Domie i[hes]u [christ]e. ego cognosco me graui[ter] Et libenter volo emedare [per] gr[atiam] tu Miserere mei [pro]pter amar pa.s.sione tu. D[omin]e i[hes]u [christ]e. Redemisti nos in sanguie tuo. Laus sit tibi [pro] amara pa.s.sione tua.

-- Pater n[oster]. Aue maria.

-- Also vse for to saye dayly knelynge in remembrauce of the pa.s.syon of our lorde & his fyue woudes / & of the grete compa.s.sion of our blessyd lady .v. Pater noster / and .v. Aue maria. & a Credo.

-- Deus propicius esto michi peccatori. Ihesu fili dei miserere mei et tocius populi cristiani.

-- Semper deo gracias.

-- Praye for your broder Thomas Betton which for your soules [that] be come or shall come in to relygyon / drewe and made the contentes of this lytell quayer & exhortacion. necessary & nedefull to them that ben come & shall come to relygyon.

-- Lerne to kepe your bokes clene &c.

[Ill.u.s.tration (Caxton imprint)]


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