A Master's Degree

Chapter 18

"It is raining still. Take my umbrella," he said at the close of his simply told story. "But tomorrow"s sunshine will dry the field for the game, all right. Good night."

"Good night," Vincent Burgess said hoa.r.s.ely, and plunged into the darkness and the rain.

Ten steps from the Saxon House, he came plump into Bond Saxon, who staggered a little to avoid him.

"My luck on rainy nights," Vincent thought. "The old fellow"s sprees seem to run with the storms. He hasn"t been "off" for a long time."

But Bond Saxon was never more sober in his life, and he clutched the young man"s arm eagerly.

"Professor Burgess, won"t you help me!" he cried.

"What do you want to do on a night like this?" Burgess asked, remembering the vow he had been forced to make, by this same man.

"Come help me save a man"s life!" Bond urged.

"Look here, Saxon. You"ve got some wild notion out of a boot-legger"s bottle. Straighten up now. It"s an infamous thing in a college town like Lagonda Ledge, where neither a saloon nor a joint would be allowed, that some imp of Satan should forever be bringing you whisky. Who does it, anyhow?"

"I"m not drunk and haven"t been for six months. Come on, for G.o.d"s sake, and help me to save a life, maybe two lives, from the very man that"s done the boot-leggin" and robbin" in this town for months and months."

Saxon"s words were convincing enough.

"What can I do?" Burgess asked. "I"m not a policeman."

"Come on! Come on!" Saxon urged, tugging at the professor"s arm. "It "s a life, I tell you."

Vincent yielded unwillingly, the night, the beating rain, the man who asked it of him, the purpose, his own unfitness--all holding him back.

Before they had gone far, Bond Saxon suddenly exclaimed:

"Say, Professor, do you remember the night I asked you to take care of Dennie if anything should happen to me?"

"Do YOU remember it?" Burgess responded. "You didn"t ask; you demanded."

"I was drunk then. I"m sober now. Burgess, if anything should happen to me now, would you still be willing?" Bond Saxon asked in tense anxiety.

"I"ve already taken oath," Burgess said. "I think your daughter may need somebody"s care before anything happens if you keep up this gait."

They hurried on through the rain until they had left the board walk and the town lights, and were staggering along the cinder-made path, when Burgess halted.

"Saxon, who"s the man, or two men, you want to save? I believe you are drunk."

Bond Saxon grasped his arm, and said hoa.r.s.ely:

"Don"t shriek here. We are in danger, now. It"s not two men. It"s a man and a woman, maybe. It"s Dean Funnybone. Come on!"


_O, thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no, name to be known by, let us call thee, devil!_ --SHAKESPEARE

WHEN Lloyd Fenneben could think again, the waters had receded, the rock ledge had turned to a pillow under his head, the river bank was a straight white hospital wall, sunlight and sweet air for the darkness and the rain, and Norrie Wream was beside him instead of the brutal stranger. His heavy black hair was shorn away and his head was bound with much soft cotton stuffs. His left arm was full of p.r.i.c.kles, as if the blood had just resumed circulation.

"And meantime?" he said, looking up at Elinor.

"Yes, meantime, it"s June time," Elinor replied.

"Well, and what of Sunrise? Did we--"

"Oh, yes, we did. The college first. The ruling pa.s.sion, strong in the hospital. When a Wream gets to kingdom-come, he always asks Saint Peter first for a mortar board and gown instead of a crown and wings."

Norrie"s eyes were shining. "And he"s a little particular about the lining of the wings, too--Purple, for Law; White, for Letters; Blue, for Philosophy; Red, for Divinity. Take this quieting powder. College presidents should be seen and not heard." She smilingly silenced him.

Under her gentle ministrations, Dr. Fenneben could picture what comfort might be in store for Vincent Burgess in a day, doubtless only two years away. He resented Joshua Wream"s estimate of Elinor. Surely Joshua had never seen her in the place of nurse.

"Now, meantime, Uncle Lloyd," Elinor was saying, "commencement pa.s.sed off beautifully under Acting-Dean Burgess, considering how sad and heavy-hearted everybody was. The trustees want to raise Professor Burgess"s salary next year--he"s so competent."

Lloyd Fenneben"s eyes were not bandaged, and as he looked at Elinor he wondered at her utter lack of reserve and sentiment, when she spoke of Burgess in such a frank, matter-of-fact way. When he was in love years ago--but times must have changed.

"The arrangements for next year are all looked after. Everything will be done exactly as you would have it done. There"s not one thing to put a worry into that cotton round your head."

"Good! Now, tell me of "beforehand."" His smile was as charming as ever.

"In your fever you"ve been telling us about a one-armed man who had two arms to push people into the river, of his wanting you to save some child"s life, and of your stumbling over the stone. That"s all we know about that. Bond Saxon and Professor Burgess found you in the water at the north bend in the Walnut close to that hermit woman"s house. Either you fell in, or somebody pushed you down the bank, headforemost, and you struck a ledge of rock." Elinor"s eyes were full of tears now. "You would have been drowned, if that white-haired woman had n"t jumped in and held your head above water while she clung to the bushes with one hand. Her dog helped, too, like a real hero. It stood on the bank and held to her shawl that she had fastened round you to hold you. And the river was rising so fast, too. It was awful. I don"t know just how it was all managed, Uncle Lloyd, but it was managed between the woman and her dog at first, and Professor Burgess and Bond Saxon at last, and you are safe now, and on the high road, the very elevated tracks, to recovery. When your fever was the highest, the doctors kept telling me about your splendid const.i.tution and your temperate life. You must get well now."

She bent over him and softly caressed his hand.

"Where is that woman now? Dennie Saxon asked me once to do something for her in her loneliness. She got ahead of my negligence and did something for me, it seems."

"She left Lagonda Ledge the very day they rushed us up here to the hospital. Is n"t she strange? And she is so gentle and sweet, but so sad. I never saw such apathetic face as hers, Uncle Lloyd."

"When did you see her?" Fenneben asked.

"She came to ask after you. n.o.body thought you would get over it."

Elinor"s voice trembled. "The fever was burning you up and it took three doctors to hold you. I saw her face when Dennie Saxon said they thought you wouldn"t pull through. Your own sister couldn"t have turned whiter, Uncle Lloyd."

"And the one-armed man I seemed to remember?"

"I don"t know. I"ve been too busy to ask many questions. Lagonda Ledge is in mourning for you. It will run up the flag above half-mast when I write how much better you are. Bond Saxon has a theory that some thief wanted to rob you and decoyed you away on pretense of helping somebody out of the river. You are an easy mark, Uncle."

"Why should Bond Saxon have a theory? And how did he know where to find me? And how did that gray-haired woman and her dog happen in on the scene just then? This is a grim sort of dime novel business, Norrie.

Things don"t fall out this way in real life unless there is some reason back of them. I think I"ll bear investigating."

"I think so myself--you or your romantic rescuing squad. You might call the dog to the witness stand first, for he was the first on the scene.

I forgot though that the dog is dead. They found him down the river with his throat cut. The plot thickens." Elinor"s frivolous spirit was returning with the lessening of care.

"Tell me about the ball game," Fenneben said next.

"Oh, it rained for hours and hours, and there wasn"t any train service for Lagonda Ledge for a week, and all the Inter-Collegiate Athletic events for the season were called off for Sun rise-by-the-Walnut."

"And the students, generally?" Dr. Fenneben questioned.

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