A Spoil of Office

Chapter 20

Applause showed that the young orator had his audience with him. He was a small man, but his voice was magnificent, and his oratory powerful, self-contained, full of telling points.

"If we win, gentlemen of this convention," he said, turning, "we must put at the head of this movement a man who is absolutely incorruptible--a man who can command the granger vote, the temperance vote, the young man"s vote, and the Independent vote. That man"--

"Mr. Chairman," snarled Colonel Peavy, rising with impressive dignity and drawing his coat around him with ominous deliberation.

"Colonel Peavy," acknowledged the chairman.

"Mr. Chairman," shouted young Mason, "I have the floor. I deny the right of your recognition of another member while I"m speaking."

"Mr. Chairman, I rise to a point of information," said the Colonel.

"State your point, Colonel."

"I would like to ask this young gentleman who holds the floor how many votes he has cast in his whole life."

Young Mason colored with anger, but his voice was cool and decisive.

"For the gentleman"s information, Mr. Chairman, I will say that I have voted once, but that vote ent.i.tles me to stand here as a delegate, and I have the floor."

The delegates were mainly with young Mason, and the Colonel sat down grimly in the midst of the Old Guard. Milton and Bradley, sitting together, rejoiced in the glorious att.i.tude of the young champion, who went on--

"I say, Mr. Chairman and gentlemen, that we cannot win this election on old party lines. I"m a Democrat." (Applause.) "But we are not strong enough as a party in this district to elect, and I"m willing to work with the Independents. There is just one man who can be elected from this convention. He is a young man; he is sound on the tariff; he is an orator; he can sweep the county. I present, as nominee for our next representative, Bradley Talcott, of Rock River."

Bradley sat still, stunned by the applause which burst forth at the mention of his name. Brown had prepared him for the presentation of his name, but he had not dared to hope that any considerable number of delegates would support him.

Judge Brown rose to his feet. "I second the nomination, Mr. Chairman. I am a Democrat--an old Democrat, but I"m d.a.m.ned if I"m a moss-back. I don" allow any young man to get ahead of me on radicalism. I stand for progress; and because I know Bradley Talcott stands for progress, I second his nomination. His canva.s.s will be an honor to himself, and a historical event in this county."

Amos Ridings arose. "Mr. Chairman, I second that nomination as a Granger-Republican. I second it because I know Brad Talcott can"t be bought, and because I know he"s honest in his convictions. I"ll stand by him as long as he stands by principle."

This practically brought to Bradley"s support the winning force, for Amos was a power in the county. Somebody called for Milton Jennings, and after some hesitation he got upon his feet.

"Mr. Chairman, I"m not a delegate to this convention, and so it isn"t my place to speak here; but I want to say that if I was, I should second this nomination. It"s a complete surprise to me to have him nominated. If I had known of it before, I would have been working for him all along. I"m pledged in another direction; but if I could honorably withdraw my support from the regular nominee, I would do everything I could to elect my old cla.s.smate and esteemed colleague."

With this boom, the vote was wildly enthusiastic. The chairman p.r.o.nounced it unanimous.

"Give us a speech!" shouted the crowd.

Young Mason leaped up, a sardonic gleam in his eye. "Mr. Chairman, I move that Colonel Peavy and Amos Ridings escort the nominee to the platform."

The motion was put and carried amid laughter. As they dragged Bradley out of his chair and pushed him up the aisle, everybody laughed and cheered. William Councill kicked the Colonel as he went past and Robie hit him a sounding slap between the shoulders. The Colonel bore it all with astonishing good nature. As they reached the platform, young Mason stepped into the aisle and shouted:

"Three cheers for the Honorable Bradley Talcott!"

With the roar of these cheers in his ears, Bradley turned and faced his fellow-citizens. His knees shook, and his voice was so weak he could hardly be heard.

"Fellow-citizens, do you know what you"re doing?" he said, in a curiously colloquial tone.

"You bet we do!" roared the crowd. "What d"ye think we"ve done?"

"You"ve nominated a man for your legislature who hasn"t got a dollar in the world."

"So much the better! The campaign "ll be honest!" shouted young Mason.

Bradley"s throat was too full to speak, and his head whirled. "I can"t make a speech now, gentlemen; I am all out o" breath. All I can say is, I"m very thankful to have such friends, and I"ll try to do my duty in the campaign, and in the legislature, if I"m elected."

The delegates swarmed about him to shake his hand and promise him their support. Bradley, dazed by the suddenness of it, could only smile and grip each man"s hand. The Judge was jubilant. Had Bradley been his son, he couldn"t have felt more sincerely pleased.

"We"ll see such a campaign this fall as this county never had," he said to everybody; "a campaign with a principle; a campaign that will be educational."

Bradley had now a greater work before him than he had ever undertaken before. He had now to go to his old friends and neighbors in a new light, practically as a Democrat. He had to face audiences mainly hostile to his ideas, and defend opinions which he knew not only cut athwart the judgment of the farmers of the county, but squarely across their prejudices.

