Sing. I have, thou hast, he hath or has, Plur. We have, ye have, they have.

Has is a termination connoted from hath, but now more frequently used both in verse and prose.

Simple Preterit.

Sing. I had, thou hadst, he had Plur. We had, ye had, they had.

Compound Preterit.

Sing. I have had, thou hast had, he has or hath had; Plur. We have had, ye have had, they have had.


Sing. I had had, thou hadst had, he had had.

Plur. We had had, ye had had, they had had.


Sing. I shall have, thou shalt have, he shall have; Plur. We shall have, ye shall have, they shall have.

Second Future.

Sing. I will have, thou wilt have, he will have; Plur. We will have, ye wilt have, they will have.

By reading these future tenses may be observed the variations of shall and will.

Imperative Mood.

Sing. Have, or have thou, let him have; Plur. Let us have, have or have ye, let them have.

Conjunctive Mood.


Sing. I have, thou have, he have; Plur. We have, ye have, they have.

Preterit simple as in the Indicative.

Preterit compound.

Sing. I have had, thou have had, he have had; Plur. We have had, ye have had, they have had.


Sing. I shall have, as in the Indicative.

Second Future.

Sing. I shall have had, thou shalt have had, he shall have had; Plur. We shall have had, ye shall have had, they shall have had.


The potential form of speaking is expressed by may, can, in the present; and might, could, or should, in the preterit, joined with the infinitive mood of the verb.


Sing. I may have, thou mayst have, he may have; Plur. We may have, ye may have, they may have.


Sing. I might have, thou mightst have, he might have; Plur. We might have, ye might have, they might have.


Sing. I can have, thou canst have, he can have; Plur. We can have, ye can have, they can have.


Sing. I could have, thou couldst have, he could have; Plur. We could have, ye could have, they could have.

In like manner should is united to the verb.

There is likewise a double Preterit.

Sing. I should have had, thou shouldst have had, he should have had; Plur. We should have had, ye should have had, they should have had.

In like manner we use, I might have had; I could have had, &c.

Infinitive Mood.

Present. To have.

Preterit. To have had.

Participle present. Having.

Participle preterit. Had.

Verb Active. To love.

Indicative. Present.

Sing. I love, thou lovest, he loveth or loves; Plur. We love, ye love, they love.

Preterit simple.

Sing. I loved, thou lovedst, he loved; Plur. We loved, ye loved, they loved.

Preterperfect compound. I have loved, &c.

Preterpluperfect. I had loved, &c.

Future. I shall love, &c. I will love, &c.

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