A Silken Thread

Chapter Seven.

The secretary smiled over at Brian. "Mr. Brown and Mr. Samuels would like to see you now, Mr. Lawson."

Brian returned her smile as he stood to his feet. He figured the two men had asked to meet with him because of his successful handling of the charity drive for children with leukemia. Every year one of the attorneys working for the firm would chair the event. This had been his year and he had helped raise over five hundred thousand dollars on the firm"s behalf.

"Come on in, Brian," Talbert Brown called out to him the moment he opened the door. "Please come join me and Minor in a toast." It was then that he saw the bottle of champagne on ice and the gla.s.ses already filled with the bubbly drink.

Brian nodded and then accepted the gla.s.s of champagne that Mr. Brown handed to him. He figured the partners were going all out just for a good showing in the charity drive.

"Do you know why we invited you here today, Brian?"

He met Talbert Brown"s deep blue eyes. "I a.s.sume it"s to celebrate the money we raised for the Leukemia Foundation drive."

Minor Samuels chuckled. "There is a reason to celebrate that, too, but that"s not why you"re here."

Brian lifted a brow. "It"s not?"

Talbert leaned against his desk. "Your father worked hard for this firm and it saddened us to remove his name as partner when he pa.s.sed away."

Brian remembered his father working for the firm. According to his mother he"d become employed with them right after college. He"d been partner for five years when he died.

"Minor and I worked right alongside of him and the three of us made partners the same time under my father"s leadership." A sad smile touched his lips before he added, "We went out to celebrate the following weekend and it was one of the last times we had a chance to really party together on the town. After that we spent every waking moment working our b.u.t.ts off."

Brian wondered why they were telling him all of this now. Evidently that question was reflected in his gaze, because Talbert then said, "You"ve been doing a fine job for us, Brian, one that we are proud of, one that your father would be proud of. So it seems right that you should take his place in this firm."

Brian wasn"t sure he was hearing correctly. Were they saying what he thought they were saying?

"Yes, that"s what we"re saying," Talbert said, as if he was reading his mind again. "And it"s not that we think we owe you anything because of your father, son. It"s because you"ve earned a place here. Effective Monday, this firm will become Brown, Samuels and Lawson."

The words sent instant shudders through Brian and he stared at the two men in disbelief. He hadn"t expected to be considered for partner for a couple more years down the road. There were others who"d been working at the firm longer than he had.

"That"s not all, Brian."

He blinked. "It"s not?"

"No. We have more good news to share," Talbert said, beaming.

Brian wasn"t sure he could handle any more good news. "You do?"

"Yes. Your father became partner on your tenth birthday. I can remember it clearly because we couldn"t celebrate that day because he had to leave to cohost your party. One of the perks of becoming partner is the firm"s trust fund that can be set up for family members. Well, your father established one in your name with a twenty-year maturity date."

Minor then picked up the conversation. "Patrick was a smart man because it matured the year you decided to get married. Extra money will definitely come in handy now, don"t you think?"

Brian nodded in agreement. "Yes, sir, it definitely will." He wasn"t sure how much money they were talking about, but just the thought that his father had had the foresight to do something like that touched him deeply.

Over the years he"d enjoyed the finer things in life but had always looked out for his future, cultivating a really nice nest egg. He"d made several good investment choices and his money had been kept safe and secure even during the Wall Street fiasco. Many would be surprised to know just how solid his financial portfolio looked.

Minor reached behind him to retrieve an envelope off his desk. "Here you are."

Brian accepted the sealed envelope and nervously tore it open. He stared at it and then blinked, not believing what he saw. It took a minute to catch his breath and another minute to stop the erratic beating of his heart. He slowly glanced up at the two men in shock. "This is mine?" he asked in an incredulous tone.

"Yes, it"s yours from your father and the continued success of this firm, which you"ve helped make possible. Every year that the company made a profit, a percentage of it was matched against the amount that was held in trust. "

Brian was speechless. Still standing-but barely-he stared down at the check. He glanced up and asked, "Did my mother know about this?"

"Yes, she knew, and as your guardian she could have taken the funds out at any time. However, she chose to let it remain in trust until maturity."

Brian drew in a deep breath and glanced back down at the check. Thanks to Mr. Brown and Mr. Samuels he had become a partner in the firm. And thanks to his father and his mother, he"d become a millionaire.

She quickly clicked over to the other line. "Brian?"

"Yes, baby?"