But he had something irresistible on his side; he was debating a principle. He was widening the discussion, and he made men feel that.

He rose above local factions and local questions to the discussion of the principles of justice and freedom. He voiced this in his speech of acceptance in the Opera House the next day. The house was packed to its anteroom with people from every part of the county. A curious feeling of expectancy was abroad. Men seemed to feel instinctively that this was the beginning of a change in the thought of Rock River. Everybody remarked on the change in Bradley, and his beard made him look so much older.

Judge Brown and Dr. Carver sat on the stage with the speakers, young Mason and Bradley. The Judge was very dignified, but there was an exultant strut in his walk and a special deliberation in his voice which proclaimed his pride in his junior partner. He alluded, in his dry, nasal way, to the pleasure it gave him to inaugurate the new era in politics in Rock River. "The liquor question I regard as settled in this State," he said. "And now the discussion of the tariff has free sailing. But you don"t want to hear us old fellows, with our prejudices; you want to hear our young leaders, with their principles."

He introduced young Mason, who made one of his audacious speeches.

"Death is a great friend of youth and progress," he said. "The old men die, off, thank G.o.d! and give young men and new principles a chance. I tell you, friends and neighbors, the Democratic party is being born again--it must be born again, in order to be worth saving."

When Bradley stepped forward, he was very pale.

"Friends and fellow-citizens," he began, after the applause had ended, "I can"t find words to express my feeling for the great honor you have done me. I thank the citizens of Rock River for their aid, but I want to say--I"m going to run this campaign in the farmers" interest, because the interests of this county and of this State are agricultural, and whatever hurts the farmer hurts every other man in the State. There is no war between the town and the country. The war is between the people and the monopolist wherever he is, whether he is in the country or in the town. It is not true that the interests of the town dweller and of the farmer are necessarily antagonistic; the cause of the people is the same everywhere. It"s like the condition of affairs between England and Ireland. People say that Ireland is fighting England--fighting the English people, but that is not the fact. The antagonism is between the Irish people and the English landlord. So the fight in America is the people against the special privileges enjoyed by a few. It"s because these few generally live in towns that we _seem_ to be fighting the towns.

"As the Judge said, we"ve settled the liquor question in this State; it won"t come up again unless office seekers drag it up. It has been our State issue--that and the railroads; and now that is settled, we can turn our attention to the finishing up of the railway problem and to the discussion of the tariff."

"And the money!" shouted some one; "abolish the national banks!"

Bradley hesitated a little. "No, we can"t do that, but we can destroy any special privilege they hold. But the first thing that stares us in the face is the war tariff that is eating us up. I"m going to state just what I think in this campaign, and you can vote for me or not. It is sheer robbery to continue a tariff that was laid at a time when we needed enormous revenue. See the surplus piling up in the public vault.

You say it"s better to have a surplus than a deficit. Yes, but I"d rather have the surplus in the pockets of the people. This taxing the people to death, in order to have a surplus to expend in senseless appropriations, is poor policy."

In this strain his whole speech ran, and it had an electrical effect.

They cheered him tremendously, and the meeting broke up, and discussion burst out all over the hall with appalling fury, and continued each day thereafter. The railroad question and the tariff question began right there to divide the county into two camps. The young leader carried the same disturbing influence into every township in which he spoke, and the whole county became a debating school. It took a position far ahead of the other counties of the State in the questions.

Men stopped each other, and talked from plow to plow across the line fence. They met in the road upon dusty loads of wheat, and sat hours at a time under the burning August sun to discuss the matter of railroad commissions, and the fixing of rates, and the question of reducing the surplus in the treasury.

The old greenbackers came out of their temporary retirement, and helped Bradley"s cause simply because he was young and a dissenter. They were a power, for most of them were deeply read on the tariff and on the railroad problem; in fact, were all round radicals and fluent speakers.

Judge Brown kept out of it. "I don"t want to seem too prominent in this campaign," he said to Colonel Peavey. "We old Mohawks are a damage to any man"s campaign just now. The time is coming, Colonel, when we"ll help, but not now. We"ve set the mischief afoot; now let the young fellows and the farmers do the rest of it. Besides, my young man here is quite able to look out for himself. All that scares me is he"ll get too radical, even for the Democracy, one of these days. If he does, all is we"ll have to build a party up to his principle, for he"ll be right, Colonel; there"s no two ways about that."



The interest of the election was very great; and as the vote of Rock River practically settled the contest, the centre of interest was the Court House, which was crowded to suffocation on election night. There was a continual jam and a continual change. Crowds stood around the doorway, or moved up and down the sidewalk. Crowds were constantly running up and down the stairway, and crowding in and out the dingy, dimly lighted court-room, which was roaring with voices, blue with smoke, and foul as a dungeon--with tobacco and vitiated breaths.

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