A Prisoner of Morro

Chapter 51

339--In School and Out By Oliver Optic 338--A Cousin"s Conspiracy By Horatio Alger, Jr.

337--Jack Harkaway After Schooldays By Bracebridge Hemyng 336--Frank Merriwell"s Great Scheme By Burt L. Standish 335--The Haunted Hunter By Edward S. Ellis 334--Tony, the Tramp By Horatio Alger, Jr.

333--Rich and Humble By Oliver Optic 332--Frank Merriwell"s Stage Hit By Burt L. Standish 331--The Hidden City By Walter MacDougall 330--Bob Burton By Horatio Alger, Jr.

329--Masterman Ready By Capt. Marryat 328--Frank Merriwell"s Prosperity By Burt L. Standish 327--Jack Harkaway"s Friends By Bracebridge Hemyng 326--The Tin Box By Horatio Alger, Jr.

325--The Young Franc-Tireurs By G. A. Henty 324--Frank Merriwell"s New Comedian By Burt L. Standish 323--The Sheik"s White Slave By Raymond Raife 322--Helping Himself By Horatio Alger, Jr.

321--Snarleyyow, The Dog Fiend By Capt. Marryat 320--Frank Merriwell"s Fortune By Burt L. Standish 319--By Right of Conquest By G. A. Henty 318--Jed, the Poorhouse Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr.

317--Jack Harkaway"s Schooldays By Bracebridge Hemyng 316--Frank Merriwell"s Problem By Burt L. Standish 315--The Diamond Seeker of Brazil By Leon Lewis 314--Andy Gordon By Horatio Alger, Jr.

313--The Phantom Ship By Capt. Marryat 312--Frank Merriwell"s College Chums By Burt L. Standish 311--Whistler By Walter Aimwell 310--Making His Way By Horatio Alger, Jr.

309--Three Years at Wolverton By A Wolvertonian 308--Frank Merriwell"s Fame By Burt L. Standish 307--The Boy Crusoes By Jeffreys Taylor 306--Chester Rand By Horatio Alger, Jr.

305--j.a.phet in Search of a Father By Capt. Marryat 304--Frank Merriwell"s Own Company By Burt L. Standish 303--The Prairie By J. Fenimore Cooper 302--The Young Salesman By Horatio Alger, Jr.

301--A Battle and a Boy By Blanche Willis Howard 300--Frank Merriwell on the Road By Burt L. Standish 299--Mart Satterlee Among the Indians By William O. Stoddard 298--Andy Grant"s Pluck By Horatio Alger, Jr.

297--Newton Forster By Capt. Marryat 296--Frank Merriwell"s Protege By Burt L. Standish 295--Cris Rock By Capt. Mayne Reid 294--Sam"s Chance By Horatio Alger, Jr.

293--My Plucky Boy Tom By Edward S. Ellis 292--Frank Merriwell"s Hard Luck By Burt L. Standish 291--By Pike and d.y.k.e By G. A. Henty 290--Shifting For Himself By Horatio Alger, Jr.

289--The Pirate and the Three Cutters By Capt. Marryat 288--Frank Merriwell"s Opportunity By Burt L. Standish 287--Kit Carson"s Last Trail By Leon Lewis 286--Jack"s Ward By Horatio Alger, Jr.

285--Jack Darcy, the All Around Athlete By Edward S. Ellis 284--Frank Merriwell"s First Job By Burt L. Standish 283--Wild Adventures Round the Pole By Gordon Stables 282--Herbert Carter"s Legacy By Horatio Alger, Jr.

281--Rattlin, the Reefer By Capt. Marryat 280--Frank Merriwell"s Struggle By Burt L. Standish 279--Mark Dale"s Stage Venture By Arthur M. Winfield 278--In Times of Peril By G. A. Henty 277--In a New World By Horatio Alger, Jr.

276--Frank Merriwell in Maine By Burt L. Standish 275--The King of the Island By Henry Harrison Lewis 274--Beach Boy Joe By Lieut. James K. Orton 273--Jacob Faithful By Capt. Marryat 184--Frank Merriwell"s Trip West By Burt L. Standish 183--The Diamond Hunters By James Grant 182--The Camp in the Snow By William Murray Graydon 181--Brave and Bold By Horatio Alger, Jr.

180--One of the 28th By G. A. Henty 178--Frank Merriwell"s Foes By Burt L. Standish 177--The White Elephant By William Dalton 176--By England"s Aid By G. A. Henty 175--Strive and Succeed By Horatio Alger, Jr.

173--Life at Sea By Gordon Stables 172--The Young Midshipman By G. A. Henty 171--Erling the Bold By R. M. Ballantyne 170--Strong and Steady By Horatio Alger, Jr.

