"Well, what are you doing?" I still couldn"t help asking out. Huang Xiaolong looked at me, and smiled, then turning around, sticking out his chest and looking proud.

He had a red tattoo on his chest. The tattoo lines of varying thickness interlaced, and made up a picture of a strong sense of three dimensions. It was a dragon, hovering all over Huang Xiaolong"s chest. Around the dragon was a few ancient words said: "those who fought in the front were in front".

Uh, what was that? Huang Xiaolong proudly began to show before I asked: "This tattoo is given by my mother, the strongest secret magic trick of our dragon clan. It is the so-called Golden dragon slain evils. Cool, huh?"

It looked cool, but he did match the cool tattoo. Besides, this tattoo is in his chest, but why he even took off his pants? It made Lulu and Xiao Lingdang embarra.s.sed.

At this time, Lulu opened her mouth: "This should be the place where the life-seeking doll was and also the place that Wu Ting died."

Ah, didn"t Wu Ting die at the beach? I did not know if such a small one shall be regarded as the beach. Whatever, it had a sea there. But the life-seeking doll in my senses should be an article, would it die too? How did it still die? I asked Lulu curiously, and Lulu gave me an explanation.

The life-seeking doll was all made with the soul of the children who died accidentally.

"Why did Wu Ting let us come here?" I asked.

Lulu was a little disdainful, "She wants Wu Jian to die here, in the same way as she did, so they could be together. But it seems a little unexpected."

"Unexpected?" I was about to ask, when I saw the sea in the distance suddenly calm down, like a lake, no more ripples. Wu Ting suddenly appeared on the sea, a fellow like wood was standing next to her, he was Wu Jian. Yan"er stood at the opposite side of Wu Ting with her arm crossed in front of her chest, the long gown person stood behind her.

What happened?

Yan"er said h.e.l.lo to us, and then I felt only blurred in front of me, and then I found that Lulu and I had come to the sea. We were standing on the blue sea, I felt a little soft at our feet, but didn"t sink.

Yan"er said: "How dare! The long gown man told you not to give trouble to Wu Rui, but you take it like a pa.s.sing wind."

I was so moved that Yan"er cared about me too much.

"The long gown man is under my leaders.h.i.+p. You despise him means you despise me. " continued Yan"er.

Wu Ting slowly raised the wet head, her white face showing a strange smile: "Ha ha."

Yan"er was totally provoked by Wu Ting"s reaction.The curled up long hair of Yan"er suddenly spread out and flying in the air. The black parts of two smart eyes had disappeared. Instead, it turned a creepy, pure white, looking horrific without a touch of emotion.

Yan"er"s right hand slightly stretched forward, and then fingers suddenly opened, Wu Ting standing opposite was like being struck by lightning. The whole person flew away, was. .h.i.t out a few meters away, and severely fell in the sea that seemed to have changed the material, making a loud noise.

Yan"er"s sudden behavior stuns not only Wu Ting, but also me. I did not think of Yan"er"s action would be so decisive. Wu Ting issued a mournful roar, and then the whole person floated up. The body was in dripping sea water, but finally it formed countless small water column.

The fishy smell around wes more and more thick, making people felt sense of suppression in the chest. As Wu Ting"s cried that did not sound like a person"s shrill crying come out. Several water columns with thick fishy smell from the sea water spew out, like giant pythons entangled with each other in the air, and then rushed towards Yan"er.

I was suddenly frightened back, leaving a meter away from Yan"er. Each water columns had at least two or three meters in diameter. They were attacking all of us, rather than just attacking Yan"er.

There was a chill around me, and I didn"t know when Lulu"s eyes had turned red. Her modern trousers were slowly changing in shape, as if they were turning into red skirts. They were not the terrible red of blood, but the great red of traditional Chinese wedding dress.

Lulu"s long hair was floating, and she had no movement. The impact of the water columns in front of us suddenly turned into water mist.

But Yan"er was flying forward, directly rushed among water columns, like a swimming fish. She was trying to approach Wu Ting.

The long gown man turned into a black shadow, closely following behind Yan"er as if worrying about Yan"er.

Wu Ting clapped her hands in the air, and several water columns immediately mixed together towards the middle. But Yan"er and the shadow of the long gown man left the water columns in the fusion for the moment. In a flash, Yan"er already appeared in front of Wu Ting. She lifted her leg and kicked on Wu Ting.

