Translated: Akiha

Chapter 1

“I like you!”

“…… Who are you?”

“My surname is Su, given name is Jia Ao. I"m Su family"s caring and warm garment. My mother hoped that I will stick to her heart like the garments does on the body!”


“But I don"t plan to stick to her heart. I want to stick onto your heart, because I like you!”

“And so?”

“Ah? And.. and you and me, the both of us…”

“Become a couple?”

Nodding the head vigorously.

“Sorry, I don"t like virgins.”


“Want to get married?”

The hope relighted, continue to nod the head.

“Recite the Three Obediences and Four Virtues before you appear before me again.”

Eh? Eh eh eh? He went away? Without even turning back?

Three…. Three Obediences and Four Virtues? What are those? In the 21st century where satelites are floating about, where the trend shifted to women holding the power and men kneeling on boards. She, Su Jia Ao, as a youth that lived within the age with new beliefs. Why did she even fall in love with a close-minded man that holds traditional beliefs?

“Ding ding ding”

The ringtone of a phone can be heard. Su Jia Ao stared unhappily at the phone"s display screen. It was a call from her best friend and at the same time her follower and underling—Xiao Wai. Her nose felt sour and the emotion of wanting to be consoled and pitied on appeared. With a shaky hand, she lifted the phone to her ear:

“Xiao Wai……”

Just when the sob that were filled with the bitterness of being rejected came out, the one from the other side of the phone had cried out faster than she could. The voice initiated the cry, completely taking over the chance to vent the negative emotions.

“Xiao Ao DaJie! Waaa! I don"t want to live anymore! Uwaaaaaa!!!”

“Eh…… eh?” Why is the words that she had wanted to say had went to the other person"s mouth, and even cried out with a voice that was one hundred times more pitiable than hers?

“I was rejected! Waaaaa!!!”

“Eh…. eh?!” Why did the exact same reason were also used, just let her vent it out first. She don"t want to become the trash can to be vented on when she herself feels like in the dumps!

“He said our make up is too thick, collecting protection fee and threatening students. Those are the delinquents that he hated the most, and even said that we are shameless, that we are the evil women that live our life in the worst way possible, and even saying that we bullied boys so much that they became babies, and even transformed them into jerks that smokes, consume alcohol and plays around with virtous women……”


The Su Jia Ao who had her tail stepped on explaoded!

“Freaking h.e.l.l, which jerk said that? How dare he criticize my people like that? Give me his phone number. If I don"t beat him up to the point his face looks like peach blossoming, he will never know why the flowers are so red!”

“That"s right, that"s right. He"s being too much. Uuuuu, he even told me not to stare at him, and even tell me to tell my boss, who is you, to never stare at their most respectable and macho boss—Xiao Yao Jing randomly. Their boss must be with a woman that suits him, and not you who are stupid, idiotic pig that is not feminine!”

She really wanted to use profanities to greet that guy"s ancestors.

Su Jia Ao breathed deeply and tried her best to mantain the image of a boss that can make others feel secure, and in a forced snort, she said:”Who told you I had my eyes set on Xiao Yao Jing who had no future ahead of him. If I were to like him, where do I even place my face. Hmph, these failure of a rich kid that inherited the wealth from their family, having the patriarchy mindset, treating women like clothing, a moron and narcissistic, and think using his lower half and had no brain. I would rather want a sissy more than him!”

“Is… is it like that? Didn"t you praise him days ago that he"s macho, is masculine and have a perfect mark for looking unrestrained?”

“Who…. who said that! I will never lay my eyes on him. My mother had even arranged a marriage for me. The partner is someone that"s handsome and pretty and wealthy. He talks softly and is polite and gentle towards the ladies. Following the Three Obediences and Four Virtues, virtuous and filial. He listens to everything I say. If I ask him to go east, he won"t dare to head west; if I order him to sit, he won"t ever squat!”

“B…..Boss, is the partner your mother decided for you even a man?” Why does it feels like the male population are like the wives that are dominated and had no social position?……

“Aiya, you did not know about it. That was the tribe rule of my hometown, men have to listen to whatever the women says!”

“Is that so, that"s one perverted tribe rule….”

“In conclusion, I will never, ever lay my eyes on the Xiao Yao Jing that for no reason turn s.e.xy, likes to show his collar bone to seduce others, able to make black shirts look great, wearing flashy silver necklace and ring, and with a fashionable hairstyle!”

