"What an interesting little girl."

Suddenly a voice sounded from one side, I hastened to have a look. There was a vague figure, I could not see it clearly. If I guessed, she should be Wu Ting.

"Sister." Chen Luoyan shouted. I realized my guess was right. But why Wu Ting appeared again? She promised not to hurt me before.

"You are feeling weird why I am coming back, right? Don"t be surprised, because I"m going to take Wu Jian away!"

"Where are you taking him to?" I asked in a hurry, though I knew her words meant killing him.

"He promised to stay with me forever." Wu Ting"s voice sounded echoey with a hint of sweetness.

Well? Weren"t they just good friends? As expected, there was no pure friends.h.i.+p between men and women.

"He promised me that he would stay with me forever." Wu Ting repeated: then her whole person was like water and splas.h.i.+ng on the ground, leaving only a thick sea smell.

Was she insane? She just coming out and scared me? I was vaguely worried about Wu Jian, she words were clear that she was about to do something bad to Wu Jian, and I had to save him as soon as possible.

But how did I get out of this room? I gave Chen Luoyan a look who was silly looking at me. Although I did not count on this silly girl taking me out, I had to have a try.

The results were obvious, Chen Luoyan did even understand what I was talking about.

After a glance at the horrifying water dispenser, I promised Chen Luoyan to help her finding the three people who killed her. Then I turned around to find the way out. After being frightened by the two ghosts, I was gained more courage.

I was groping forward in the darkness, and lost my direction. Although I had been walking along the wall, I felt my feet could hardly move walking for a long time. But I was still in the darkness, and the wall was still the wall nothing big change.

Was it the magic trick made by Wu Ting to prevent me from saving Wu Jian? Ah, Wu Ting overrated me, I even doubt whether I could save Wu Jian or not.

I went on walking for another while, and I was so tired that I sat on the ground finally. I could not feel my feet at all.

Suddenly I heard a few giggles.

Which ghost is coming? Laughter came from behind, but I did not turn back because I was so tired and even have no power to fear anymore.

"Just do it If you want to kill me." I feebly said a word, and then heard a cold hum, very familiar that I would hear every night.

I turned back excitedly, but the movement was too big, the body having no strength and directly fell on the ground. So embarra.s.sed!

"Don"t kowtow to me." Lulu"s familiar voice was still cold.

But I didn"t care, not in this condition at least. Lulu never cared about my feeling.

"Lulu, Xiao Lingdang." It was so ashamed that I almost cried out.

"Hum." Lulu hummed again. Xiao Lingdang was very kind to help me getting up. Seeing I trembled slightly, she had been holding me to keep balance.

As soon as Lulu"s hand waved, there seemed to be a faint red flash, and then I felt a flash of light in front of me. "Ah." My eyes were in the dark for a long time, and the sudden light made me close my eyes unconsciously, and my eyes were tingling. Even tears came down.

Xiao Lingdang quickly wiped the tears off my face with her hand, and said, "Don"t cry, you are a man."

Was it that I want to cry? It was Lulu"s fault. I dared not to provoke her and had to accept what she had done to me. After adapting for a long time, I slowly opened my eyes and saw everything in front of me.

Then I was stunned. It was huge room that is almost as big as a swimming pool. There was nothing in the room but white walls everywhere. In the middle there were two sealed coffins on the ground.

"What are these?" I looked straight at coffins and asked Xiao Lingdang around me. Before Xiao Lingdang replied, Lulu started talking:" The soul imprisoned in a clean room."

The soul imprisoned in a clean room. What was that thing? I turned to Lulu and my eyes fully expressed my desire for knowledge.

Lulu was kind enough to explain: " The soul imprisoned in the clean room is a formation magic. The dead body is placed in the center of a clean room, and then seal the coffin. No matter how they tried, the soul of the dead body can"t walk out of this room. Remember it? Xiao Lingdang."

Er, she explained to Xiao Lingdang. Anyway, just treated it to be an explanation for me.