169--Peter, the Whaler By W. H. G. Kingston 168--Among Malay Pirates By G. A. Henty 167--Frank Merriwell"s Chums By Burt L. Standish 166--Try and Trust By Horatio Alger, Jr.

165--The Secret Chart By Lieut. James K. Orton 164--The Cornet of Horse By G. A. Henty 163--Slow and Sure By Horatio Alger, Jr.

162--The Pioneers By J. F. Cooper 161--Reuben Green"s Adventures at Yale By James Otis 160--Little by Little By Oliver Optic 159--Phil, the Fiddler By Horatio Alger, Jr.

158--With Lee in Virginia By G. A. Henty 157--Randy, the Pilot By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 156--The Pathfinder By J. F. Cooper 155--The Young Voyagers By Capt. Mayne Reid 154--Paul, the Peddler By Horatio Alger, Jr.

153--Bonnie Prince Charlie By G. A. Henty 152--The Last of the Mohicans By J. Fenimore Cooper 151--The Flag of Distress By Capt. Mayne Reid 150--Frank Merriwell"s School Days By Burt L. Standish 149--With Wolfe in Canada By G. A. Henty 148--The Deerslayer By J. F. Cooper 147--The Cliff Climbers By Capt. Mayne Reid 146--Uncle Nat By A. Oldfellow 145--Friends Though Divided By G. A. Henty 144--The Boy Tar By Capt. Mayne Reid 143--Hendricks, the Hunter By W. H. G. Kingston 142--The Young Explorer By Gordon Stables 141--The Ocean Waifs By Capt. Mayne Reid 140--The Young Buglers By G. A. Henty 139--Sh.o.r.e and Ocean By W. H. G. Kingston 138--Striving for Fortune By Horatio Alger, Jr.

137--The Bush Boys By Capt. Mayne Reid 136--From Pole to Pole By Gordon Stables 135--d.i.c.k Cheveley By W. H. G. Kingston 134--Orange and Green By G. A. Henty 133--The Young Yagers By Capt. Mayne Reid 132--The Adventures of Rob Roy By James Grant 131--The Boy Slaves By Capt. Mayne Reid 130--From Ca.n.a.l Boy to President By Horatio Alger, Jr.

129--Ran Away to Sea By Capt. Mayne Reid 128--For Name and Fame By G. A. Henty 127--The Forest Exiles By Capt. Mayne Reid 126--From Powder Monkey to Admiral By W. H. G. Kingston 125--The Plant Hunters By Capt. Mayne Reid 124--St. George for England By G. A. Henty 123--The Giraffe Hunters By Capt. Mayne Reid 122--Tom Brace By Horatio Alger, Jr.

121--Peter Trawl By W. H. G. Kingston 120--In the Wilds of New Mexico By G. Manville Fenn 119--A Final Reckoning By G. A. Henty 118--Ned Newton By Horatio Alger, Jr.

117--James Braithwaite, The Supercargo By W. H. G. Kingston 116--Happy-Go-Lucky Jack By Frank H. Converse 115--Adventures of a Young Athlete By Matthew White, Jr.

114--The Old Man of the Mountains By George H. Coomer 113--The Bravest of the Brave By G. A. Henty 112--20,000 Leagues Under the Sea By Jules Verne 111--The Midshipman, Marmaduke Merry By W. H. G. Kingston 110--Around the World in Eighty Days By Jules Verne 109--A Dash to the Pole By Herbert D. Ward 108--Texar"s Revenge By Jules Verne 107--Van; or, In Search of an Unknown Race By Frank H. Converse 106--The Boy Knight By George A. Henty 105--The Young Actor By Gayle Winterton 104--Heir to a Million By Frank H. Converse 103--The Adventures of Rex Staunton By Mary A. Denison 102--Clearing His Name By Matthew White, Jr.

101--The Lone Ranch By Capt. Mayne Reid 100--Maori and Settler By George A. Henty 99--The Cruise of the Restless; or, On Inland Waterways By James Otis 98--The Grand Chaco By George Manville Fenn 97--The Giant Islanders By Brooks McCormick 96--An Unprovoked Mutiny By James Otis 95--By Sheer Pluck By G. A. Henty 94--Oscar; or, The Boy Who Had His Own Way By Walter Aimwell 93--A New York Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr.

92--Spectre Gold By Headon Hill 91--The Crusoes of Guiana By Louis Boussenard 90--Out on the Pampas By G. A. Henty 89--Clinton; or, Boy Life in the Country By Walter Aimwell 88--My Mysterious Fortune By Matthew White, Jr.

