A Sunset With Izaya Orihara

Chapter 2: Who is That Man?

Chapter 2: Who is That Man?

There were currently two powers acting as they pleased in Bunokura.

One was the Adamura group with the rights to the mine and extensive roots in the town from the general workers to the local gangs. With the town substantially under their thumb to where even the laws were twisted towards them, behind the scenes they were feared by the people who had given them the name "feudal lord."

The other was the force concerned with the individual politician Munenori Kiyojima. Contrary to the Adamuras, he specifically had extensive roots from the neighboring cities and congress to every bureaucracy. At a glance Kiyojima"s power may be considered to be small compared to the large group corporation, but he also was tied with outside gang organizations and could be called a powerful person who could use his influence on both sides of the company.

Both parties had a light grip over the city, but to the people it seemed there was no relation if it was just the two of the competing and glaring at each other. But over the years their glaring relationship began to fall apart. The trigger was the redevelopment plans for this town"s port.

Receiving the support from the cities in the area starting with Hagane city, the wave of a major city development including establishment for an airport came in. If it succeeded it would be a huge project yielding hundred billions of profits. It could be said the two were at the time deeply opposed one another in relation to its development.

The Kiyojima side advocated for joint development at first, but Jingorou Adamura laid the groundwork with the port"s fishermen and made a maneuver to raise the foundations of the port to oppose the development of the fishing harbor from behind the scenes.

Kiyojima, realizing that, used his influence behind the works and tried to control the amount mined in the country. With a portion of some rare metals and a small portion of gold being mined, it moved under the name of market value adjustment, but naturally Adamura turned it down.

But those proposals that could not be pa.s.sed were a distraction, and taking the chance of the Adamura Group pursued that correspondence while Kiyojima grasped a portion of the town"s interests.

Even after that quarrels continued in various forms, the feeling of a cats and dogs relationship hung in the air between the two forces. Though the uneasiness was like that from the start, in recent years there were rumors being spread that "the supply of the silver mine is going to dry up soon," and the tense situation of the balance of the powers continued falling apart at the seams.

As the times moved forward, many people left the city that was controlled by the Adamura group, and Bunokura came to a gradual decline.

Even so the peace was apparently kept, but that signaled the end of those days too. Ryuuichi Adamura, recognized as the heir to the Adamura group, was murdered by someone.

A Few Days Later The Bunokura Police Station, The Chief"s Room

"Well, well, for sensei to stop by."

The one who said that was a still young police chief. He was in his mid-thirties, but being a hardworking character he was inaugurated as the chief of this provincial city with his foothold towards a promotion.

The man nearing his fifties called sensei, the parliamentarian Munenori Kiyojima, said to the chief who was looking over obsequiously from under his gla.s.ses with a disappointed expression.

"Even I didn"t want to come."

He reclined back with his legs outstretched on the visitor"s sofa and glared at the chief standing beside the office desk. His hair mixed with white strands was tightly kept back, and he wore a business suit over his plump body.

"I just wanted to hear the words from your mouth so I can be at ease is all."

"At ease, you say?"

"It"s about the case from the other day. That idiot son of Adamura"s was murdered by someone."

Kiyojima spat out the terms "idiot son" to refer to the dead person as; words that would surely cause an uproar if the media heard it. But the chief corrected that with his insincere smile.

"Well, it"s still not decided as a murder."

"Then you"re going to treat it like a suicide? Even before it would have been impossible for you to simply erase the network in the developed company like that."

"Yes, my apologies. I did not mean that."

"It"d be appreciated to not direct it to the case. If you joked around saying that was a suicide at this time, it would be the end for us if they say "the police erased the Kiyojima"s murder." In addition to that, the suspect would give false accusations against my stupid son."

Kiyojima annoyingly spat out.

There was a reason why he said stupid son. His son Douma Kiyojima was by no means a son of good disposition, but a man who did as he pleased, enjoying misusing his father"s power. Since he also currently did not want to stand on the public stage he continued to engage with a young gang called the Oukarengou.

Although, since Kiyojima mediated the crime organization, it could be said the Oukarengou right now was also one of Kiyojima"s p.a.w.ns.

After changing locations in this town, he collided with Ryuuichi Adamura who was a big shot among the same local kids many times since his student days, and there were times the two gangs clashed and were even close to killing each other.

Both Adamura and Kiyojima, who became part of the scandal, erased the event mutually, but from the people living in the town the discord between Ryuuichi Adamura and Douma Kiyojima was an open secret.

And so the rumor that "maybe the one who killed Ryuuichi Adamura was Douma Kiyojima" sprung forth at once.

"We"re suppressing the media on it, but there are junk articles in the magazines written with the rumors too. We also cannot fool the internet these days. I would like you to stop those worthless rumors going around."