However, this time I did not focus on Wu Ting but Lulu"s charming leg. Just when my saliva was about to dropped off, a dark shadow flew to Lulu and blocked my sight. What a bad guy! Even if he wanted to look closer, he shouldn"t block my view.

When I was complaining the long gown man, I saw Yan"er kicked again. This time, the long gown man was kicked out, and then she glared at him. The long gown man showed his original figure in the air, and then severely fell on the sea.

"What are you doing?" There was anger in the tone of Yan"er.

"Someone is peeping your leg." Explained the long gown man, looking at me while speaking.

The eyes of Yan"er look to me. I turn away in a hurry, looking at other places. Who knew the direction I turned to was Huang Xiaolong"s face, that made me I almost spit out.

"You, you are all right?" Yan"er was sorry for her misunderstanding.

The long gown man wiped the blood from his nose and said manfully, "It"s all right."

Wu Ting issued a poignant laugh, seeming to be stimulated by something. Her word attracted us in a sudden, "Why all of you are in pairs? Why can"t I stay with Wu Jian?"

"Who"s in pairs" Lulu, Yan"er and the long gown man responded in the same time.

They almost answered the question in one time, and everyone could see that there was a problem with the performance of Yan"er and the long gown man. But as for why Lulu was so excited? I strangely turned my eyes to Lulu whose eyes were still red. I didn"t know if it was my hallucination. I thought Lulu was blushed.

Lulu looked at me and shouted, "What are you looking at?" Then she was like a provoked bull, rus.h.i.+ng to Wu Ting quickly. Wu Ting suffered miserably. She could not defeat Yan"er, not to mention that Lulu came together with Yan"er. I had heard Xiao Lingdang said, Lulu"s ranked the first place in the first floor of the ghost house.

Most of the time, Lulu arrogant to me. She never shouted at me before. Was that meant she interested in me? No way, it must be my illusion.

Sure enough, under the cooperation of Lulu and Yan"er, Wu Ting retreated steadily. Although we could not see she had been injured from outside, her figure had become somewhat transparent. It was because she did not have enough energy to maintain her shape. Once her energy was empty, that meant she would disappear completely.

"Thank you for coming to rescue me."

I did not notice that Wu Jian had woken up, he was looking at Wu Ting in a sadness eye.

"Thank goodness, you come back." Huang Xiaolong was as excited as if he had been trampled on his tail.

"I have just woken up. Thank you for what you have done to me. Wu Ting have told me everything. She usually tells me whatever she knows. " Wu Jian said in his sadness.

"Did you promise her to be with him forever?" I asked.

Wu Jian nodded, "Yes, I have promised. Let her go."

When Wu Jian said the last sentence, finally his eyes focused on my body. I hesitated, but then I nodded, and then shouted: "Yan"er, Lulu, let her go. She is poor."

And then I got an answer I have never dreamed of.

"Mind your own business!" they both replied me in the same way.

I had a fever on my face, a bit embarra.s.sed to look at Wu Jian. But Wu Jian smiled, looking at Wu Ting who was fighting with Lulu and Yan"er: "This is her fate. She has been controlled by the life-seeking doll. Perhaps, to disappear is also her relief."

If it were not for the sadness in the eyes of Wu Jian, I would almost think that Wu Jian was just pretending.

During the time when I saw thinking, Wu Jian said, "Maybe that is just my thinking, I thought she was suffering, but actually she doesn"t. Please ask Lulu and Yan"er to stop their attacking, ok?"

At this time, Huang Xiaolong replied before my response, "It is my turn!"

When he finished his words, he put out a few strange hands gestures with both hands in front of the tattoo on the chest quickly. Then he bursted into applause word after word: "Those who fight in the front were in front."

Although there was no sound, but I could feel like a startling beast roars in my mind. I saw the tattoos on Huang Xiaolong"s chest came into alive with Huang Xiaolong"s hands gestures, and then suddenly a gold dragon flew out.

The gold dragon"s speed was extremely fast, with the momentum of the vast sky. Yan"er and Lulu only looked back and hurried away. It"s just when Wu Jian and I were both believed Wu Ting was saved, the gold dragon ran into her body. Leaving only the scream of Wu Ting.

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