachelors with Sincerity (1)

Chapter 54: Emotionally Abusing Bachelors with Sincerity (1)
Translator: Dragon Rider
Having spent all these years indulging in eating, drinking and pleasure-seeking with those rich so-and-sos" sons, He Zheng had never learned any fighting skills, and drag racing had been the most thrilling activity he had ever got involved in, so this scene of explosion, the likes of which he had never seen before, was too much for him. He was instantly transfixed with shock.

With that almighty boom, the whole building started quaking violently. Zhen Ni, who was nearest to the scene of the explosion, ran for the Ministry of Supervision without thinking. Tun Shanhai took a flying leap turning into a white cat in mid-air, landed on the windowsill and then jumped down. With another couple of nimble bounds, he made it to the window ledge of one of the rooms of the Ministry of Supervision and soon disappeared.

All people in the room hastily ran out heading for the exit pa.s.sageway with their hands holding their heads.

The bases of the lights hanging from the ceiling loosened due to the quaking caused by the powerful explosion. Holding He Zheng"s hand, Zu Zhichong led him towards the exit, dodging those falling lights all the way. All members of the first and second action groups had made it to the Ministry of Supervision except for Zu Zhichong. He, He Changchun and He Zheng were following other staff members trying to get out of the building.

He Zheng and He Changchun were panting heavily after running. They were told to stay at the open field near the front gate of the bureau. Shrill alarm, smashes of fallen lights and people"s yelling were mixing together, shrouding the whole place in panic.

He Zheng was covered in dust shed from walls by the quaking resulted from the explosion. Zu Zhichong also cut a sorry figure.

"What happened in there just now? He Jin exploded?" asked He Zheng after letting out several fits of coughing. With that, he slumped to his hips, gasping for breath.

Zu Zhichong squinted his eyes and was just about to make a response when He Changchun"s face changed several times in a row, as if signaling Zu Zhichong. But when Zu Zhichong gave a bob of his head, He Changchun unnoticeably heaved a slight sigh of relief.

Though a very subtle movement, it failed to escape He Zheng"s notice.

With that, He Changchun roared angrily, "What the h.e.l.l happened to He Jin? Why did he explode?"

His anger seemed rather inexplicable and also somewhat stagy.

Zu Zhichong couldn"t be bothered to answer him.

At this moment, another person, also dusty and dirty in appearance, ran out of the exit near a stairway of B1 of the Ministry of Supervision and started coughing uncontrollably. Zu Zhichong hurried over and supported the child-like person who had a disgusted look on his face.

It was Tun Shanhai.

"How bad is it in there?"

"F**k! Fortunately, the Ministry of Supervision has two protective layers of enchantment, otherwise the whole building would have been flattened by the explosion. If those troublesome guys in there bust out, things would be even trickier."

Tun Shanhai seemed to be really p.i.s.sed off with this situation, which was why he was reduced to a four-letter word.

After a while, exhausted Zhen Ni made it out of the building as well, her face somewhat pale, guided by Han Zhuo. Zhen Ni seemed to have suffered an injury. Before going out, she impa.s.sively gave a slight inclination of her head at Li Zong.

n.o.body was paying attention when these people, amid chaos and confusion, briefly exchanged glances with one another, as if reaching some kind of tacit confidentiality agreement.

Surprisingly, after standing on the spot for a while but still didn"t see Li Zong walk out of the exit, He Zheng felt somewhat worried. Involuntarily, he took a couple of steps forward. After another few moments, another two people ran out –Lin Di and Zhang Jingqiu whom he had met in the morning. The two of them were not as sorry-looking as those who had exited the building before them.

The frown on He Zheng"s face deepened.

He couldn"t help but walk up to Zhang Jingqiu and asked, "Where"s Li Zong?"

Zhang Jingqiu softly flicked him a glance and pointed in the direction of the building. "Supt. Li and Mr. Zhen are still in there."

After a brief pause, he fixed He Zheng with a calm gaze and observed collectedly, "You are not supposed to be here."

He Zheng clenched his teeth.

"Correct me if I"m wrong, but is this Supt. Li"s partner?"

That man named Lin Di spoke in front of He Zheng for the first time.

Zhang Jingqiu blandly inclined his head and with that his eyes swept across He Zheng from head to toe. "This time Li Zong..."

He broke off in the middle of a sentence, the rest of which, He Zheng believed, wouldn"t be pleasant to his ears.

He Zheng, who couldn"t be bothered to say another word to them, directly headed for the foot of the stairway.

"Stop." Zhang Jingqiu"s loud voice brought him to a halt.

"It is now unmistakable that your family is involved in this incident. Don"t you think it advisable for you to stay out of this to avoid arousing suspicions? Besides, you are totally incapable of protecting yourself." Zhang Jingqiu wondered in deep puzzlement why Li Zong had chosen a man like this. With a cold expression on his face, he looked at He Zheng and said in a bland tone of voice, "Stop making trouble for Li Zong and SMB. We"ve had enough trouble made by your family."

Annoyed, He Zheng twisted his head around and huffed through gritted teeth, "Who are you to accuse me of making trouble for Li Zong?"

"Have you not?" Zhang Jingqiu replied composedly.

"Originally, it was none of our business," observed Zhang Jingqiu, his voice very calm, "But if Li Zong gets distracted during a task because of the incapability of self-protection of a partner like you and the whole task is compromised, who is going to take responsibility for it?"

Suddenly, he gave a smile, "He Zheng, in order to get the permission to marry you, Li Zong signed an agreement with SMB."

"You think that a man like Li Zong, with such special ident.i.ty, can get married like common people do?"

After hearing his words, He Zheng, with a blend of emotions fermenting inside him, made no response. He directly ignored Zhang Jingqiu, turned around and headed for the entrance of B1. Watching He Zheng"s receding figure, Lin Di said in an amused tone of voice, "Chief, actually this He Zheng guy strikes me as pretty interesting."

There was a faint smile in his eyes. "His apt.i.tude for cultivation is really good. Pity he started too late. Otherwise, I don"t think anybody among this generation of cultivators in Coastal City would be a match for him."

Zhang Jingqiu gave an inexplicable reply. "Who knows."

"Let"s get going. This explosion left a huge mess in its wake for us to clean up."

It was total chaos outside. Alarm was heard continuously.

The two of them left, while He Zheng directly ran to the Ministry of Supervision along the staircase.

He wanted Li Zong to be safe. Firstly, he still needed Li Zong, since they were married to each other. Secondly, in terms of his personal feelings, he also didn"t want Li Zong to suffer any injuries.

He Zheng"s heart was pounding fast out of nervousness. He was worried about Li Zong"s safety.

He heavily hammered the left part of his chest. "s.h.i.t!"

He Zheng felt that he was going to fall prey to Li Zong. Ever since the moment when he put on that ring, things had been developing in an uncontrollable manner.

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