[14] St. Luke xxiv. 49.

[15] Ps. lx.x.xvii. 3.

[16] Acts ii. 1-3.

[17] Isa. xi. 2, 3.

[18] Acts ii. 1-13.

[19] Acts ii. 14-41.

[20] St. Matt. xvi. 18.

[21] Acts ii. 47.

[22] Acts iii.

[23] Acts iv.

[24] Acts iv. 36, 37.

[25] Acts v. 12-16.

[26] Acts ii. 41-47.

[27] 2 Thess. ii. 15. See also ch. iii. 6. 1 Cor. xi. 2.

"Ordinances," margin "Traditions."

[28] Acts ii. 46 (margin).

[29] Acts iv. 31-37.

[30] Eph. v. 29, 30.

[31] Poems by Prof. Bright..

[32] Acts iii. 1.

[33] Acts iii. 11.

[34] Acts v. 42.

[35] Acts xiii. 5. 14; xiv. 1; xvii. 1, 2; xviii. 4.

[36] Acts xxi. 26-33.

[37] Acts v. 1-14.

[38] Acts vi. 1, &c.

[39] Deacon, from "Diaconos," a Greek word, meaning a ministering attendant.

[40] Acts vi. 7.

[41] Rev. ii. 6. 15.

[42] Acts viii. 5. 38.

[43] See Office for "Making of Deacons," Book of Common Prayer.

[44] Cp. Acts iv. 1, 2, 5, 6, and Acts v. 17.

[45] Acts ii. 47; iv. 21; v. 13. 26.

[46] Acts v. 34-40.

[47] It seems not unlikely that Saul of Tarsus in Cilicia was one "of them of Cilicia" mentioned in Acts vi. 9.

[48] St. Luke xii. 11, 12.

[49] Acts vii. 56.

[50] Acts viii. 1. 4.

[51] Acts xi. 19, 20.

[52] It may be, that the recollection of our Saviour"s visit to the neighbouring city of Sychar, or Sichem [St. John iv.], would help to influence the Samaritans.

[53] From the rather indistinct account of Simon"s death, it seems probable that he became a victim to such a temptation as the "Cast Thyself down," which was set before our Lord.

[54] Acts xi. 19, 20.

[55] Acts xi. 26.

[56] See "Some Account of the Church in the Apostolic Age," by the late Professor Shirley, p. 27.

[57] Acts ix. 32.



The Foundation of the Church among the Heathen

A.D. 38-45

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