Oct. 7 Beirut taken by a French fleet.

Oct. 8 Cambrai taken by the British.

Oct. 13 Laon taken by the French.

Oct. 17 Ostend taken by the Belgians.

Oct. 17 Lille taken by the British.

Oct. 24- Allied forces (chiefly Italians) under Gen. Diaz win a great Nov. 4 victory on the Italian front.

Oct. 26 Aleppo taken by the British.

Oct. 31 Turkey surrenders.

Nov. 1 Serbian troops enter Belgrade after regaining nearly all of Serbia.

Nov. 3 Trieste and Trent occupied by Italian forces.

Nov. 4 Surrender of Austria-Hungary.

_Nov. 5 President Wilson notifies Germany that General Foch has been authorized by the United States and the Allies to communicate the terms of an armistice._

Nov. 6 Mutiny of German sailors at Kiel; followed by mutinies, revolts, and revolutions at other German cities.

_Nov. 7 Americans take Sedan_.

Nov. 9 British take Maubeuge.

Nov. 9 Announcement that the German emperor William II "has decided to renounce the throne"; he flees to Holland Nov. 10 and signs a formal abdication Nov. 28

Nov. 11 Armistice signed; Germany surrenders.

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