87--The Five Hundred Dollar Check By Horatio Alger, Jr.

86--Catmur"s Cave By Richard Dowling 85--Facing Death By G. A. Henty 84--The Butcher of Cawnpore By William Murray Graydon 83--The Tiger Prince By William Dalton 82--The Young Editor By Matthew White, Jr.

81--Arthur Helmuth, of the H. & N. C. Railway By Edward S. Ellis 80--Afloat in the Forest By Capt. Mayne Reid 79--The Rival Battalions By Brooks McCormick 78--Both Sides of the Continent By Horatio Alger, Jr.

77--Perils of the Jungle By Edward S. Ellis 76--The War Tiger; or, The Conquest of China By William Dalton 75--Boys in the Forecastle By George H. Coomer 74--The Dingo Boys By George Manville Fenn 73--The Wolf Boy of China By William Dalton 72--The Way to Success; or, Tom Randall By Alfred Oldfellow 71--Mark Seaworth"s Voyage on the Indian Ocean By William H. G. Kingston 70--The New and Amusing History of Sandford and Merton By F. C. Burnand 69--Pirate Island By Harry Collingwood 68--Smuggler"s Cave By Annie Ashmore 67--Tom Brown"s School Days By Thomas Hughes 66--A Young Vagabond By Z. R. Bennett 65--That Treasure By Frank H. Converse 64--The Tour of a Private Car By Matthew White, Jr.

63--In the Sunk Lands By Walter F. Bruns 62--How He Won By Brooks McCormick 61--The Erie Train Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr.

60--The Mountain Cave By George H. Coomer 59--The Rajah"s Fortress By William Murray Graydon 58--Gilbert, The Trapper By Capt. C. B. Ashley 57--The Gold of Flat Top Mountain By Frank H. Converse 56--Nature"s Young n.o.blemen By Brooks McCormick 55--A Voyage to the Gold Coast By Frank H. Converse 54--Joe Nichols; or, Difficulties Overcome By Alfred Oldfellow 53--The Adventures of a New York Telegraph Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr.

52--From Farm Boy to Senator By Horatio Alger, Jr.

51--Tom Tracy By Horatio Alger, Jr.

50--Dean Dunham By Horatio Alger, Jr.

49--The Mystery of a Diamond By Frank H. Converse 48--Luke Bennett"s Hide-Out By Capt. C. B. Ashley, U.S. Scout 47--Eric Dane By Matthew White, Jr.

46--Poor and Proud By Oliver Optic 45--Jack Wheeler; A Western Story By Capt. David Southwick 44--The Golden Magnet By George Manville Fenn 43--In Southern Seas By Frank H. Converse 42--The Young Acrobat By Horatio Alger, Jr.

41--Check 2134 By Edward S. Ellis 40--Canoe and Campfire By St. George Rathborne 39--With Boer and Britisher in the Transvaal By William Murray Graydon 38--Gay Dashleigh"s Academy Days By Arthur Sewall 37--Commodore Junk By George Manville Fenn 36--In Barracks and Wigwam By William Murray Graydon 35--In the Reign of Terror By G. A. Henty 34--The Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green By Cuthbert Bede, B. A.

33--Jud and Joe, Printers and Publishers By Gilbert Patten 32--The Curse of Carnes" Hold By G. A. Henty 31--The Cruise of the Snow Bird By Gordon Stables 30--Peter Simple By Captain Marryat 29--True to the Old Flag By G. A. Henty 28--The Boy Boomers By Gilbert Patten 27--Centre-Board Jim By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 26--The Cryptogram By William Murray Graydon 25--Through the Fray By G. A. Henty 24--The Boy From the West By Gilbert Patten 23--The Dragon and the Raven By G. A. Henty 22--From Lake to Wilderness By William Murray Graydon 21--Won at West Point By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 20--Wheeling for Fortune By James Otis 19--Jack Archer By G. A. Henty 18--The Silver Ship By Leon Lewis 17--Ensign Merrill By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 16--The White King of Africa By William Murray Graydon 15--Midshipman Merrill By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 14--The Young Colonists By G. A. Henty 13--Up the Ladder By Lieut. Murray 12--Don Kirk"s Mine By Gilbert Patten 11--From Tent to White House By Edward S. Ellis 10--Don Kirk, the Boy Cattle King By Gilbert Patten 9--Try Again By Oliver Optic 8--Kit Carey"s Protege By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 7--Chased Through Norway By James Otis 6--Captain Carey of the Gallant Seventh By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 5--Now or Never By Oliver Optic 4--Lieutenant Carey"s Luck By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 3--All Aboard By Oliver Optic 2--Cadet Kit Carey By Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry 1--The Boat Club By Oliver Optic


We called this new line of high-cla.s.s copyrighted stories of adventure for boys by this name because we felt a.s.sured that it was "bound to win"

its way into the heart of every true American lad. The stories are exceptionally bright, clean and interesting. The writers had the interest of our boys at heart when they wrote the stories, and have not failed to show what a pure-minded lad with courage and mettle can do.

