Nor are we likely to forget Our debt to the Munitionette.

The We seem to have subdued the Hun Present Time And so farewell (our task is done) To Anzacs-Indians-Poilus-Yanks--


Concerning MEN and TONICS

_by the late DR. ANDREW WILSON._

_"Many a man feels so thoroughly out of sorts, and thinks himself so dreadfully ill, that he is rather surprised when the doctor tells him there is not really anything seriously the matter with him at all; that he just needs a tonic, and should put the brake on as regards work, worry, or late hours._

_"It is this "run-down-ness," "out-of-sorts-ness," "below-par-ness,"

which lead to all kinds of fanciful fears, such as having Brain f.a.g, Neurasthenia, and other conditions startling by name at least._

_"Now I have found the form of Iron Jelloids put up with Quinine (called Iron Jelloids No. 2A), to be an excellent Tonic in all such cases. When a man or youth feels out-of-sorts, and is not so ill as to require medical advice, he cannot do better than try a Fortnight"s Treatment of Iron Jelloids No. 2A, as a suitable and effective remedy._

_For DEBILITY, WEAKNESS and NERVINESS, Men find the Ideal Tonic and Restorative in Iron Jelloids No. 2A._

_For ANaeMIA in Men and Women (shown by breathlessness on slight exertion, pallor, depression and weakness) Doctors have for many years prescribed the well-known Iron Jelloids No. 2.--there is nothing better._

_A Ten Days Treatment (price 1/3) will convince you._

_Mr. J. R. PENNINGTON, Chemist, late of Worksop, writes:--"I always handle Iron Jelloids with pleasure as my customers are invariably satisfied with them."_

[Ill.u.s.tration: IRON "JELLOIDS"

(_p.r.o.nounced Jell-Lloyds._)]

Reliable Tonic for Men IRON JELLOIDS No. 2A.

For Anaemia in Men & Women IRON JELLOIDS No. 2.

For Growing Children IRON JELLOIDS No. 1.

_Of all Chemists. A Ten Days Treatment 1/3. Large size 3/-_

_Manufactured by The Iron Jelloid Co., Ltd., 189, Central Street, London, E.C.1. England._

[Ill.u.s.tration: IRON JELLOIDS The Great Tonic]

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