A Silken Thread

Chapter Twenty-Six.

Chapter Twenty-Six.

"Are you all right, Erica?

Erica forced a smile on her lips as she placed her book down in her lap. "I"m fine, Mom, why do you ask?"

Karen shrugged her shoulders. "You seem annoyed about something."

Erica shook her head. "No, I"m fine."

She resumed reading her book while thinking what she"d told her mother just now was a bald-faced lie if ever there was one. She wasn"t fine. It had been three days and she had yet to talk to Brian. For some reason she couldn"t get a connection on the ship and a message said his phone was blocked from receiving international calls. Why would he place such a restriction on his phone when he knew she was out of the country? That didn"t make sense.

"I feel bad that you"re stuck here with me. I can tell you"re not enjoying yourself."

Erica glanced over the top of the book to her mother again. They were relaxing on deck, stretched out in loungers. The ocean was beautiful and the weather perfect. But her mother was right. She was not enjoying herself. This was supposed to have been the week before her wedding.

"I"m fine, Mom."

"No, you"re not. It was selfish of me to suggest that you come along. If anything, I could have suggested you bring one of your friends. Verne Gamble probably would have loved to join us."

Erica all but rolled her eyes. Verne was not her friend anymore. As kids they might have been buddies, but that changed when they reached high school and Verne ran neck and neck with her mother in the sn.o.bbery department. At least Erica would have thought that a few days ago, but she could see the changes in her mother. She hadn"t said anything unkind about anyone so far on this trip and seemed to be relaxed, calm and enjoying herself. In fact, neither her father"s, Rita"s nor Brian"s names had been mentioned. It was as if they had been completely obliterated from her mother"s mind. Maybe for now that was a good thing.

And Erica went out of her way not to bring them up, fearing a relapse.

"I think I"m going to the cabin to lie down for a while," her mother said. "We have a full day tomorrow when we pull into port in Alexandria. I can"t wait. I would think you"d be excited, too."

"I am excited, Mom. I just want to finish my book."

"Well, don"t stay out here too much longer, sweetie."

"I won"t." Erica forced another smile as her mother left for her cabin. Erica was grateful to be alone.

"Excuse me, is this lounger taken?"

Erica glanced up and smiled at a woman who appeared to be her age. She"d seen her a number of times on ship over the past week with a handsome man. And since she was wearing a wedding ring, she a.s.sumed the man was her husband. "Not anymore. Help yourself."


Erica went back to reading her book and a short while later she couldn"t help overhearing the woman"s conversation on her mobile. She was talking to someone in Oregon. How was she able to phone the States on her mobile phone when Erica could not?

She placed her book down and pulled her mobile phone from her tote bag and dialed Brian"s number, not caring that it was probably the middle of the night in Texas. When she still couldn"t get a signal, she breathed out her frustration in a heavy sigh.

"Are you okay?"

Erica glanced over at the woman. "Yes, and sorry, I didn"t mean to disturb you just now."

"Oh, you didn"t."

"Have you been having trouble calling the States on your cell phone?"

The woman smiled. "No, thank goodness. I left my little boy with my parents and I usually call them two and three times a day." She chuckled. "They"re probably tired of me checking in with them so often and wish I would have trouble calling. Why? Are you having problems?"

"Yes. I haven"t been able to place a single call off this ship with my cell phone."

The woman frowned. "That"s odd. If there"s someone you need to call you can use mine."

Erica shook her head. "I can"t do that."

"Sure you can. My husband, Pete, works for an internet provider and all my calls are free. Here, go ahead and use it. And I"m Summer, by the way."

"And I"m Erica."

Erica stared at the phone Summer was holding out to her like it was a big juicy steak that she was trying to decide if she should really have. Knowing she probably couldn"t last another day without at least hearing Brian"s voice, she quickly took the phone out of Summer"s hand. A huge smile spread across her lips. "Thanks."

She then punched in Brian"s number and held her breath hoping that her call would go through.

Brian leaned against his kitchen counter at two in the morning nursing a cold beer while gazing into s.p.a.ce. Most people who woke up in the middle of the night went for a gla.s.s of milk. He"d needed something a h.e.l.l of a lot stronger and was glad he"d decided to work at home tomorrow. If another person tried finding out why he was postponing his wedding he was liable to throw something. h.e.l.l, maybe throwing something wasn"t such a bad idea. And on top of that, this was the third day in a row that he hadn"t been able to sleep and blamed Erica.

Why hadn"t she called him?

His mind was conjuring up many reasons and none of them were any good right now. Had Mrs. Sanders convinced her not to marry him after all? He shook his head, refusing to believe Erica would let her mother manipulate her to that point. But he couldn"t underestimate Karen Sanders. He had agreed to give Erica time to deal with her mother, but she had agreed to keep in touch. So why hadn"t she?

h.e.l.l, he"d gotten used to hearing her voice every night and the s.e.x talks they would share. He"d even gotten used to them using a webcam in ways few people probably thought about. He couldn"t help but smile at the memories that began floating around in his mind.

d.a.m.n, he missed her.

