A Love So Beautiful

Chapter 28

As I don’t have a pair of long, slender legs, I couldn’t pull off that kind of subtle, natural s.e.xiness when wearing men’s clothes, so I just wore Jiang Chen’s basketball shorts, they were just short shorts for him, yet were capri pants when I was the one wearing them. When I came out of the bathroom, Jiang Chen looked at me and quickly smiled, saying, “Are you going to perform in an opera? I used to think that you were just short, but now, I just noticed that you really are ‘that’ short.”  

I lifted my ‘pants’ and was going to beat him. I just don’t understand how we ended up being lumped together when I was only giving him a beating. Probably because couples are akin to two pieces of magnets with north and south poles, when they’ve been parted and then got too close with each other, they’d impatiently, hungrily and thirstily stick together.  

Jiang Chen tackled me to the ground, his gaze pinned me for around two, three seconds, or rather two, three minutes. Anyway, I swallowed past the lump in my throat three times, but I wasn"t able to take a good swallow on the third time as he quickly covered my mouth with his, it was a lemon-scented kiss. At the start, I felt like I was kissing an air freshener, but afterwards he bit my lower lip making me feel relieved — air fresheners don"t bite people.

His kisses contained an unprecedented pa.s.sion, burning every inch of my skin where they touch making my temperature rise rapidly, especially when he’d caress my waist with his slightly callused fingers. I think the temperature of that part of my waist has already surpa.s.sed the temperature limit a human being could tolerate. It"s rapidly burning fat. I expect my waist is likely to melt under his touch, slim it down, and ultimately snap me into half……

When Jiang Chen was about to lift my top, he especially asked me, "Scared?"

I obstinately replied, "Not scared."

"You sure?"

"I"m sure." I lifted my head and kissed him on the mouth.  

He took it seriously, and peeled my top off in a blink of an eye…..  

Hence two seconds later, my act of screaming so suddenly made him feel very puzzled. His hand which was working on the lock of my undergarment stopped, and he asked, "What"s wrong?"  

I said, "Can I……..not do it?"  

He froze for a moment, and then asked me, "Aren’t you not scared?"

I pathetically let out a hollow laugh, I thought that this handsome lad already knew that fickleness is a woman"s privilege.  

He looked at me viciously for quite a while, a sigh washed over me, then he lay down on his side and took a deep breath.  

I covered my chest with clothes in a flurry, and had wanted to quickly look for a place to hide so I got up, but then I had second thoughts, so I a.s.sumed a look of being timid and asked, "Are you angry?"

Jiang Chen turned his back on me, "Nonsense, as if you wouldn"t be angry if it were you!

I poked his back, "Then which room do I sleep in?"

"Which one would you like to sleep in?"  

"Oh." I took two steps and couldn"t help but say, "Then what about you?"

"I"ll give you a suggestion, if you don"t want to help me resolve it then just shut up, enter the room, and lock the door." His voice sounded like it was cracking, with traces of his anger.

I mulled over it for a moment and said, “Do I really have to lock the door? I don"t seem to be convinced by you. Or say, do you actually have the key? If you do have the key, then whether I lock it or not, there’s essentially no difference, can we not do this formality?"

"Chen! Xiao! Xi!" He sat up, fuming with rage between gritted teeth.

I said, "I"ll give you a suggestion, it"ll be more useful to call Chen Guanxi, he has more expertise in this field." (T/N: Yes, the Chen Guanxi/ Edison Chen with s.e.x scandals. He appears so prominently in this novel, like half of the chapters we"ve translated features him lol)  

After I was done talking, I quickly fled into one of the rooms, closed the door shut and locked it, then I heard the slippers swishing in the air, hitting the door, sliding, then falling down the floor.  

What a pleasant night.  

I looked around and found out that the room I casually rushed into was actually the room Jiang Chen usually sleeps in as there were few pieces of his clothes strewn on the bed, as a matter of fact, I"ve described it quite modestly, his clothes and books were actually piled up on his bed.  

I tidied out a corner, sat cross-legged, and casually fished out clothes folding them neatly in a pile. The room is filled with the flavor of Jiang Chen, I"ve been familiar with this flavor since I was 16 years old, I"m just hoping that this flavor would also fill my life.

A knocking sound came from the door twice, and then Jiang Chen"s voice followed, "Open the door."

"What are you doing?" I held a piece of clothing in front of my chest out of reflex, and realising that I was being ridiculous, I folded it with a grin on my face.

"Getting a change of clothes for shower." He said.


"Fake." He snapped.

I went to open the door, I was wondering that once I open the door, would he throw me on the bed, and then do this to me, and that, this and that. Aiyo, I"m really sorry.

To be quite frank, I look forward to this kind of embrace and yet I wanted to act all reserved, let me think of a not so elegant saying — to erect a monument*. (T/N: The entire saying is "To lead the life of a wh.o.r.e but still want to erect a monument for one’s chast.i.ty which means harboring ill intentions but still want a good reputation.)

Unfortunately, Jiang Chen must have lost his focus, he thought I really wanted a good reputation, hence he waltzed in, took his clothes, and walked out, he didn"t even spare me a glance, and I even walked him to the door……

I just simply finished in tidying up Jiang Chen"s room, and was about to go to bed when another knock came from the door, my heart went up my throat.

Jiang Chen said, "Hey, I"m going to sleep. Good night."