“….Oh…. That would be for the best……”

“So, don"t you ever fall in love with the freaking brat that follows him!”

“Alright! I will listen to you and won"t ever bat an eye towards him.”

“Mm, that would be good! Eh, wait, don"t hang up. I have something to ask you.”

“What is it?”

“Do you know about the Three Obediences and Four Virtues?”

“Eh, you just used that idiom on me and why are you asking me now?”

“Uh, I jsut felt that this idiom sounds very cool, so I used it randomly…… Eh, let me ask you, if I want to follow the Three Obediences and Four Virtues, will it be difficult?”

The Xiao Wai on the other side of the phone sighed:”The Three Obediences refers to Obeying the father as a maiden, Obeying the husband as a wife and Obeying the son when the husband dies. The Four Virtues refers to Virtue in Etiquette, Virtue in Speech, Virtue in Visage and Virtue in Work. Boss, didn"t you taught us that when you see the man you like fall into the river and by chance you"re wearing a new clothing, we are to save them only when the water does not cover our knees? If the you like this practices Three Obediences and Four Virtues, isn"t it very difficult?”

“…….. Is your brain that of a pig"s? Who would even want a man whose height is lower than that of your knee? You would believe even the words that contain no logics or common sense?”

“And so, all in all, you still like Xiao Yao Jing, and for his sake you"re learning the Three Obediences and Four Virtues?”

Love is really almighty. It is so powerful that it can melt even her boss who cares more about her new clothes more than a man!

“Ptooey! I told you. I already have a fiance, and he loves me so much he can"t live without me! He adores me so much that the flower blossomed from how heaty it is! I will never ever like that tasteless and inelegant Xiao Yao Jing!”

After saying that, she cut the call!

If she says more, her cover will be blown for sure. Turning her body and heading back. She still needs to go back and prepare dinner.

When she turned her head, she saw the silhouette of the person that had walked away without turning his back. For reasons unknown, he was standing right behind her. Who knows how long has he been standing there, and how much did he even listen in on her rambling. He just stood there casually smoking with one of his hands in the pocket. Moving his lips, the cigarette moved as well. His black eyes slight squinted. His eyes that were looking at her were filled with mockery:

“You will never ever like the tasteless and inelegant me? Mm?”

“……” Cold sweat are breaking nonstop…..

“You would rather want a sissy, and would not want me.”

“……” The cold sweat are dripping……

“I think with my lower half, has nk brain, is a moron and narcissistic failure of a son that inherited the family"s wealth?”

“……” The cold sweat are oozing out……

“Looks like I really am not suitable for you, am I right? Su…… Jia Ao?”


She"s doomed. Please don"t remember her name at this moment. She won"t feel happy at all under these circ.u.mstances. Because this is an act any person will do when they locked onto a target of grudge. Forget her, forget her, do forget about her please…… Just pretend that she did not confess her feelings, and did not badmouth behind the back of the receiver of the confession right after being rejected.

It"s one thing if she"s heartbroken, she only wanted to live on longer, Uuuuu…… Her image of a cold and dependable boss is only there to trick the gullible girls. Just let her go!

“Ding ding ding.…..”

Her phone rang again at such a timing. Her body shook when she picked up the phone, and she heard yet another cry. With a severe face, without enough time to deduce whether her impression will be reduced any further, she ran away. Before leaving, she left a sentence:

“I will work hard to practice the Three Obediences and Four Virtues. Before I succeed, please pretend to not know me. Bye bye!”

The eyes of Xiao Yao Jing that contains no emotion stared at the shadow of the person that was running away with all her might. Ashes can be seen dropping from the cigarette in his mouth, which was due to the smile that he accidentally showed.

Pretend to not know her? Knowing that he"s the type of person that will pay everything back, she was afraid of him seeking trouble with her? Hmph, having the courage to ask him out to confess to and then diss him into nothingness, and now running away after all that? Is she playing around with him?

Don"t even think about it!

Just like a certain idiom: You can consume whatever you want, but you can"t say whatever you want.

The Su Jia Ao that was escaping with all her might had never thought that the marriage arrangement which was a total nonsense to her was heard by the G.o.ds. And so, her dream came true.

Akiha: :") I laughed really hard at the part where he"s questioning her as I"m tanslating. xD
I had a lot of fun translating this, so this will have the most frequent update compared to my other projects~

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