A Silken Thread

Chapter Thirty-Six.

Chapter Thirty-Six.

Wilson Sanders shook his head in disbelief as he stared at Griffin. "Karen actually threatened April with that kind of foolishness?"

"Yes, sir, so I hope you can understand why I intend to end this once and for all. She has gone too far," Griffin said.

"Yes, she has and to think she might have been responsible for Erica and Brian"s breakup makes me furious. I had my suspicions and even told Brian"s mother I believed Karen was capable of doing such a thing. However, it would be hard for anyone to believe she would actually go that far."

Griffin nodded. "Well, I think she did go that far and I"m hoping you can explain to me why she"s so obsessed with me and Erica marrying."

Wilson leaned forward. "I wish I knew but I don"t have a clue. She was close to her father while growing up, and I"m thinking that since he really believed in that HayesDelbert curse he might have brainwashed her into believing that there was a valid reason for the curse to be revoked. That wouldn"t surprise me, considering her sister Blair was supposed to marry your uncle Simon. The Delberts were depending on a union between them and according to what Simon told me later, they put both him and Blair under a lot of pressure."

"So they weren"t in love?"

"No. They were getting married because everyone expected them to do so. But when the wedding didn"t take place the families decided you and Erica were the next likely couple for a HayesDelbert union."

Frustration lined Griffin"s features. "But why? Why is such a union so important?"

"The only person who can answer that is Karen, and maybe Blair, depending on what condition her mind is in."

Griffin stared at him. "Blair? But Blair"s dead."

Wilson shook his head. "No, she"s not. Karen fabricated the story of Blair"s death, but as far as I know she"s alive and living in some exclusive private rest home."

He could tell that bit of news had shocked the younger man.

"Blair"s alive and Mrs. Sanders has kept that information hidden all these years?"

"Yes. Karen"s not even aware that I know. I haven"t told her because knowing how her mind works, I figure she"s doing it so Blair doesn"t embarra.s.s her in a comatose condition. Most people wouldn"t think that way, but Karen has an unusual way of seeing things. Besides, she and Blair were never close. Karen was always jealous of her sister. But at least I know that she is taking care of her. The place she has her in isn"t cheap."

Griffin inhaled a deep breath. "I take it Erica doesn"t know."

Wilson shook his head. "Erica has no idea what her mother is capable of, which is why I agree with what April told you. Before approaching Erica I would have my ducks in a row. She sees her mother as the victim and not the perpetrator. It"s going to hurt her deeply to discover all the stuff Karen has done, especially how she intentionally ruined her relationship with Brian."

"What exactly happened, if you don"t mind me asking?"

"No, I don"t mind." Wilson then told Griffin what Rita had relayed to him. He felt bad that Griffin was being overloaded with all his wife"s heartless antics and ended by saying, "That"s the gist of it. Brian has hired a private investigator and intends to find out who set him up. He is just as determined as you to find out the truth."

"That"s good to hear, since I plan to fly to Dallas to meet with Brian. I believe at this stage that it would be wise for us to get together and compare notes."

Wilson nodded. "Considering everything, I think that"s a good idea. A real good one."

"I"m leaving for the day now, Mr. Lawson. Will you need anything else before I go?"

Brian glanced up at his secretary. "No, I"m fine. Have a good evening and I"ll see you in the morning." He leaned back in his chair the moment the door was closed and thought about the call he"d gotten that morning from Griffin Hayes. The man had requested a meeting with him, preferring not to discuss things over the phone. Brian couldn"t help wondering why Hayes of all people would fly all the way to Dallas to meet with him.

Brian glanced at his watch. He had instructed security to notify him when the man arrived and then escort him up to his office. He stood and walked over to the window, thinking of the latest developments. Earlier today Matt had called with the name of the person who"d met with Donna Hardy that day at Stella"s. He was a private investigator from New York by the name of Jaye Pittman.

Brian drew in a deep breath. At least he didn"t have to put up with seeing Donna Hardy around the office any longer. The woman had turned in her resignation.

