A Mercenary's War

Chapter 43: Incident

Chapter 43: Incident

Translated by: kevin1782

Edited by: Isalee


Gao Yang and his group’s destination was two streets away. This distance could usually be covered within half an hour. But since they needed to stealthily close in on the location, they used nearly two hours to do so. Luckily the road lights at the street sides were all out and thus they received protection from the darkness.


Gao Yang estimated that they arrived around two in the morning. When they could see the large building that Salim’s armed faction was occupying, they stopped.


Gao Yang and the rest were in the district where the rich people gathered. Their target building was not common here and instead, one could see traditional European yards and gardens. Though the houses were bungalows, they were tall and ma.s.sive. There was a patio with green areas also. They covered at least three to four thousand square feet. The crucial thing was that before the house and the fences, there was a large stretch open area. If they wanted to get close without making any sounds, it was going to be very difficult.


Luckily the fences were made of metal on the top and only bricks at the bottom. They just had to stand up to see the situation in the building.


Gao Yang and the rest closed in on the building and were two hundred meters away. They found a dark corner to hide in. Then Gao Yang found out that although it was two in the morning, the interior of the building was still lit everywhere. Most of the rooms’ curtains weren’t shut. From such a distance, human silhouettes could be seen from the windows.


Discovering that the enemies were not resting went against his expectations, Gao Yang felt that this was a little troublesome. He told Grolev, “What do you think? What should we do?”


Grolev observed a long while with Gao Yang’s binoculars before whispering, “My advice is that we f*ck them all straight away. I didn’t see any reconnaissance. I don’t think that these idiots would arrange recces, they are too unprofessional. My idea is to walk to the door, throw the mortar sh.e.l.ls in, and spray our guns. Retreat before they can comprehend and react fully to this. Then this whole thing’ll be done.”


“Would it be too risky? This building may have hundred or more people. Also, how can we know for sure which room the murderer, Salim, is in?”


Grolev just grinned at Gao Yang’s questions. “We only got three people. You still plan on confirming your target who’s surrounded by a hundred plus men and then get rid of him? Or slaughter them all? Come on, this ain’t a movie, and we ain’t superheroes. Maximizing our advantages and profits before ending this is the correct decision. When they know how to fight in a war, we may not even have a chance anymore. As to how to secure Salim’s death, I don’t have any idea. You can only hope for Fedor’s spirit to guide us to throw the mortar sh.e.l.l into the right house.”


Gao Yang felt that Grolev was making a lot of sense, he couldn’t pretend that he was an omnipotent deity. So killing a few was a few. Also, it was only right to pray for one of the dead to be the target.


Gao Yang nodded and told Tribo what Grolev suggested. Tribo also felt that it was the only choice. Tribo and Gao Yang wanted to take revenge, but the condition was that it was within their ability and that it could be realized.


Striking the iron while it’s hot, the night a.s.sault on Salim’s stronghold wasn’t hurried. Gao Yang took out the M1A on his back and used the infrared aim-scope to search the parameters.


Anything that gave out enough heat couldn’t evade the infrared thermos-scale’s range of search unless they had something to separate themselves from infrared rays. Gao Yang used the scope and searched around. He made sure there weren’t any recce positioned outside the building, whether they were in the dark or out in the open.


It was only stupid to not post recces on the outside of the stronghold for an armed organization under war. Yet after Gao Yang saw the Resistance’s abilities during the day, he wasn’t too surprised with this. Especially right now; he’d only be jubilant for the enemies’ foolishness.


Gao Yang and the rest shifted to the building’s main entrance and were facing the door on the other side of the road. There were a few pickup trucks there and were just parked there for convenience’s sake. Those pickup trucks provided cover for them.


The trucks were also seven to eight meters away from the main entrance. Twenty meters approximately from the main entrance to the bungalow door. The distance wasn’t far, but the problem was that the main entrance’s metal gate was closed. They weren’t sure if it was locked though. 


They hid behind the cars and discussed what to do next. Learning from Grolev who had rich experiences in this, Gao Yang asked Grolev to command the following actions.


Grolev raised his head to observe for a while. He hushed his voice and asked, “Y’all know how to use mortar sh.e.l.ls?”


Gao Yang shook his head, he didn’t ask Tribo because he knew both of them couldn’t. They had a certain amount of understanding about guns but knew nothing when it came to mortar sh.e.l.ls.


Grolev pondered for a moment and whispered, “Okay, Hare and I will change guns. Then, when we get in there, you see that room? There are a lotta people in there. You lock the room door, I throw the mortar sh.e.l.l inside, then I unload all my bullets from the window. Retreat immediately after.”