"You"re calling early tonight. What"s up?" she asked, sitting up in bed.

"Can you come out this weekend if I were to send for you?"

She pushed her hair behind her head. They hadn"t seen each other since the engagement party two weeks ago. And then they had been surrounded by so much family they hadn"t had a chance to spend a lot of time together alone.

She smiled as she eased back down in bed. "Are you missing me?"

"I"m always missing you, baby. I can"t wait until you"re here with me permanently."

She couldn"t wait until she was there with him, too.

"But there"s also another reason I want you here."

She lifted a brow. "And what reason is that?" It was then that she noticed something in his voice. It was still deep, husky and s.e.xy, but she also detected something else. Excitement maybe?

"I made partner today."

Erica jerked upward, nearly dropping the phone out of her hand. "What? But you figured it would be another couple of years before you"d be considered for that. And that there were so many other attorneys ahead of you."

"Well, today Mr. Brown and Mr. Samuels informed me that I was their choice, and more than anything I want you here this weekend to celebrate with me."

Erica drew in a deep breath and fought back tears. She was so proud of him. From the time she"d met Brian she"d been aware of what a fantastic attorney he was. He worked hard and was deserving of whatever achievements came his way.

"I can"t imagine being anywhere else this weekend other than there helping you celebrate. And you don"t have to send for me. I can pay for my own ticket."

"I know, but I want to. I"ll call you tomorrow with all the flight details."


As she cuddled in bed she knew when she saw him again, she would show him just how proud she was of him.

An hour or so later Brian hung up the phone from talking to Erica. He chuckled. She had fallen asleep on the phone after he"d sung her a lullaby. He headed for the study to read a few case files he"d brought home.

He had intentionally not mentioned anything to Erica about his trust fund after deciding he would share the news with her on what would be the most important day of his life-his wedding day.

He"d always felt capable of taking on a wife financially, which was one of the reasons he"d always found it rather amusing when Erica"s mother insinuated that he was not. The woman knew nothing about him, and evidently she knew nothing about her daughter, either. Especially if she a.s.sumed a man"s wealth was all Erica cared about.

One of the first things he"d discovered about his future wife was that even with her wealthy upbringing she didn"t have a sn.o.bbish bone in her body. She was one of the last persons who would flaunt the fact that she"d been born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She was sweet and genuine, which was why he"d fallen hopelessly in love with her so easy and so quickly. Their love was solid and wasn"t dictated by occupation or social status.

And he meant what he"d told her earlier. He couldn"t wait until she joined him in Dallas permanently. Now that he knew he was even more capable of taking care of her, he felt wonderful and couldn"t wait to see her again to celebrate all his good fortune.

"My mother indicated you wanted to meet with me, Mrs. Sanders."

Karen removed her reading gla.s.ses to glance up at the man her housekeeper had escorted into the study. Although they were distant relatives, she always encouraged him to address her in a formal fashion. She remembered the day Jaye Pittman was born, close to thirty-five years ago. There had been some who"d wondered if he was really Lester Pittman"s son, but they figured even if he wasn"t they could overlook that little transgression, since everyone knew just what a skirt chaser Lester had been both before and during his marriage to Aggie. It seemed hilariously fitting that his wife might have done to Lester what he"d done to her all those years. There were a number of Lester Pittman"s b.a.s.t.a.r.ds walking around Hattersville.

"Yes, Jaye, good seeing you and I"m glad you could drop by. How"s your father?"

"He"s doing well."

Lester was confined to a wheelchair these days after an auto accident had left him paralyzed. He had been drinking and lost control of the vehicle. The embarra.s.sing thing about it was that he hadn"t been alone. A woman, probably his flavor for the evening, had been killed instantly.

"That"s good." Karen paused a moment and then said, "The reason I wanted to meet with you was to hire you. I need you to find out something for me. And it"s information that I"d rather not use any of the local agencies to uncover."

"And what information is that?"

She was trying to get a feel for him and couldn"t. She needed someone she could trust to keep her secrets, and who"d do what they were told without asking questions. She decided to take a chance since she was somewhat desperate at this point. Erica"s wedding was in three months.

"As you know, Erica is getting married in August. I"m also sure you"ve heard that I am totally against the marriage. Although the man is a successful attorney in Texas, I don"t think he is good enough for my daughter. It was always my dream that she find a good man here in Hattersville."

Jaye didn"t say anything for a minute and then asked, "What is it that you want me to do for you?"

