A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World

Chapter 441 The Second Strength Point

Chapter 441 The Second Strength Point

Mag had already devised two detailed plans in his mind, but neither of them could be implemented right away. Regardless of whether he approached Hydle or the city lord"s castle, he was simply not powerful enough, so it would be very difficult for him to secure the benefits that he wanted during negotiations.

As expected, dealing with politicians is the most troublesome thing. If I can"t show them something amazing, it"ll be very difficult to convince them to make concessions for me. Mag shook his head with a smile as he looked at the vacant plot of land in front of his restaurant. However, the current set of politicians that were in power was very interesting. Mag wasn"t opposed to making some concessions for their sake.

He wasn"t asking for much. All he wanted was a safe and stable life. Earning money was just an additional bonus along the way.

“h.e.l.lo, are you Mr. Mag? I"m from the finance department of the city lord"s castle, and I"m here to deliver the reservation fees for yesterday.” Just as Mag was about to fall asleep, a crisp voice sounded from beside him.

Mag opened his eyes, only to find a woman in a blue city lord"s castle uniform standing beside him, and stood up with a slightly surprised expression. “Ah, yes I am. The city lord"s castle sure is efficient.”

The woman appeared to be around 21 to 22 years old, with a pet.i.te figure and an oval face. Her black hair reached just below her ears, giving her a clean and professional look. She wore a faint smile on her face as she looked at Mag, and there was a hint of curiosity s.h.i.+mmering in her eyes.

Is this the restaurant owner that put an end to yesterday"s conference in one night? Mag was a lot younger and more handsome than f.a.n.n.y had expected. He was like a charismatic mature man in her eyes.

The conference between the dragons and demons had concluded in a single night. Both sides had just signed a peace treaty earlier in the morning, and news of this had spread throughout the entire city lord"s castle. At the same time, the owner of the restaurant that the conference had been held in had also become a somewhat renowned figure.

Apparently, the restaurant owner had contributed greatly to the conference concluding in such a short time. No one knew what had actually happened, as the contents of the conference were strictly confidential, but that only served to enshroud Mag in mystery even more.

A reservation fee of 300,000 copper coins a night, and a mysterious restaurant owner that was imperative to the conference. All of this was enough to make people very curious.

“Is there something on my face?” Mag looked at f.a.n.n.y with an amused smile. In contrast with her professional appearance, she was acting in quite an adorkable manner.

“Ah, no.” f.a.n.n.y quickly came to her senses, and hurriedly shook her head as a faint blush appeared on her face. She was slightly embarra.s.sed as she looked at Mag, and said, “Mr. Mag, do you have some time now to process the payment?”

“Of course. Please come in.” Mag smiled and nodded, inviting f.a.n.n.y into the restaurant.

“Thank you.” f.a.n.n.y nodded as her impression of Mag improved even further. Not only was he very handsome, he was also a polite gentleman.

After f.a.n.n.y entered the restaurant, a stunned expression immediately appeared on her face. She was wondering why the city lord had chosen such a small restaurant as the conference venue, but little did she know that the small and una.s.suming exterior of the restaurant would be hiding such a lavish interior.

“Please have a seat.” Mag emerged from the kitchen with a smile, and placed a gla.s.s of water on the table in front of


“Thank you.” f.a.n.n.y sat down, and placed the doc.u.ments in her hands onto the table. She picked up the gla.s.s of water carefully, and began to inspect it with rapt attention. She then caught sight of Mag through the transparent gla.s.s, and suddenly realized that what she was doing was rather inappropriate, so she hurriedly put the gla.s.s down in an embarra.s.sed manner as she said, “Sorry, this is my first time seeing a crystal gla.s.s, so…”

“That"s alright. When I saw this gla.s.s for the first time,slept with it for an entire night.” Mag shook his head with a smile.

“Pffft-” f.a.n.n.y couldn"t help but burst into laughter upon hearing that, and she looked up at Mag with a grateful expression. His light-hearted joke had completely dispelled the awkward atmosphere.

“This is the payment form. You"ll need to sign here, and I"ll be taking this back with me.” f.a.n.n.y took a sip of water to calm herself down before handing over two sheets of paper to Mag. At the same time, she pa.s.sed a blue bag of money over to him, and smiled as she said, “Here are 300 dragon coins, you can count them if you"d like.”

“I trust the city lord"s castle.” Mag signed his name on one of the sheets of paper before stowing away the bag of money with a smile.

The system had already tallied the money for him, so he knew that nothing was missing.

“You sure are an interesting man, Mr. Mag.” f.a.n.n.y accepted the signed doc.u.ment from Mag. Prior to coming here, she had already counted the money twice, so she was sure that the amount was correct. She looked at the signature on the doc.u.ment, and a hint of surprise appeared on her face as she discovered that Mag"s handwriting was even prettier than her own.

“The restaurant has to be interesting. Otherwise, I"d get no customers,” Mag replied with a smile.

Perhaps it was due to the addition of Amy in his life, but in this life, he was a lot more extroverted. In his past life, he was a very aloof and forbidding man, but in this life, he enjoyed chatting with other people, hearing their stories, as well as telling them stories of his own.

Having strayed far away from the internet, Mag paid more attention to the world around him, and discovered that the real world was far more interesting than the digital one.

“Umm… Mr. Mag, I heard that the food at Mamy Restaurant is really good. Can I order something now? I haven"t had any breakfast yet.” After stowing away the doc.u.ments, f.a.n.n.y turned to Mag with a hint of nervous antic.i.p.ation on her face. Prior to coming here, her colleagues had told her that Mag was a very stubborn man, and that he refused to cook outside of opening hours. However, after meeting him, she discovered that he was actually a lot more warm and gentle than she had imagined, so perhaps he would agree.

“My apologies, but we"re currently outside of operating hours at the moment, so the restaurant won"t be supplying any food. If you would like to have a meal here, you can come back during opening hours.” Mag shook his head with a smile. That was a non-negotiable rule.

“Alright, then I"ll come back next time.” f.a.n.n.y nodded with a hint of disappointment on her face at the sight of Mag"s determined expression. She finished the water in her gla.s.s before standing up as she said, “I"ll be taking my leave now, Mr. Mag. Oh, by the way, my name is f.a.n.n.y.”

“It was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. f.a.n.n.y.”

After f.a.n.n.y left, Mag closed the restaurant door, and said internally, “System, I want to purchase another strength point.”

“The second strength point will cost 50,000 gold coins. Are you sure you would like to make the purchase?” The system"s voice sounded.

“Yes. I have to become stronger!” Mag nodded with a firm expression.

“Ding! 50,000 gold coins have been successfully deducted; the second strength point has been successfully purchased!

“Would you like to use this strength point now?”

“Yes! No, hold on a…”

“Ding! The strength point has been successfully activated! What were you saying?”

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