Remember, that these stories are copyrighted and cannot be had in any other series. We give herewith a list of those already published and those scheduled for publication.


To be Published During May

167--On Government Service By Fred Thorpe

To be Published During April

166--Ben Bolton, Mascot By Weldon J. Cobb 165--On a Phantom Trail By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 164--The Outcast Prince By John De Morgan 163--Grit and Wit By Fred Thorpe

To be Published During March

162--The Submarine Pirate By Cornelius Shea 161--Bob, the Acrobat By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 160--Rob Rollalong at Sea By Bracebridge Hemyng 159--Under the World By John De Morgan 158--Smart Alec By Weldon J. Cobb

To be Published During February

157--From Footlights to Riches By Fred Thorpe 156--Among the Nomads By John H. Whitson 155--For Fun and Fortune By Cornelius Shea 154--The Meanest Boy Alive By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k

To be Published During January

153--Rob Rollalong, Runaway By Bracebridge Hemyng 152--An Indian Hero By John De Morgan 151--The Fourteenth Boy By Weldon J. Cobb 150--The Young Snake Charmer By Fred Thorpe 149--Right on Top By Cornelius Shea 148--Fighting the Cowards By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 147--Through Air to Fame By John H. Whitson 146--With the Kidnapers By John De Morgan 145--Adventures in Other Worlds By Weldon J. Cobb 144--A Bid for Fortune By Fred Thorpe 143--Archie Atwood, Champion By Cornelius Shea 142--In the Path of Duty By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 141--Out For Fun By Bracebridge Hemyng 140--The Young Coast Guard By John De Morgan 139--A Million a Minute By Weldon J. Cobb 138--Through the Earth By Fred Thorpe 137--The Boy King Maker By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 136--Spider and Stump By Bracebridge Hemyng 135--The Creature of the Pines By John De Morgan 134--In the Volcano"s Mouth By Frank Sheridan 133--Muscles of Steel By Weldon J. Cobb 132--Home Base By Bracebridge Hemyng 131--The Jewel of Florida By Cornelius Shea 130--The Boys" Revolt By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 129--The Mystic Isle By Fred Thorpe 128--With the Mad Mullah By Weldon J. Cobb 127--A Humble Hero By John De Morgan 126--For Big Money By Fred Thorpe 125--Too Fast to Last By Bracebridge Hemyng 124--Caught in a Trap By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 123--The Tattooed Boy By Weldon J. Cobb 122--The Young Horseman By Herbert Bellwood 121--Sam Sawbones By Bracebridge Hemyng 120--On His Mettle By Fred Thorpe 119--Compound Interest By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 118--Runaway and Rover By Weldon J. Cobb 117--Larry O"Keefe By Bracebridge Hemyng 116--The Boy Crusaders By John De Morgan 115--Double Quick Dan By Fred Thorpe 114--Money to Spend By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 113--Billy Barlow By Bracebridge Hemyng 112--A Battle with Fate By Weldon J. Cobb 111--Gypsy Joe By John De Morgan 110--Barred Out By Fred Thorpe 109--Will Wilding By Bracebridge Hemyng 108--Frank Bolton"s Chase By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 107--Lucky-Stone d.i.c.k By Weldon J. Cobb 106--Tom Scott, the American Robinson Crusoe By Frank Sheridan 105--Fatherless Bob at Sea By Bracebridge Hemyng 104--Fatherless Bob By Bracebridge Hemyng 103--Hank the Hustler By Fred Thorpe 102--d.i.c.k Stanhope Afloat By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 101--The Golden Harpoon By Weldon J. Cobb 100--Mischievous Matt"s Pranks By Bracebridge Hemyng 99--Mischievous Matt By Bracebridge Hemyng 98--Bert Chipley By John De Morgan 97--Down-East Dave By Fred Thorpe 96--The Young Diplomat By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 95--The Fool of the Family By Bracebridge Hemyng 94--Slam, Bang & Co. By Weldon J. Cobb 93--On the Road By Stanley Norris 92--The Blood-Red Hand By John De Morgan 91--The Diamond King By Cornelius Shea 90--The Double-Faced Mystery By Fred Thorpe 89--The Young Theatrical Manager By Stanley Norris 88--The Young West-Pointer By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 87--Held for Ransom By Weldon J. Cobb 86--Boot-Black Bob By John De Morgan 85--Engineer Tom By Cornelius Shea 84--The Mascot of Hoodooville By Fred Thorpe 83--Walter Blackshaw By Frank Sheridan 82--The Young Showman"s Foes By Stanley Norris 81--On the Wing By Weldon J. Cobb 80--Yankee Grit By John De Morgan 79--Bicycle and Gun By Cornelius Shea 78--The Backwoods Boy By Horatio Alger, Jr.