"Is it a simple trick to keep them from getting out?" Xiao Lingdang was curious to ask the same question we had in mind.

"It"s simple but two premises should be satisfied. One, the one in the coffin must die in accident; Two, he or she must be willing to stay in."

Xiao Lingdang and I suddenly realized that most of those who died accidently had resentment. Even if they did not really have that, they would not willing to stay in the limited room. It was a miracle that the formation could be arranged.

"Can we go out?" I asked curiously.

Lulu gave me an angry stare, and then conducted and said, "Go and open the coffins, and let me see who is so stupid and totally disgraced."

I would like to ask why it was me to open the coffin, but I dared not. The coffin was nailed around tightly, how could I do it? Finally, Lulu shouted at me: "go away."

And Lulu kicked with very overbearing foot, making only the coffin kicked apart. We saw a figure in the coffin flying almost two meters up, and then heavily fell on the ground, strange issuing an "ouch" sound.

The dead body cried? I learned it, the more I learned appeared. The body slowly stood up, unexpectedly scolding to Lulu.

He was Huang Xiaolong! Did he die? It was not like that, but it"s like to court death. How came he dare to scold to Lulu like this. Didn"t he see Lulu"s hair was floating?

I hastened to stop Huang Xiaolong and asked Lulu to open another coffin as soon as possible. Perhaps Wu Jian was inside.

Another coffin was opened, nothing in it. Huang Xiaolong did not know why he was here. He just remembered that he was looking for something in the burnt house, and found that a strange mirror he looked at it and then lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found him here.

Lulu next to me seemed to be thinking about something. I did not dare to interrupt, and pulled Huang Xiaolong to the side, and telling all the thing had happened.

Then Huang Xiaolong was silent for a long time, and then he gave only one word: "I think I need more practice."

Well, he was right. I think he should go back to practice and never came out.

I was still wondering where Wu Jian was, I asked Huang Xiaolong to see if I could find any clues. Ok, it was a waste of time, he should go back and practice right away.

Lulu has finished thinking, and there was a hint of clarity on her face, and I walked over and asked her without shame: "Well, Lulu, what is the situation now?"

"Isn"t it obvious? This room was for that guy, but it was supposed to be "the soul imprisoned in the clean room". But the it seems to have changed."

Well, it was what you said. Anyway, I couldn"t recognize anything but listen to you. I was still wondering where was Wu Jian?

I asked Lulu if she knew that or not. Lulu pointed to the wall and said, "Come with me."

Huang Xiaolong,Xiao Lingdang and I went with her. In my surprised eyes, Lulu directly led us to go through the wall that did not really exist.

For what made me even more surprised was the vision in my eyes after going through the wall. We arrived at on a beach and the sea was rolling in waves from not far away. The sky was getting dark, and it looked like 8 or 9 p.m.

"Interesting." There was a rare smile on Lulu"s face, and then she fell into contemplation.

Knowing that Lulu was working on something that I couldn"t help at all, I asked Xiao Lingdang who couldn"t help either about how she had found me.

Xiao Lingdang said: "At that time we saw a lot of ghosts approaching you, so we keep calling you. But you ignore us, and it seemed that there was an invisible wall between you and us, and sister Lulu and I can not get over it. So, it is not easy to see you back, we wave to you, but you wave to the other side. Huh."

"Then you entered the pa.s.sage, and we found that the ghosts around you were getting worse, and Sister Lulu was very worried, and broke through the wall with her power. When we came in, we saw only the small ghosts, but not you. It wasn"t until we accidentally found the gap in the room that we got in. We saw you sat on the ground when we came in and said we can kill you if we want, and you kowtowed to us, haha."

Xiao Lingdang smiles as she is saying. I only felt helpless, turning around and pretending to want to talk with Huang Xiaolong. When I turned around, I was totally freaked out. Huang Xiaolong took off his clothes, wearing only underwear. He was warming up and be ready to swim.

d.a.m.n, this was the illusion created by a ghost. He was so brave, and I knew why he got caught.

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