Brian had given her fair warning that she might be hearing from him again if he decided to take legal action, depending on what else Matt uncovered. He could tell she had been bothered by that, knowing she wasn"t getting a clean break. And he"d read in the paper today that Judge Meadows had officially submitted his resignation. No doubt Donna had told him about all the pictures and information Matt had collected.

The buzzer sounded on his desk and he moved across the room. It was security calling. "Yes?"

"That gentleman you were expecting is here, sir. We"re about to escort him up."

"Thanks." Brian was more than ready for this meeting and figured he would find out soon enough what it was about.

Timing the arrival perfectly, he was standing in front of his door when a knock sounded and he opened it. He had never met Griffin Hayes but Erica had pretty much told him the man"s whole story.

"Griffin Hayes? I"m Brian Lawson," he said, extending his hand and getting what he expected. A firm handshake.

"Glad to meet you, Brian. I think we have a few things we need to discuss," Griffin said as he preceded Brian into his office.

"Do we?"

"Yes. What I"m about to tell you will change your life, believe me."

It didn"t take Griffin long to determine he liked Brian. Not only had he taken the news of Karen Sanders"s sabotage well, he was able to add some further details, thanks to his own investigation.

"So to answer your question, Griffin," Brian was saying, "there is no doubt in my mind Karen Sanders is behind it and I think Matt figured out how it was done. She has someone working behind the scenes for her, a P.I. from New York by the name of Jaye Pittman."


Brian raised a brow. "I take it you know him?"

"Yes. He was born and raised in Hattersville and in fact he"s related to Karen. He was an attorney at one time but after a few years decided to become a private investigator. I went to school with him and he always seemed rather strange then."

"Well, it seems he"s the one behind the setup at my place and he used Donna Hardy to carry out his plan, which ultimately was orchestrated by Karen."

Griffin nodded. "According to April, Karen led Erica to believe she was visiting a friend in Wyoming, and Erica told her mother she was going to visit with April in L.A. Karen was so sure that was a lie and Erica was coming to see you that she caught a plane to L.A. and then met with April and convinced her we were siblings."

At that moment the buzzer on Brian"s desk sounded and he answered. It was security again. "Yes?"

"Mr. Matt Seacrest is here to see you, sir."

"Send him on up."

Brian then glanced over at Griffin. "Matt has been out of town checking up on some lead. I wasn"t expecting him back for a day or so."

At the knock on the door, Brian called out, "Come on in, Matt."

Moments later introductions had been made and Brian could tell from Matt"s expression that whatever he"d discovered wasn"t good. "What did you find out, Matt?"

Matt looked first at Brian, then at Griffin and again back at Brian. "I think this thing with Karen Sanders goes deeper than either of you can imagine."

"In what way?" Griffin asked.

"I ran into Stacy Barnes while in Houston and she mentioned that someone contacted her trying to get some s.m.u.t on you, Brian. She had the man"s number still in her phone, so I traced it back to Jaye Pittman. But that was back in June, a few weeks after her engagement party and before the s.h.i.t hit the fan with your mother and Mr. Sanders."

He paused a moment and drew in a deep breath. "This might seem crazy to you, but hear me out as to what I think, okay?"

Brian nodded. "Okay."

Matt leaned forward in the chair. "I think that somehow this Jaye guy found out about your mother and Sanders"s affair and told Karen about it. I"m convinced she knew about it long before those pictures were sent through the phone."

Brian stared at him for a moment and then said, "If what you"re saying is true, then all her so-called emotional trauma was nothing more than an act."

Matt nodded. "I have every reason to believe that it was. And I even think she sent the pictures to herself and Erica, you and Wilson."

At the shocked look on both Brian"s and Griffin"s faces he held up his hand. "Hear me out for a second and I"ll tell you why I think she did it. In fact I probably can prove it.

"Using the same procedures manufacturers use to recall a product, after I was able to determine the kind of phone those pictures were sent from, I did a search to find out what outlet stores were selling them. It"s one of those prepay models you can buy from just about anywhere, but most stores only sell particular brands."

He paused to take something out of his jacket. "This is a list of all the ones purchased in Hattersville or surrounding areas thirty days before those pictures were sent. I was able to trace one purchased a mere week before, and guess who bought it?"

