The main hall of Chaos School was already filled with students. The students from the primary and secondary sections were seated below the stage in accordance with their age and cla.s.s. All of the teachers were responsible for maintaining order among the students.

The young magic casters of the Magus Tower were led by Hank, and were standing on the right side of the stage. All of them wore blue magician robes with miniature golden Magus Towers emblazoned on their chests. Their expressions were quite haughty and arrogant as they looked down at the Chaos School students below.

The students from the Advanced Imperial Academy wore blue and white school uniforms, and stood behind the Magus Tower magic casters, also with haughty expressions on their faces.

Meanwhile, the Chaos School students wore white magician robes with the Chaos School emblem emblazoned on the front. The students that were going to battle the Advanced Imperial Academy students all wore normal school uniforms to set them apart.

Below the stage, the kids from the elementary section were all very excited. They looked up at the stage with eager eyes, and discussed spiritedly among themselves. Apparently, their uppercla.s.smen were going to battle magic casters from the distant Roth Empire, which was an event that only took place once per year.

The students from the secondary section were older, but they were just as animated. The feud that Chaos School had with the Magus Tower and the Advanced Imperial Academy had been raging for over two decades, and matches were held almost every year. As such, to them, it wasn"t just a fun event to watch; in their hearts, the glory of Chaos School hinged on this match.

Chaos School"s record during the past matches was very lackl.u.s.ter. They had lost for four consecutive years, and had been defeated not only by the Magus Tower, but often by the Advanced Imperial Academy as well.

As such, the match today was of extreme importance. If they lost again, then that would make for five consecutive losses—a disgrace that Chaos School had never suffered throughout its history.

Even the teachers had told them that if they were to suffer five consecutive losses, the Magus Tower and Advanced Imperial Academy might not even bother to return to challenge them next year. In that case, Chaos School would even lose its chance to prove itself.

Thus, the match this year was a must-win one for Chaos School!

However, when everyone thought about the Chaos School"s partic.i.p.ants this year, they couldn"t help but feel a little depressed.

There were a few uppercla.s.smen that were 3rd-tier magic casters, but there was always at least one 4th-tier magic caster among the Magus Tower"s ranks. Just a single rank was the difference between an elementary magic caster and an intermediate one, and almost no one could overcome that hurdle.

The higher-ups and teachers of Chaos School sat in the front row, with Novan sitting at the very center. Abbott sat on his left, while an official from the Roth Empire sat beside Abbott.

In contrast, didn"t choose to sit in the front row. Instead, he was sitting in the corner in the second row, and was looking around as if he were searching for someone.

Arthur, who was sitting behind him, asked, "Master, are you worried that Amy won"t get here in time? Do you need me to check on her?"

"I"m not worried about that. It"s just that I haven"t had breakfast yet, and I"m a little hungry, so I"m wondering when Mag will bring me some food." rubbed his stomach and waved his hand nonchalantly as he said, "As for Little Amy, the main characters of stories always take the stage last. Back in the Roth Empire"s magic casters tournament, I intentionally flexed by stalling until the last moment. After Urien beat everyone else and was about to claim the trophy, I appeared and defeated him with ease, claiming the t.i.tle for myself. That feat remains a legend to this very day."

"But… I heard that no decisive result was reached in that final battle…" Arthur"s brows furrowed with skepticism.

"So what? In any case, all of the magic casters in the Roth Empire remembered my name from that day forth. The champions.h.i.+p t.i.tle wasn"t actually all that important. The key was that I proved to everyone that they were all trash not even worthy to fight me." shrugged with a nonchalant smile.

"Of course. Master is the most powerful melee magic caster on the entire continent." Arthur wore an expression of awe and veneration on his face.

"If I could get rid of the melee part of that t.i.tle, then my life would be complete, but it appears I won"t be able to do that. If Amy can do it, I"ll be ecstatic." chuckled to himself. Aside from him and Urien, there were still many powerful magic casters on the Norland Continent.

There was the elven queen who hadn"t fought in over a decade, the old dragon residing underground beneath the dragon island, the old witch in the Boundless Sea Realm, the old fart in the Roth Imperial Place… Even Irina was probably someone to be mentioned in the same breath as those people. didn"t know exactly how powerful she was at present, but with the a.s.sistance of the tree of life, he could only a.s.sume that she was no weaker than all the aforementioned old farts.

"Master, I"d like to congratulate you on behalf of the Magus Tower for accepting a disciple. May I ask where she might be? I would love to meet the supreme prodigy that was lucky enough to catch the eye of the mighty Lord of Fire." The match hadn"t begun yet, so Abbott made his way over to with a respectful smile. At the same time, he was scanning the crowd for a half-elf girl, but failed to find any.

"Abbott, I didn"t think you"d be the one coming here with all these little brats. Amy is not the lucky one; I"m the very fortunate one to have a prodigy like her as my disciple." turned to Abbott with an indifferent expression, and said with a hint of mockery, "You can stop looking now; my disciple hasn"t turned up yet. Those old farts sent those little brats here to challenge my disciple, right? They want to embarra.s.s me for abandoning the Magus Tower and coming to Chaos City, right?"

Abbott"s smile stiffened on his face; he was feeling a little awkward. As expected of an old hermit who had lived for over a century—he was able to see through all of the lies and pretenses. However, he was a representative of the Magus Tower, so he could only force a smile onto his face as he said, "Everyone from the Magus Tower is overjoyed to hear that Master found a new disciple. We all know that someone acknowledged by Master must be a brilliant prodigy, so we sent our young members here to spar with her, hoping that they would learn something in the process."

"So you"ve sent a bunch of brats who have studied magic for over a decade to spar with a four-year-old girl who has only been studying magic for a month. Did I hear something wrong, or are those old b.a.s.t.a.r.ds already this shameless?" raised an eyebrow as he turned to Abbott.

"Er…" Abbott was a little embarra.s.sed, and didn"t know what to say.

"So be it. I accept the challenge. Little Amy will fight, and I"m sure those little brats will learn a lot in the process." A smile appeared on"s face as he turned away from the embarra.s.sed Abbott.

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