For this novel, I might or might not separate it into parts.

Why uncertain? Because compared to YCY or 3M (Yes, this is the novel with higher votes), it is a slapstick novel that is very easy to tl. (And for those that was able or unable to recognize me, I have another project on my main website)
And I also have 1 more project that I"m working on to release all chapters at once on this blog (RoM-RC, 25 chapters, all had around 7-11 pages in MS words, Calibri 11)

How easy? YCY is difficult (and for those that wonder, not mtl friendly, and I"m not using mtl either) due to all the poems, ancient Chinese quotations, rhyming sentences, etc, and I myself also need to do research as I tl through them to avoid any mistakes.
As for 3M, it is in between these 2 novels, but it is very long (the teaser chapter took me 4++ hrs, almost the same as YCY)

So, it really depends on my schedule if I were separate it into parts to release 1 chapter in one go. That"s all from me, enjoy the novel~

Translated: Akiha

Chapter 5

A cold air climbed down her spine. She had already left a destructive impression in his mind. It"s no joke if he learned that she had become a "men" destructing spirit!

She pretended to be calm and waved her hand, retaining her lady boss image and said coolly: "Cough, I don"t have the leisure to talk to you now, you better get away from me."

"Tsk, you called my friend out to teach him a lesson and you ask me to stay away from you?" As he said so, the leather shoe tapped on the ground, making tapping sounds, "Don"t you know what men can"t stand the most? Their friend being bullied by others, their women ran away from them."

"I won"t run away with others! Don"t come any nearer!" She gasped as he walked in on her and immediately became like a fragile woman, wanting to get away from him with trembling shoulders.

"…… I thought you will understand what I said, what I"m emphasizing on is the former part of the sentence." He squinted and said his words slowly to explain what he had meant. Nothing felt even more humiliating than having the message behind the words misunderstood by others. It was as if someone said a joke and the other person find it not funny at all and moronic like the speaker, "Also…… Who are you asking to not go nearer? Should I hear that from the woman who confessed to me yesterday?"

After finishing his sentence, he walked two steps nearer to her. He had not planned to touch her, but he only wanted to go against her wishes and domineer over her arrogance. He only ended up seeing her attention diverted by the noise in the corridor and ignored the fact that he came nearer to her. His eyebrows creased and he also looked towards the source of the noise. Only a group of girls can be seen surrounding the school entrance, and of course, the reason why girls will squeeze together was none other than men. But, he felt curious towards the man that had let those groups of people that surrounded him noisily to watch him quietly.

But he was not the only person to feel curious. Even the person that he was about to teach a lesson to was also attracted.

He then saw her suddenly giving up curling her body up pitiably and jumped to climb up the ground floor"s window. She then flipped over the window and shouted as she dashed towards the school entrance.

The woman that had said that she will not run away with another man had then run towards another man. He curled his lips up mockingly and the cigarette in his mouth moved. He supported himself on the wall with one of his arm and watch over the bustle, watched the hustle of this woman who talk behind other"s back after confessing.

Su Jia Ao felt that there was an active volcano on her head and it was about to erupt. She had an idea why her body had changed. It must be because that guy was not able to force her into marriage and took out that perverted poison from his own hometown and caused her to not be able to touch any men. Did he think that with such an underhanded tactic she will be compelled to marry him? Ptooey!

And now he had even came to her school to show off. It was him who had forced her!

"The one with the family name Ji[1], stand there and don"t move!"

Standing by the school entrance, Ji Chun Qing who was stared to the point of feeling awkward subconsciously stood properly and asked her for help with his gaze. But she was not in the mood to notice his gaze that was asking a help which looked like a small white rabbit[2]. She pounced over like a vicious tiger and opened her arms to give him a big bear hug. With both her arms clutching on his neck, even her legs are on his waist.

She can"t touch men of above five years old, was it? Ji Chun Qing better don"t forget, even if she hated his type, he is also a man who was older than five years old. Hmph, nosebleed was it? She won"t let him go no matter what if his nose does not bleed to the point he became fatigued. Spurt till he die, spurt till he die, spurt till he dieeeee!!!!

"Su Jia Ao that tomboy is bulling a man!"

"What? Su Jia Ao was forcefully hugging the man?"

"Ahh!! So wicked, Su Jia Ao is forcefully hugging that fragile and handsome man!"

"Su Jia Ao is forcefully hugging a little boy?"

The discussion around her that had become weird did not enter Su Jia Ao"s ear. Because of that pair of hand that was slowly tightening around her waist and her cheek that was brushing against his ear, his body temperature went up as he was unable to stand this teasing. In the end, he lowly muttered in her ear:

"Good thing. Good thing you don"t hate me that much."


"Great Mother-in-law said that you will be happy if I were to fetch you back from school. It seems that it"s not wrong."


"But Dear Wife, can you please don"t tease other men like this in the public?" He used a negotiating tone that was neither light nor heavy to comment about her action of suddenly hanging onto another man"s body. After he ended his sentence, he pursed his lips and said unhappily, "This me can"t accept it easily."

"What the heck?" Don"t arbitrarily make them who are basically strangers that don"t know one another to be in any sort of relationship.

"Since I have already obtained your favourability, when are we going to complete our marriage?"

He said to himself calmly, but she found out about something that is more worthy to research about than being married.

"May I know where did the nosebleed that spurted out to the point you feel fatigue went to?" She left his embrace and tilted her head to size up his small nose. No red spots can be seen on his fair skin.

"Uh? Nosebleed?"

"Yeah, why did all the men that touched me today spurted blood from their nose. But when a five year old boy touches me or when I touched you, there are no reactions at all? Why, why, why!"

"That is naturally because their body are not pure enough." As he finished his sentence, he held her wrist and showed the bracelet to her. Slightly smiling, he said, "From now onwards, until we get married, no other filthy men can touch you. Dear Wife, I will properly protect you."

"…… Your purity only meant they did not take a bath, right?" No no no, please don"t be as evil she had in her mind! Isn"t he very pure, very taintless, very naïve? Please remain so!

"Of course not." He pursed his lips and shyly answered.

"…… Don"t tell me it"s the purity of not doing those things to the women?"

He slightly blanked out and lightly nodded his head.

"You, you, you, how can you who did such an underhanded thing be counted as someone who"s innocent, taintless and naïve! Wait, from what we said, are you still a……" With a gulp, she swallowed her saliva and looked at the man who was holding her tightly. Her body then went limp, "Help…… help me!!!"

She, who was a manly woman rolling in the society was thoroughly played around by a sheltered virgin!

That call for help had let Xiao Yao Jing who was watching by the side gripping tightly onto the windowsill. The cigarette ash dropped along the windowsill as he smiled coldly. The scene playing out in front of him can"t be said as stinging his eyes, but it was not something that he can accept nonchalantly as well. It had made him felt unhappy. The woman that had told him how much she like him did not even look at him even once and hurriedly ran into the other man"s embrace impatiently, completely forgotten about him who was like half involved with the situation was watching everything happening. Did she think that he, Xiao Yao Jing is invisible?

It"s not like he had never met women who are double-faced, and neither did he not met women who were playing cat and mouse. But, Su Jia Ao, isn"t she being a little too much?

If you say that she"s not doing it on purpose, she had come to tell him of her existence to him once every few days. And now when he had began to notice her, she then had him in such situation and found a man to do such a thing in front of him. Did she think it was fun playing around with him?

Then let all of us have fun!

[1] I can"t find a better way to translate this…. In Chinese, when someone calls another person out by their family name, it was because they don"t want to say their name and had grudge towards that person.

[2] White rabbit basically indicates that person as being harmless, pitiable, and pure/innocent.

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