The genitive, ending in -es, occurs only in Old High German and Modern High German, _plasannes_, _weinnenes_.

-- 280. With these preliminaries we can take a clear view of the English infinitives. They exist under two forms, and are referable to a double origin.

1. The _independent_ form.--This is used after the words _can_, _may_, _shall_, _will_, and some others, as, _I can speak_, _I may go_, _I shall come_, _I will move_. Here there is no preposition, and the origin of the infinitive is from the form in -an.

2. The _prepositional_ form.--This is used after the majority of English verbs, as, _I wish to speak_, _I mean to go_, _I intend to come_, _I determine to move_. Here we have the preposition _to_ and the origin of the infinitive is from the form -nne.

-- 281. Expressions like _to err_ = _error_, _to forgive_ = _forgiveness_, in lines like

"To err is human, to forgive divine,"

are very remarkable. They exhibit the phenomena of a nominative case having grown not only out of a dative but out of a dative _plus_ its governing preposition.



-- 282. Of the divisions of verbs into active and pa.s.sive, transitive and intransitive, unless there be an accompanying change of _form_, etymology takes no cognisance. The forces of the auxiliary verbs, and the tenses to which they are equivalent, are also points of syntax rather than of etymology.

Four, however, of _derived_ verbs, as opposed to _simple_, especially deserve notice.

I. Those ending in -en; as _soften_, _whiten_, _strengthen_, &c. Here the -en is a derivational affix; and not a representative of the Anglo-Saxon infinitive form -an (as _lufian_, _baernan_ = _to love_, _to burn_), and the Old English -en (as _tellen_, _loven_).

II. Transitive verbs derived from intransitives by a change of the vowel of the root.

_Primitive Intransitive Form._ _Derived Transitive Form._

Rise Raise.

Lie Lay.

Sit Set.

Fall Fell.

Drink Drench.

In Anglo-Saxon these words were more numerous than they are at present.

_Intrans. Infinitive._ _Trans. Infinitive._

Yrnan, _to run_ aernan, _to make to run_.

Byrnan, _to burn_ Baernan, _to make to burn_.

Drincan, _to drink_ Drencan, _to drench_.

Sincan, _to sink_ Sencan, _to make to sink_.

Liegan, _to lie_ Lecgan, _to lay_.

Sittan, _to sit_ Settan, _to set_.

Drifan, _to drift_ Draefan, _to drive_.

Feallan, _to fall_ Fyllan, _to fell_.

Weallan, _to boil_ Wyllan, _to make to boil_.

Fleogan, _to fly_ A-fligan, _to put to flight_.

Beogan, _to bow_ Bigan, _to bend_.

Faran, _to go_ Feran, _to convey_.

Wacan, _to wake_ Weccan, _to waken_.

All these intransitives form their praeterite by a change of vowel; as _sink_, _sank_; all the transitives by the addition of d or t, as _sell_, _sell"d_.

III. Verbs derived from nouns by a change of accent; as _to survey_, from a _survey_.

_Nouns._ _Verbs._ | _Nouns._ _Verbs._ | absent absent. | extract extract.

abstract abstract. | Ferment ferment.

accent accent. | Frequent frequent.

affix affix. | import import.

Augment augment. | incense incense.

Colleague colleague. | insult insult.

Compact compact. | object object.

Compound compound. | Perfume perfume.

Compress compress. | Permit permit.

Concert concert. | Prefix prefix.

Concrete concrete. | Premise premise.

Conduct conduct. | Presage presage.

Confine confine. | Present present.

Conflict conflict. | Produce produce.

Conserve conserve. | Project project.

Consort consort. | Protest protest.

Contract contract. | Rebel rebel.

Contrast contrast. | Record record.

Converse converse. | Refuse refuse.

Convert convert. | Subject subject.

Descant descant. | Survey survey.

Desert desert. | Torment torment.

Digest digest. | Transfer transfer.

essay essay. | Transport transport.

Walker attributes the change of accent to the influence of the participial termination -ing. All words thus affected are of foreign origin.

IV. Verbs formed from nouns by changing a final _sharp_ consonant into its corresponding _flat_ one; as,

_The_ use _to_ use, _p.r.o.nounced_ uze.

_The_ breath _to_ breathe -- breadhe.

_The_ cloth _to_ clothe -- clodhe.



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