A King, and No King

Chapter 52

l. 37. A] That have Authority.

l. 38. F] besides.

p. 198, l. 1. A] words.

l. 4. A] Ime.

l. 12. A, B and G] Pray G.o.d.

l. 13. A _omits_] in prison.

l. 15. A and F] mine. A] turne.

l. 27. A, B and G] deserv"d it.

l. 33. A] griefes.

l. 35. A] womans. F] woman.

l. 36. A] lost.

l. 39. G] unconstancy.

p. 199, l. 7. A] kill me Ladie.

l. 9. A _omits_] Lady.

l. 15. A] for were.

l. 20. A] in the.

l. 26. A, B and G] is as firme.

l. 27. A] and as lasting.

l. 28. A, B and G] in the. C] in th" ayre.

l. 31. A] murmurs.

l. 37. A--D and G] wrongs.

p. 200, l. 1. A by mistake _omits_] Spa.

l. 2. A, B, C and G] Our ends alike.

l. 9. A] hee"s asham"d.

l. 17. A] pray believe me.

l. 19. A, B and G] No more.

l. 20. A] and Mardonius.

l. 32. A--G] outlast. Folio _misprints_] too.

l. 38. A] is that.

p. 201, l. 5. A] know.

l. 10. A] pratling.

l. 11. A] to it.

l. 15. A--G] Beside.

l. 17. A] Sirra.

l. 23. A] Staffe poak"t. A, B, C and G] through. F] throw.

l. 24. A--D and G] broke. l. 25. D, E and F] stifled with.

l. 30. F] worst.

l. 35. A] you may say Sir what. Folio _misprints_] you.

l. 36. A gives this line to Mardonius.

p. 202, l. 3. A, B and G] I thank G.o.d.

l. 5. A] doe it.

l. 6. A _omits_] Doe.

l. 13. A _Adds_] and a Souldier like a termogant.

l. 16. A] let um be prisoners.

l. 18. F] them.

ll. 19 and 20. A gives these lines to Bacurius.

ll. 21 and 22. A and G give these lines to s.p.a.conia.

l. 22. A, B, C and G] deare.

l. 23. A] Ex. Bacu. with Tig. and Spa.

l. 24. A, B, C and G] have you.

l. 25. F] prove.

l. 30. A] Sadlers.

l. 32. A, D and F] darest.

l. 33. A] knowest.

l. 34. G] will not.

l. 37. A] shall then tell. B] of this.

l. 40. A] Where. F] them.

p. 203, l. 1. A _Adds after_ off] doe, kill me.

l. 2. A _omits_] worse.

l. 4. A, B, C and G] a dead sleepe.

l. 5. A] Like forraigne swords.

l. 10. A] all thine.

l. 12. G] Wilt. A] with me good Mardonius.

l. 20. A, B and G] and all beautie.

l. 22. F] she is not.

l. 23. A] doe enlarge her.

l. 26. A] that would have.

l. 29. E and F] heat.

l. 30. E] To here wretched. F _omits_] a.

l. 38. A] knew of. B, C and D] knewst the.

p. 204, l. 7. A] is it.

l. 15. A--D and G _omit_] a.

l. 16. A _omits_] Thousands. E and F] Thousand. A] denie it.

l. 18. A, B and G] vertue.

l. 24. A _omits_] all.

l. 26. A--G] stooles there boy.

l. 32. A, B and G] and my deare.

l. 33. B, C and G] to th" cause.

l. 35. F _omits_ this line.

l. 37. A prints the words "be wise, and speake truth" as the conclusion of the second Sword-man"s speech.

p. 205, l. 4. A] If he have.

l. 5. B--E] If a have. F] If I have.

l. 12. A] case.

l. 13. A, B and G] an honourable.

l. 15. A, B and G] we Sword-men.

l. 17. A, B and G] drawne ten teeth. A--G] beside.

l. 18. A] all these.

l. 21. B--E] a crackt.

l. 22. A] with crossing.

l. 26. A--G] There"s.

l. 30. A, B, C and G] mile.

l. 32. A--G] mile.

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