_North Riding Record Society_, V, 259.

1658. Exeter. Thomas Harvey of Oakham, Rutlandshire, "apprehended by order of Council by a party of soldiers," acquitted at Exeter a.s.sizes, but detained in custody. _Cal. St. P., Dom., 1658-1659_, 169.

1658. Chard, Somerset. Jane Brooks of Shepton Mallet hanged. Glanvill, _Sadducismus Triumphatus_ (1681), pt. ii, 120-122. (Glanvill used Hunt"s book of examinations). J. E. Farbrother, _Shepton Mallet; notes on its history, ancient, descriptive and natural_ (1860), 141.

1658. Exeter. Joan Furnace accused. Cotton, _Gleanings ...

Relative to the History of ... Exeter_, 152.

1658. Yorkshire. Some women said to have been accused by two maids. The woman "cast" by the jury. The judges gave a "respite." Story not entirely trustworthy.

_The most true and wonderfull Narration of two women bewitched in Yorkshire ..._ (1658).

1658. Wapping, Middles.e.x. Lydia Rogers accused. _A More Exact Relation of the most lamentable and horrid Contract which Lydia Rogers ... made with the Divel_ (1658). See app. A, -- 5, for another tract.

1658. Northamptonshire. Some witches of Welton said to have been examined. Glanvill, _Sadducismus Triumphatus_ (1681), pt. ii, 263-268.

1658. Salisbury, Wilts. The widow Orchard said to have been executed. From a MS. letter of 1685-86, printed in the _Gentleman"s Magazine_, 1832, pt. I, 405-410.

1659. Norwich, Norfolk. Mary Oliver burnt. P. Brown, _History of Norwich_, 39. Francis Blomefield, _An Essay towards a Topographical History of the County of Norfolk_ (London, 1805-1810), III, 401.

1659. Middles.e.x. Elizabeth Kennett of Stepney accused. _Middles.e.x County Records_, III, 278, 299.

1659. Hertfordshire. "Goody Free" accused of killing by witchcraft. _Hertfordshire County Sessions Rolls_, I, 126, 129.

1659-1660. Northumberland. Elizabeth Simpson of Tynemouth accused. _York Depositions_, 82.

1660. Worcester. Joan Bibb of Rushock received 20 damages for being ducked. _Gentleman"s Magazine_, 1856, pt. I, 39, from a letter of J. Noake of Worcester, who used the Townshend MSS.

1660. Worcester. A widow and her two daughters, and a man, from Kidderminster, tried. "Little proved."

Copied from the Townshend MSS. by Nash, in his _Collections for the History of Worcestershire_ (1781-1799), II, 38.

1660. Newcastle. Two suspected women detained in prison.

Extracts from the Munic.i.p.al Accounts of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in M. A. Richardson, _Reprints of Rare Tracts ... ill.u.s.trative of the History of the Northern Counties_ (Newcastle, 1843-1847), III, 57.

1660. Canterbury, Kent. Several witches said to have been executed. W. Welfitt ("Civis"), _Minutes of Canterbury_ (Canterbury, 1801-1802), no. X.

c. 1660. Suss.e.x. A woman who had been formerly tried at Maidstone watched and searched. MS. quoted in _Suss.e.x Archaeol. Collections_, XVIII, 111-113; see also Samuel Clarke, _A Mirrour or Looking Gla.s.se both for Saints and Sinners_, II, 593-596.

1661. Hertfordshire. Frances Bailey of Broxbourn complained of abuse by those who believed her a witch.

_Hertfordshire County Sessions Rolls_, I, 137.

1661. Newcastle. Jane Watson examined before the mayor.

_York Depositions_, 92-93.

1661. Newcastle. Margaret Catherwood and two other women examined before the mayor. _Ibid._, 88.

1663. Somerset. Elizabeth Style died before execution. Glanvill, _Sadducismus Triumphatus_, pt. ii, 127-146. For copies of three depositions about Elizabeth Style, see _Gentleman"s Magazine_, 1837, pt. ii, 256-257.

1663. Taunton, Somerset. Julian c.o.x hanged. Glanvill, _Sadducismus Triumphatus_, pt. ii, 191-198.

1663-64. Newcastle. Dorothy Stranger accused before the mayor. _York Depositions_, 112-114.

1664. Somerset. A "h.e.l.lish knot" of witches (Hutchinson says twelve) accused before justice of the peace Robert Hunt. His discovery stopped by "some of them in authority." Glanvill, _Sadducismus Triumphatus_, pt. ii, 256-257. But see case of Elizabeth Style above.

1664. Somerset. A witch condemned at the a.s.sizes. She may have been one of those brought before Hunt. _Cal.

St. P., Dom., 1663-1664_, 552.

1664. Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. Rose Cullender and Amy Duny condemned. _A Tryal of Witches at ... Bury St. Edmunds_ (1682).

1664. Newcastle. Jane Simpson, Isabell Atcheson and Katharine Curry accused before the mayor. _York Depositions_, 124.

1664. York. Alice Huson and Doll Dilby tried. Both made confessions. Copied for _A Collection of Modern Relations_ (see p. 52) from a paper written by the justice of the peace, Corbet.

1665. Wilts. Jone Mereweather of Weeke in Bishop"s Cannings committed. _Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports_, _Various_, I, 147.

1665. Newcastle. Mrs. Pepper accused before the mayor.

_York Depositions_, 127.

1665. Three persons convicted of murder and executed for killing a supposed witch. Joseph Hunter, _Life of Heywood_ (London, 1842), 167-168, note.

1666. Lancashire. Four witches of Haigh examined, two committed but probably acquitted. _Cal. St. P., Dom., 1665-1666_, 225.

1667. Newcastle, Northumberland. Emmy Gaskin of Landgate accused before the mayor. _York Depositions_, 154.

1667. Norfolk. A fortune-teller or conjuror condemned to imprisonment. _Cal. St. P., Dom., 1667_, 30.

1667. Ipswich, Suffolk. Two witches possibly imprisoned.

Story doubtful. _Cal. St. P., Dom., 1667-1668_, 4.

1667. Devizes, Wilts. "An old woman" imprisoned, charged with bewitching by making and p.r.i.c.king an image.

Blagrave, _Astrological Practice_ (London 1689), 90, 103.

1667. Lancashire. Widow Bridge and her sister, Margaret Loy, both of Liverpool, accused. _The Moore Rental_ (Chetham Soc., 1847), 59-60.

1668. Durham. Alice Armstrong of Strotton tried, but almost certainly acquitted. Tried twice again in the next year with the same result. Sykes, _Local Records_, II, 369.

1668. Warwick. Many witches "said to be in hold." _Cal. St.

P., Dom., 1668-1669_, 25.

1669. Hertfordshire. John Allen of Stondon indicted for calling Joan Mills a witch. _Hertfordshire County Sessions Rolls_, I, 217.

1670. Yorkshire. Anne Wilkinson acquitted. _York Depositions_, 176 and note.

1670. Latton Wilts. Jane Townshend accused. _Hist. MSS.

Comm. Reports, Various_. I, 150-151.

1670. Wilts. Elizabeth Peac.o.c.k acquitted. See Inderwick"s list of witch trials in the western circuit, in his _Sidelights on the Stuarts_ (London, 1888), 190-194.

Hereafter the reference "Inderwick" will mean this list. See also above, p. 269, note.

1670. Devonshire. Elizabeth Eburye and Aliena Walter acquitted.

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