She lowered her guard somewhat. "It"s my belief that most men have a past they prefer not revealing. I want you to find Brian Lawson"s before the wedding."

"And you think there"s something in his past that will be severe enough for Erica to call off the wedding?"

"I"m hoping so. It"s obvious he might have once been a ladies" man. I"d like to find out about one or two of these ladies. See if they"re really out of his life completely." She met his gaze and then added, "And even if they are, I want to know if-for a price-they are willing to return to stir up some trouble."

Jaye Pittman didn"t say anything for a moment, but from the look in his eyes, she knew he had understood fully what she was asking of him. He leaned back in his chair as if to consider her business proposition. Then he asked, "And you"re willing to go that far to make sure a wedding doesn"t take place?"

She didn"t hesitate in responding. "Yes."

He nodded his approval and smiled. "In that case, you have the right man for the job."

Chapter Seven.

"Excuse me, but do you have any idea how much longer my flight will be delayed?" Rita Lawson asked the agent behind the customer service counter. She had been in Sweden for two weeks and had rushed to the airport for her flight home, only to be told of a delay.

"No, sorry," the woman said in a thick Swedish accent. "All the flights have been delayed as a result of the volcanic ash from Iceland."

Rita nodded. She recalled the same thing happening once before. Airlines couldn"t risk the possibility of engine failure if they were to fly through the ash. "When will we know something?"

"Not sure, but we will keep you informed of any updates. Here is a courtesy coupon for the restaurant on the next floor."

Rita drew in a deep breath. She didn"t want a courtesy coupon; she wanted to go home. Although she always enjoyed her business trips here, she couldn"t wait to get home and see Brian"s smile for herself now that he knew about the trust fund. She had heard it in his voice when he"d called her earlier in the week but she needed to see it.

After Patrick died, she had made Brian her entire life. It was only after he"d left home for college that she"d decided to get a life of her own and further her education. She"d gotten a bachelor"s degree while attending Tuskegee University, where she"d met Patrick, and had decided to go to grad school when Brian left home for college. She used that master"s degree to get her current position of landscape architect and she enjoyed traveling all over the world.

And now with Brian getting married in a few months, she was glad she wasn"t one of those parents who built her life around her child. She loved him with every breath in her body, but had accepted he had his own life to live and she had hers.

She smiled thinking of the woman her son would marry. Brian loved Erica deeply and, after having met Erica and spent time with her, Rita knew in her heart that Erica Sanders was the woman who would make her son happy. And, she thought as she walked away from the customer service counter, although it might be a wee bit too early to think about, she was looking forward to the day when she would become a grandmother.

After stepping off the escalator, she glanced down at the meal voucher she"d been given and decided to get something to eat.

It seemed to take her forever to go through the line for her food order, but she occupied her mind. At some point she needed to let Brian know of the delay, since he would be picking her up from the airport. Normally, she would leave her car parked at the airport but she had decided to have the vehicle"s yearly service-check performed during the two weeks she was away.

Finally she got her food and, holding her tray firmly in her hand, she glanced around and saw an empty table. She quickly headed toward it. At least she had a good book to read while she waited.

She had settled at the table when she felt a presence next to her. She glanced up. Rita couldn"t help the smile that touched her lips when she recognized the individual. "Wilson!"

He chuckled. "Yes, and I"m glad to see a familiar face among these bodies of disgruntled flyers. May I join you?"

"Of course." Rita couldn"t contain her excitement at seeing him and didn"t question why she felt good about it. He"d mentioned at the engagement party that, like her, he traveled internationally quite a bit, but what were the chances of them running into each other during one of those times?

"You"ve been in Sweden?" she asked, watching him pull out a chair to sit down. Although she knew it wasn"t possible, he seemed taller today than the last time she"d seen him.

"I had business to take care of in Finland and for some reason I had a connecting flight here. What about you? Have you been in Sweden?"

"I"ve been here for two weeks. In fact I arrived here a week after the engagement party."

He nodded as his smile broadened. "I understand that Brian made partner at the law firm he works for. Erica called and told me. That"s a wonderful accomplishment. You have to be proud of him."

Rita could feel herself beaming. "I am. He"s worked hard and deserves it. Erica"s going to Dallas this weekend to help him celebrate."

"Yes, that"s what she told me."

She glanced over at his plate and saw the m.u.f.fin that he would occasionally munch on while sipping his coffee. "That"s all you"re having?"

"Yes. I"m not a big eater."

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