The police soon left, the ghost house returned to peace. I found in the official"s eyes that he was very satisfied this time. Just arrange all things and write an article for adults, the ghost house would get rid of all rumors.

After sending off the police, I went back to the hall and picked up the transparent bag the police dropped. Since the people had been found, the police"s job was done. But I still had to live in the ghost house, I had to find out the real problem.

The evidence was a school card, with a photo of a small boy printed on it. The information next to the photo was the boy"s name and cla.s.s, which was Lu Tiantian, junior school Grade One, third cla.s.s.

Lu Tiantian, was he the child that was mentioned by the middle-aged fat woman? But the child had been found. They were to play all night at Internet cafe. But since they went the Internet cafe, how could this school card leave behind in the ghost house?

I took a look at the direction of the policeman who had just entered. It was the backyard of the ghost house, which I had never been to. After all, it used to be the place of the j.a.panese.

Looking through the transparent bag, playing with the school card in the hand, I could find out any clue of this event. For what I could do was to give Wu Jian a call, he was the professional person in this career.

Hearing the voice, I found he was very busy. I briefly told what had happened to him, then Wu Jian suggested me to check the backyard, and then he went to investigate a few children who did not return home last night.

I promised him quickly on the phone, but I had no intention of going to the backyard because Kitty died in the back yard.

I put the school card into my pocket and went out to eat. Of course, when I opened the door, I still scared a lot of people.

After dinner, I went home and took a bath. Then I went early to the ghost house, and now the relations.h.i.+p between Lulu and I was basically clear. I was naturally also a little less perturbed.

Ghost house opened very early as usual tonight. And all girls looked in strange eyes as well. I knew it is no longer because of my relations.h.i.+p with Lulu, but what did I do last night.

In fact, I didn"t have any impression about what I did last night. Mainly because the alcohol given by Sister Hua was too strong which made me fell in a faint directly. For now, I realized that she did it on purpose.

Although Xiao Lingdang kicked me twice, it didn"t stop me to ask her first. I have no other choices. The ghost house opened just now, she was the one I familiar most.

"Xiao Lingdang, what happened last night?" I went to Xiao Lingdang and asked, pretending to be relaxed.

After hearing my question, Xiao Lingdang laughed: "You were very funny last night. You directly fell in the arms of Lulu Sister, and then mimicked a pig yell."

So humiliated! I stared at Xiao Lingdang and firmly believed that she was lying.

Lulu saw me at her first sight when she went downstairs, and her face turned red. She went into the bar and packed her things. The red color on her face had not gone away until the first guest came.

This evening, Sister Hua came late. When she came downstairs, she yawned with her hand covering her mouth. It seemed that she didn"t have a good rest. Looking at me and Lulu outside the bar, she showed that charming smile: "Lulu, you have to thank me for what I did for you last night."

Lulu "s face was getting redder, she secretly gave me a glance, and then said: "Thank you for what? He directly threw out on my body."

The smile on Sister Hua"s face was instantly stiff, and then laughed out loudly. Under the urging of other beautiful women who did not know what had happened, sister Hua started to tell them the truth which was totally disregarded Lulu"s embarra.s.sment.

After telling them, Sister Hua and all beautiful girls started to comfort Lulu. They encouraged me to do what I had done tonight, and even asked me what brand of alcohol I drunk last night.

I wanted to hide my head under the ground by hearing their words.

As time went on, the guests grew more and more, and the girls were too busy to mock me and Lulu. I was relieved to see Lulu and found that Lulu was looking at me, so we both looked at each other with a smile.

When I took over the tray in Lulu "s hand, my hand was inadvertently touched her hand. I felt very cold feel but smooth. Lulu gave me an angry stared.

For a person who never had a girlfriend, even if a finger contact with a girl would make him feel inexplicable happy. I served when the pace was brisk up. Although this attracted the laughter of Sister Hua and other people and guests" eyes that did not understand, I did not care at all. Anyway, I have been spoiled by the sudden happiness.

In the evening, when Sister Hua proposed to go to supper, Lulu and I both refused. I didn"t know why did Lulu refuse? I refused because I couldn"t afford to pay the bill. Sister Hua and others scolded me with a few words of the same meaning and left, and when leaving, they said loudly: n.o.body could not leave early tonight. We must drink well.

I looked at Lulu, she seemed to count the ants on the ground.

"Let"s go upstairs." I suggested.

"Yes." Lulu answered in a low voice.

"We can talk there." I added.

Then Lulu "puffed" and laughed, and looked up at me and said, "Okay."

After entering the room, the door was locked directly. Seeing Lulu was a little embarra.s.sed, I said: "Well, when Sister Hua come back, she is going to laugh at us again."

Lulu looked at me as if she was smiling and she nodded.

Entering the bedroom, I put down the bead curtain again: "This curtain is very beautiful."

Lulu still nodded, and the smile in the corner of her mouth grew stronger.

I walked to the bed a little stiffly, sat down, then moved my a.s.s, patted the edge of the bed and said, "Let"s talk here."

Lulu nodded and bent his eyes" corner this time.

I said a few words, and I stopped, brewing a feeling. When I was about to open my mouth, Lulu first learned my tone: "It"s tiring sitting. Let"s lie down and talk." Then she looked at me with a smile on her face.

I was stunned. Lulu s.n.a.t.c.hed my lines, but when I saw Lulu "s teasing look, I had quick wits idea occurred to one"s mind at the crucial moment: "All right."

Lulu was frozen, then blushed.

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