He was about to take another swig of beer when his phone rang.



"Erica! Why haven"t you called, baby?" he asked, so glad to hear her voice.

"I"ve tried. Every day," Erica said. "For some reason my calls won"t go through and you have an international block on your phone. I"m using someone else"s phone now."

He frowned. "I don"t have an international block on my phone. Why would I when I knew you would be calling?"

"I wondered the same thing. You might want to check with your phone company tomorrow."

"I will. When will you be in port?"

"Tomorrow. We dock in Alexandria in the morning and we"ll be there for two days."

"Buy another cell phone while you"re there. There has to be something wrong with yours. G.o.d, I miss you baby."

"I miss you, too."

"How"s your mother?"

"Fine. She hasn"t said anything about anyone and in a way that"s a good thing. Hopefully she"s been thinking."

"We can only hope good thoughts."

"Lay off my mom, Brian. She"s going through a rough time right now. The next thing you know, you"ll be blaming her for us not being able to reach each other."

He chuckled. "That hadn"t crossed my mind."

She grinned. "Yeah, right. Look, I have to go. Like I said, I"m using someone else"s phone but I"ll buy a spare in Alexandria and call you tomorrow."

"Okay, and I love you."

"I love you, too. We"ll talk tomorrow."

"I"m looking forward to it, baby."

When the call ended Brian felt a deep ache in his heart. He wouldn"t be satisfied until Erica was finally his wife.

Karen clicked on her phone. "You have some news for me, Jaye?"

"Yes, I do," Jaye said. "Some good and some bad."

Karen sat on the side of the bed. "Tell me the bad first. I left Erica out on deck and she might come in any second. She can"t figure out why she can"t make outside calls from the ship."

"It wasn"t easy working that out by putting those blocks in place. I had inside help at the phone company," he said.

"Whatever works. Now, tell me the bad news."

"Griffin Hayes is involved with someone."

Karen made a sound of disgust. "How serious is it?"

"I"m not sure. It seems they"re keeping the affair hush-hush for now, but he goes out of his way to spend a lot of time with her, every chance he gets, and if I were to guess, I"d think things were pretty serious."

Karen stood and began pacing the room. This wasn"t good. In order for her plan to work both Erica and Griffin couldn"t be involved with others. "Do whatever you need to do to break them up."

"That"s not going to be easy. He seems taken with her. Besides, it might raise suspicions if we messed up both Erica"s and Griffin"s relationships. It would need to look coincidental and not planned."

Karen tapped her sandaled foot on the floor, annoyed. "Who is she?"

"A hometown girl who happens to be Erica"s close friend. April North."

Karen nearly dropped the phone. "April North!"

"Yes. Do you think Erica is aware they"re dating?"

"Who knows? Even if she knew she would probably give them her blessings. How dare that poor, worthless s.l.u.t think she"s suitable for Griffin Hayes. I gave Griffin better sense than that. He wants a political career. Doesn"t he know messing around with someone from the Fifth Ward is political suicide?"

For a moment Karen didn"t say anything as she thought of a plan. She smiled before saying, "I"ll take care of it. Now, what"s the good news?"

"I might be able to get to Brian by using one of the female attorneys in his office who I hear has the hots for him anyway. I"ll give you the lowdown after I work out all the details."

Karen nodded. "I"m counting on you."

"Trust me, Karen. For the money you"re paying me I won"t let you down."

Chapter Twenty-Seven.

"You seem to be in a good mood today, Erica."

Erica glanced over at her mother and smiled. "It"s a beautiful day and we"re visiting a beautiful country. Why wouldn"t I be in a good mood?"

Karen shrugged. "I don"t know. You acted so down in the dumps yesterday."

Erica knew that was true, but talking to Brian yesterday had definitely brightened her spirits, though there was no way she would tell her mother that. She would probably freak out at the mere mention of Brian"s name. "I was, but now I"m fine." That"s all she intended to say on the matter.

They had shopped at several stores before Erica noticed a phone store across the street. "I need to go into that shop over there."

Karen lifted a brow. "Why?"

"Because I haven"t been able to make calls on my phone for some reason. I met a lady whose phone is working fine so I figured there must be something wrong with mine."

"Is that really necessary?"

Erica glanced over at her mom. "Is what really necessary?"

"That you communicate with the outside world. I"m trying to forget anyone on the other side of the ocean exists right now."

Erica understood her wanting to do that, considering everything. "That might be fine for you, but it"s not for me, Mom. There are people I need to communicate with."

There. She would let her mother draw her own conclusions from that.

"And how is April these days?"

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