Gao Yang didn’t have a better choice. He nodded and translated whatever Grolev said to Tribo. After that, Tribo gave his M4 to Grolev and Tribo received the RPD from Grolev.


It seemed like there was only one door. Gao Yang felt that as long as Tribo and he locked the door properly, n.o.body would able to get out of there. The two sides of the main gate each had four windows. It looked like there were men inside; however, the window second to the right of the room was exceptionally big. The largest room would contain the highest number of men inside. So they chose the second window on the right.


Tribo hadn’t used RPDs before but he knew how to use the gun after asking Grolev.


Even though Tribo couldn’t possibly shoot as well as Grolev, locking the door wouldn’t cause any problems for him.


Grolev put Tribo’s M4 on his back. He then took four mags from Tribo. The stuff in front of his chest was to hold ammunition drums. Then Gao Yang lowered his M1A and put shotgun sh.e.l.ls in the most comfortable place to take them out from. Upon preparing the pistol, Grolev carried the mortar sh.e.l.l-filled crate and was about to walk out of safety when something happened.


The street suddenly became bright. Gao Yang and Grolev shrank back to their hiding place. Seconds later, car engines could be heard.


A few cars with big lights were speeding towards them. The car lights illuminated the street and shortly later Gao Yang heard the house door open, along with conversation sounds. Gao Yang peeked from the car bottom only to see a dozen or more men walking from the house outside.


Those people walking out opened the metal gate and stood on the side of the street by the house’s door. The few cars only stopped when they reached the main entrance. As the cars switched off their engines, Gao Yang could see many pairs of feet walking to the door.


“Hi, welcome! Friends, how’s it, was it a smooth journey throughout?”


“Not really smooth and slick, if not we’d be here already, and not make you wait till now. But fortunately, even though we’re slightly late, we’re here at last. Let me introduce them to you. This is Ked Freeman, he was entrusted by Mr. Steven to help you guys. Haha, Ked was one of the American infantry’s elite, he’s a real professional at killing people. He also brought ten brothers. They flew only from America here today. Trust me, with them to train your men, your people will quickly become warriors.”


“Wow, Mr. Freeman, I’m really happy that you’re willing to come. I also feel honored, please just call me Salim. Although a fake name, it doesn’t matter. Haha, alright, gentlemen, let’s go inside to talk. This isn’t the place to talk. Also, I think you guys must be tired too, everything’s prepared inside, please, this way.”


It was out of Gao Yang’s expectations that not only did these people speak English, but also another thing. He heard Salim speak, though not appearance-wise. However, he saw Salim’s legs. He was very strange camo pants with extremely ugly boots.


Although he knew who Salim was now, when Gao Yang heard the conversation, he felt that the fat was in the fire. It didn’t matter that Salim was mingling with the Taliban, but why the Americans too? From Salim’s extremely fluent American English, Salim must have very close relationships with America. But all that wasn’t important, what was more important was that there were actually ten retired soldiers here.


Didn’t matter if they were from Special Forces. Retired American soldiers compared to the mediocre militias in the Resistance was akin to Heaven and the Earth. Gao Yang could dismiss a hundred Resistance weaklings who couldn’t fight, but not those dozen or so retired soldiers since he and Tribo were not even retired soldiers.


When Salim and his group of people entered the house, the main gate was restored with tranquility. Grolev raised his head to look and mumbled to himself, “G.o.d d*mn it, there be ‘Muricans everywhere!”


Gao Yang sighed, “It’s getting troublesome now, big trouble.”


Grolev was silent for a brief moment before his voice sank. “What do you plan to do now? Continue? Give up? Or revise the plan and design another new plan?”


Gao Yang pondered momentarily and grimly said, “If we follow the original plan, I feel that after tonight, there"ll be no more chance for revenge.”


Grolev agreed with Gao Yang’s train of thought and whispered, “That’s right, there won’t be a better opportunity after this. They’ve just arrived, and they wouldn’t raise their security level for sure. Now’s their most lax moment and we gotta strike the iron while it’s hot and get rid of them.”


Telling Tribo that the plan wasn’t changing, Tribo also agreed. Now that there were retired soldiers to teach the Resistance, it was very likely that they wouldn’t be able to get so close that easily after a very short time.


Seeing that the room’s right side second window had walking silhouettes again, with the increase in the number of people, Gao Yang decided that their targets would be there. Also, the good news was that the metal gate was ajar, almost welcoming them in. After waiting ten minutes, Gao Yang’s group tiptoed and snuck past the main entrance door.

Translator"s note:


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