Wu Jian walked up to a police officer he should have known and said a few words. Then he called us into the police car. Because witch Yan got hurt, my mom accompanied her to the ambulance, so there were only four people in the whole police car, including driver police, Wu Jian, Ni Min and me.

The police lights of a police car couldn"t be turned on when it was not on the job. Besides, the road from here to ghost building always was arterial road, so driver didn"t driver very fast. Then, not long after our departure, Wu Jian and I received a short message from Huang Xiaolong at the same time. This guy finally showed up. He just got off and let us go to pick him up at the station now.

Wu Jian and I had a look at each, and I could see the joy in his eyes. So did I. Although Huang Xiaolong seemed somewhat unreliable, it was undeniable that he really had the ability, or we could think that his parents really had the powerful ability.

Now it was daytime, and the ghost building was not opened. Besides, witch Yan also got hurt, so we thought Huang Xiaolong came just in time.

Wu Jian immediately called Huang Xiaolong, telling him to wait at the station, and then simply sent him a short message to tell him about the current situation. Then thee police car turned to the station.

Our position was not far from the station now, though we had to take a walk around it.

However, just as we could see the station, the traffic in front of us stopped suddenly. Not far away from us, a bus was crossing the road. It looked like a car accident.

I frowned. This was the second car accident today. I was worried that this was another trick played by Chen Long. After asking me and Ni Minto stay in the car, Wu Jian got out of the car and decided to go forward to have a look of the situation.

I was never worried about Wu Jian, because now Chen Long"s target was Ni Min. I vigilantly looked around but did not find anything. After all, we were on the arterial road and surrounded by many cars. I didn"t find anything wrong, except for a limited number of people who had come out to watch the accident.

Wu Jian came back soon and shook his head to me secretly, indicating that the car accident in front of us had nothing to do with Chen Long. Then he came to discuss with me that it was very close to the station now, and should we just go straight to the station?

There were lots of cars on the road, though they didn"t move, but there was no guarantee that a car wouldn"t hit us when we were pa.s.sing by. After all, Chen Long had left us a very deep impression on me. That was the first time for me to encounter a car accident.

Across the carriageway, there were many pedestrians on both sides. If Chen Long deliberately concealed himself, it would be difficult for us to find him.

Then I told Wu Jian what I though. Anyway, the station was not far away, so we decided to let Huang Xiaolong walked to us by himself. Wu Jian made a phone call to Huang Xiaolong and could even hear his complaint by the side, but he still agreed.

After a while, Wu Jian and I saw Huang Xiaolong, who carried many bags, coming from the sidewalk with a sweaty face. Frankly speaking, when I saw Huang Xiaolong, I got much relieved.

Just when I and Wu Jian stood outside the car, watch Huang Xiaolong, who carried many bags and felt somewhat depressed, climbing over the railing, suddenly, a loud noise rang by our side.

I was totally unprepared and was startled. Looking back, I saw a van slamming into the rear of a police car. The quality of the van was obviously inferior to that of the police car. The front face was completely sunken and even the driver"s seat was deformed. However, the driver"s seat was empty and there was no one.

Wu Jian had rushed to open the door of the police car. It seemed that Ni Min didn"t get hurt, and just was in his arms, crying hard. The policeman who helped us drive came out with swearing. It seemed he was hurt because there was blood on his hand, but the hurt was not serious.

Huang Xiaolong dropped the bags that was in his hand and rushed over quickly. At this moment, a loud noise sounded again.

I didn"t know when a car on the other road had also hit the side of the police car. I could hear the short cry of the policeman who was in the driver"s seat.

Then I felt a pain and the I was knocked out by the crazy police car. Then I hit the railing less than one meter from the police car. The plastic railing made a few crackling noises and I fell to the ground by the counter-force.

I had no time to give out a scream. The police car was still smas.h.i.+ng at me, with the sound of raspy of friction, and the position of the rear wheel was my face. I was so frightened that my soul was about to get out of my body, but I couldn"t make any movement.

"Ah." I heard a shout, and at the same time, a force came from my feet that dragged me by the side ground. I heard the sound of "snap" and the face of the vice driver"s seat of the police car hit the railing, breaking the railing. However, the cement base under the railing blocked the car from moving.

I opened my eyes that I closed subconsciously just now, and found the cha.s.sis of the police car was in front of me. Luckily, the position of the trunk was high enough, otherwise I couldn"t imagine what I was like now.

The strength of my feet came again and dragged me away from the position of the police car. Now I could clearly see it was Huang Xiaolong who pulled me away.

When he saw I was fine, he immediately walked towards ahead of me. I was stunned for a while and suddenly thought of Wu Jian and Ni Min who was in the vice driver"s seat.

I struggled to get up and worriedly bypa.s.sed the broken railing, but I didn"t find the figure of Wu Jian. I only saw Ni Min was in a daze and sitting in the vice driver"s seat. This time, she really got hurt and there was blood on her forehead and clothes.

I looked around but still couldn"t see the figure of Wu Jian. Only under the car, a ma.s.s of blood was slowly dispersing. I suddenly felt very afraid, afraid that Wu Jian was now under the car. I dare not see, but Huang Xiaolong was very bold. He got down and immediately stood up, then got down by the side of the wobbly railing and began to vomit.

Was Wu Jian pressed into...? I couldn"t imagine that. At this moment, Ni Min seemed to wake up and was calmly opening the door, then walked out and asked me, "Where is Wu Jian?"

I opened my mouth and didn"t know how to answer. Ni Min didn"t speak and just stood, with her eyes full of tears. I could never see her fear and madness before of the car crash. was her sorrow more than extreme disappointment?

"Help me." It was Wu Jian"s voice. I turned my head in surprise, only to find he was in the opposite driveway, between the two SUVs vehicles. It was no wonder that I couldn"t see him.

Ni Min ran over and picked up Wu Jian. I also followed her. He just smiled, "Fortunately, I have had much practice. What a pity." Then Wu Jian looked at the position of the police car. I knew he must think of the policeman.

Ni Min buried her head in Wu Jian"s arm and said, "Chen Long told me just now that if I didn"t go back, he wouldn"t let me go. There"s already a man dead. I...I..."

"Don"t think too much." Wu Jian tightly held his wife in his arm and began to comfort her in a low voice, but there was a painful expression on his face. I just noticed that the back of Wu Jian was already badly mutilated.

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