"Jaye Pittman?"

He nodded. "I was able to trace the satellite signal. Jaye was in New York that week and the signal came from Hattersville. It"s my guess Karen used it and sent those pictures to the four phones."

Brian exhaled a deep breath. "But we don"t have concrete proof of that."

"If you find the phone then you will. I bet it"s still somewhere in her possession."

The room got quiet as they processed Matt"s new information. Griffin spoke first. "Considering what we know so far I think we need to tell Erica. She might not think she can trust you anymore, Brian, but she trusts April. If we"re all there, collaborating each other"s story, then she has to at least believe we"re on to something, and maybe she can come up with a reason for her mother"s obsession."

Brian frowned. "I think we all know the reason. That d.a.m.n curse."

Griffin shook his head. "It might be, but personally, I think there"s more to it."

Brian lifted a brow. "More to it, like what?"

Griffin shrugged. "I don"t know. Maybe her sister knows."

"Her sister? Erica said her mother"s sister died years ago."

"Everyone thought she died, just the way Karen wanted them to," Griffin said, shaking his head as if the entire thought was too unbelievable to share. "But Wilson discovered last year she hadn"t died. Karen had fabricated her death and faked her funeral. Blair is still alive in some nursing home in Cleveland."

"You got to be kidding," Matt said, as if he refused to believe one word of what Griffin had said.

"I kid you not. It"s an exclusive place, and I"m sure to have kept a secret like that for this long, Karen is paying good money to the medical staff to keep her hidden," Griffin said.

"Then if money is what we need to see her, let"s see if we can arrange a visit. Find out what we can about the place, but we don"t want to do anything to tip our hand to Karen that we"re on to her," Brian cautioned.

"I still say it"s time we let Erica know at least what we"ve found out without raising her mother"s suspicions that something is going on," Griffin said. He smiled. "And I know just the way to do it. Hear me out and let me know what you guys think."

Chapter Thirty-Seven.

Karen was in the dining room sitting at the table with Erica when she heard the doorbell ring. "I wonder who that can be this time of the day," she said, taking a sip of her tea. She looked up moments later when her housekeeper appeared. "Who is it, Cretia?"

"Mr. Griffin is here to see Ms. Erica."

"He is?" Karen said, a smile beaming off her face as she quickly got to her feet. "Then please show him in."

Surprise flickered in Erica"s eyes as she stood, too. Why did Griffin want to see her? Although she hadn"t yet spoken to April, she had gotten a text message from Griffin a few days ago saying he and April were trying to work things out and not to mention anything to her mother about them. His request had been odd but she had done what he"d asked.

She stood by the table as Cretia escorted Griffin into the kitchen. "h.e.l.lo, Mrs. Sanders."

And then he flashed a smile over at Erica. "I thought that was your car I saw parked in the driveway. I was pa.s.sing by on my way to my parents" house and thought I"d drop in since I haven"t seen you in months."

He was apparently up to something, Erica realized, since he had just seen her last week. She tried to play along. "It"s always good seeing you, Griffin. Did you need me for something?" Her mother was hanging on their every word while she continued to beam.

"Yes, that new Tyler Perry movie starts today in Cleveland and I wondered if you"d be interested in going to a matinee to avoid the mad rush that will probably be there tonight."

Before she could reply, her mother spoke for her. "A day at the movies sounds like fun. You two should go and enjoy yourselves. Have a good time."

Griffin grinned. "I agree with Mrs. Sanders. Come on, Erica. I need to get away for a while and I would love to take you to the movies with me."

Erica shook her head and smiled. "I never said I wouldn"t go. What time do you want to pick me up later from my place?"

"What about around two?" he said.

"Fine. I"ll be ready." And then she gave him a look that clearly said, And you, Griffin Hayes, better be ready to explain what this little stunt is all about. And you, Griffin Hayes, better be ready to explain what this little stunt is all about.

Griffin was on time and Erica was dressed and ready to walk out the door. "Okay, Griffin, what"s going on and where is April?"

He waited for her to close and lock the door behind her. "I"m taking you to her now."

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