77--Ahead of the Show By Fred Thorpe 76--Merle Merton By Frank Sheridan 75--The Three Hills of Gold By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 74--A Barrel of Money By Weldon J. Cobb 73--Lucky Thirteen By John De Morgan 72--Two Ragged Heroes By Earnest A. Young 71--A Slave for a Year By Fred Thorpe 70--In the Woods By Frank Sheridan 69--The Prince of Grit By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 68--The Golden Pirate By Weldon J. Cobb 67--Winning His Way By John De Morgan 66--Boats, Bats and Bicycles By Ernest A. Young 65--Rob, The Hoodoo By Fred Thorpe 64--Railroad Ralph By Engineer James Fisk 63--Comrades Under Castro By Victor St. Clair 62--Life-Line Larry By Frank Sheridan 61--Track and Trestle By Ernest A. Young 60--The Phantom Boy By Weldon J. Cobb 59--Simple Simon By Herbert Bellwood 58--Cast Away in the Jungle By Victor St. Clair 57--In Unknown Worlds By John De Morgan 56--The Round-the-World Boys By Fred Thorpe 55--Bert Fairfax By Frank Sheridan 54--Pranks and Perils By Ernest A. Young 53--Up to Date By Weldon J. Cobb 52--Bicycle Ben By Herbert Bellwood 51--Lost in the Ice By John De Morgan 50--Fighting for a Name By Fred Thorpe 49--Lionel"s Pluck By Frank Sheridan 48--The Mud River Boys By Ernest A. Young 47--Partners Three By Weldon J. Cobb 46--Rivals of the Pines By Herbert Bellwood 45--Always on Duty By John De Morgan 44--Walt, the Wonder-Worker By Fred Thorpe 43--Through Flame to Fame By Frank Sheridan 42--A Toss-Up for Luck By Ernest A. Young 41--The Jay from Maine By Herbert Bellwood 40--For Home and Honor By Victor St. Clair 39--A Bee Line to Fortune By John De Morgan 37--Never Give Up By Fred Thorpe 36--Vernon Craig By Frank Sheridan 35--The Young Showman"s Triumph By Stanley Norris 34--The Roustabout Boys By Herbert Bellwood 33--The Young Showman"s Pluck By Stanley Norris 32--Napoleon"s Double By John De Morgan 31--The Young Showman"s Rivals By Stanley Norris 30--Jack, the Pride of the Nine By Frank Sheridan 29--Phil the Showman By Stanley Norris 28--Bob Porter at Lakeview Academy By Walter Morris 27--Zig-Zag, the Boy Conjurer By Victor St. Clair 26--The Young Hannibal By Matt Royal 25--Git Up and Git By Fred Thorpe 24--School Life at Grand Court By Frank Sheridan 23--From Port to Port By Ensign Clarke Fitch, U. S. N.

22--The Rival Nines By Walt Winton 21--The Young Journalist By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 20--John Smith of Michigan By Herbert Bellwood 18--Cruise of the Training Ship By Ensign Clarke Fitch, U. S. N.

17--Chris, the Comedian By Fred Thorpe 16--Lion-Hearted Jack By Frank Sheridan 15--The Rivals of Riverwood By Herbert Bellwood 14--His One Ambition By Harrie Irving Hanc.o.c.k 13--A Strange Cruise By Ensign Clarke Filch, U. S. N.

12--d.i.c.k Derby"s Double By Fred Thorpe 11--The House of Mystery By Matt Royal 9--From Switch to Lever By Victor St. Clair 8--Clif, the Naval Cadet By Ensign Clarke Fitch, U. S. N.

7--The Boy in Black By Fred Thorpe 6--The Crimson "Q" By William G. Patten 5--The Balas Ruby By Capt. Geoffrey Hale 3--Bound for Annapolis By Ensign Clarke Fitch, U. S. N.

2--Blind Luck By Fred Thorpe 1--The Boy Argus By William G. Patten


This line contains, exclusively, the exciting adventures of Jack Harkaway, now for the first time offered to our boys in low-priced edition.

Bracebridge Hemyng, the author, has established an enviable reputation.

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