"Good night."

The heart which I"ve mentioned slowly lowered down. Doctor Jiang, don"t bring such loneliness to your girlfriend"s heart.

When I entered the world of dreams with a sweet smile, my overwhelming happiness must have made the Duke of Zhou, that old man, think I"m unpleasant to look at, he arranged a segment of that girl jumping off from the second floor and replayed it countless times like it was on a video casette tape until I screamed and woke up from that dream. (T/N: Duke of Zhou is also known as the “G.o.d of Dreams” – in legend, he lets people know via dreams when something important is going to happen to them.)

Look, even if he"s a G.o.d, he"s also "envious, jealous, and hateful".

I felt around to switch on the lamp, then hugged a pillow in a daze.

There were two knocks at the door, I hugged the pillow tightly, and shrunk at the bedside.

"Xiaoxi? It"s me. Are you okay?" Jiang Chen"s voice can be heard from the other side of the door. I heaved a sigh of relief, living alone for a long time made me forget that there were two people in this house tonight.

"Can I come in?" He knocked on the door twice again.

"Well, the door isn"t locked." I said.

The door opened, Jiang Chen came in holding a gla.s.s filled with white liquid, if I"m not mistaken, it’s probably milk, if it’s something else, I can only say that he broke free of conventional thinking, in English it’s called, Thinking out of the box.

I suddenly felt like a princess trapped in a tower and my prince came to rescue me with his sword, I truly didn"t grow out of my childish innocence.

Jiang Chen handed the gla.s.s to me, "Had a nightmare?"

I drank a mouthful, it really is milk which proves that Jiang Chen doesn"t have an innovative spirit.

"I dreamt of that girl who jumped off the second floor today." I drank another mouthful of milk,  he didn"t put any sugar in it so it was really hard to drink.

He sat down at the edge of the bed, and patted me on the head, "Don"t be scared."

I placed the gla.s.s on the bedside table, and moved over to lean on his shoulder, I squinted my eyes and asked, "What time is it now?"

"Around three o"clock."

Leaning on his shoulders gave me so heavily drowsy and I let out a yawn, "I"m sleepy." 

"Then go to sleep." He held my head upright, "Lie down and sleep well, I"ll go out once you"re asleep."

I lay down on one side of the bed, and patted the other side saying, "Let"s sleep together."

I must stress that my mind is clouded, whether it being scared or being sleepy, I must insist that my mind is clouded. If not, I wouldn"t be able to forgive myself for this act of taking the initiative to invite a man to sleep together with me. This is not in line with the rich image of me being tormented by the ideologies of the remnants of feudalism.

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment, but eventually reached out to switch off the lamp and laid down.

I also hesitated for a moment, but eventually rolled over and hugged his waist from behind, and buried my face between his shoulder blades, closing my eyes to sleep.

He froze, afterwards he covered my hands that were wounded around his waist with his.

In the dark, I could hear the frantic beatings of his heart which then slowly calmed down, I asked, "Are you asleep?"


As my ears were stuck on his back, his voice sounded m.u.f.fled as though it came from a distant place.

I said, "Jiang Chen, I forgot that I"ve never told you, I love you."

He turned silent for quite a while, I heard his heart which was beating like a drum. When I was about to fall asleep, he turned his body around and hugged me, then he kissed my forehead, "Let"s sleep, if you talk once more I won"t be courteous to you anymore."  

There"s something wrong with me, I call it the "sudden talk back illness". The worst manifestation of this illness occurs when my consciousness is muddled, for instance, I remember once in the History of Western Art cla.s.s. I was dozing off and was caught by the teacher who made me stand up to answer a question, "Why did Verocchio let Leonardo Da Vinci draw an egg?" From the lack of sleep, I turned impatient at being thrown an idiotic question which has already appeared in my grade school textbook, I replied, "Because he likes to eat eggs." At this, the teacher was angered to death,and  with a big sigh, lamented that I could never be as great as Leonardo Da Vinci. I tactlessly retorted him, "Of course, that"s because you"re no Verrochio either."………I"m not going to conceal this, even though this cla.s.s was just an elective, but I had to take remedial exams no less than five times, it broke our faculty"s record of remedial exams taken, I can be regarded as a historical figure.

Now, my illness has suddenly flared up, when Jiang Chen said, "if you talk once more I won"t be courteous to you anymore", I subconsciously retorted a sentence, "Who asked you to be courteous?"

Jiang Chen replied, "What you said, don"t regret it."

I retorted once again, "Who"s regretting? Tch ——-" 

Two seconds later, Jiang Chen was above me, he probably realised that if he were to drag this one again, it would be like asking a repeat of the previous time"s disaster, hence before he regained his clear consciousness, he quickly and mercilessly removed all the clothing barrier on the both of us.    

I said, "Wait…..oh….."  

My mouth was covered by his mouth.  

I think that since the both of us already don"t have the so-called fig leaf, then you can figure it out. From this you can tell that my att.i.tude towards life is that however it may be, take the rough with the smooth.

When Jiang Chen"s kisses trailed down to my collarbone, I entered a state of trance, this kind of trance was akin to being seasick, like how the undulating waves would make one feel dizzy, I don"t know how long this trance lasted. In a word, Jiang Chen guided me to learn some things that schools wouldn"t teach. I want to insist again on practicing this several times, and then we"ll become self-taught geniuses.

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