"Um……I would like to confirm one thing, but for formality"s sake it may be necessary to ask for your son"s alibi to dispel any futile doubts, so please do not be concerned."

The congressman Kiyojima nodded with a sour expression at the chief"s words.

"……Naturally. It"s unpleasant, but it can"t be helped. I"ll tell Douma he has to work this out too."

"Thank you very much."

The chief relaxed in relief as Kiyojima brought up another concern.

"More than that the Adamura guys believing those sort of rumors unjustly may resent us and attack……such a situation could happen. If it"s just a skirmish we could use their scandal, but if they snap due to the shock at losing their son it"ll be a problem for me if they interfere with my sound truck."

"I don"t think they would go that far, but……We"ll keep on eye out for their movements."

"Then that"s fine. Also, if you see my Nana and that illegitimate child walking around town, I don"t care unless he"s with Nana. I"ll leave it to you so contact me."


The chief replied while giving a big sigh in his mind.

– The last one will be quite impossible. She"s not an elementary schooler.

The one other unique connection between the Adamuras and Kiyojimas was the relationship between the third son of the Adamura household and the eldest daughter of the Kiyojima household.

By nature, the two were not meant to cross one other. Perhaps it was a further joke of fate, but they loved each other way before the relations between their two families worsened.

The Same Day – The Adamura Head House, Living Room

"What the h.e.l.l"s this "investigating from both sides as a case and an accident?!" s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g around like that!"

One man yelled at the tablet screen, having seen the news on the net from the last days before.

In the slight vastness of the living room, there are several men and women. The one who yelled was the second eldest son of the Adamura family, Ryuuji Adamura. Just having finished the funeral the day before, he checked the information just as he finally managed to calm down again only to be enraged at what the article had written for it.

His height was probably more than 190 centimeters. Along with his aggressive look, the young housekeepers shook in fear of him. Then next to him a man releasing more pressure than him from his shorter height and muscular body, the head of the Adamura family, Jingorou Adamura, raised his voice.

"Quiet down, Ryuuji."

"How the h.e.l.l can I calm down from that, pops! That Kiyojima b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Killed! My brother!"

"We don"t know for certain. It could be an outsider who targeted their mutual fall. If you move carelessly the Adamura family will be crushed."

"Is this the time to be calmly calculating things!? Wasn"t he important to you!"

Adamura plainly told the animated Ryuuji.

"Yeah, but more than a dead man right now you"re more important."


"Don"t make such a ruckus. And don"t show your impatience on your expression."

He said words fitting for a broadminded person on the outside, but his eyes were completely cold, piercing through Ryuuji with its sharpness.

"You"re already the successor to the Adamura group."


Feeling the pressure pressing down on him from above, Ryuuji"s face forcibly froze.

The head Jingorou addressed everyone in the room from the family and attendants to even the maids.

"At any rate, don"t show any weakness. For times like these move more discretely than usual. I"m not saying not to move at all though. Open your eyes and strain your ears. Don"t avert your gaze from the reactions of the townsfolk."

"If there is the time we have to move, we will, so please rest a.s.sured."

The one who said that was a man thought to be in his mid-thirties standing in the s.p.a.ce of the room. He was the young leader of the gang, the Futsuku group, a.s.sociated with Adamura: Udagawa.

"Yeah…….but don"t you move so evidently as well. If the group is concerned about the profits, I"ll compensate for its decrease. Tell your boss that too."

"I"ll greatly oblige."

The young head of the gang bowed, while the father acted respectfully.

Comparing the two, Ryuuji considered his father was more like the Yakuza type, but of course he did not mention that.

If this was a normal town, having just the head of a gang directly enter their estate would be enough for a scandal. But Adamura was fine to call him and all the members to their main residence. Though he did not call for the boss of the yakuza, the young head Udagawa was fairly well known in the underground of the town.

In other words, just that much would not become a scandal.

The Adamura group, at least in this town, had built up that much of a firm foundation.

"This is in regards to the rumors around town…….I am unsure if it is something related to Ryuuichi-san"s case directly, but a few days ago there were some strange rumors."


"Yes, it seems there is someone intentionally spreading a rumor concerning the Adamura and Kiyojima families."

"There"s always guys doing that though. Such a disgusting bunch."

Ryuuji spat out. He thought if it was just a false rumor to hara.s.s them with they could suppress their freedom of speech or just ignore them, but-

"No, this time it is scattered information being leaked that could put both sides at a disadvantage or an advantage……"

"It"s right after the incident. The guys in town are just gossiping about their own guesses."

"The problem is among those rumors there are many truths mixed in. For it to occasionally be right, and for there to be some of our network, they could be pursuing the information even in our group."

At those words everyone in the room fell silent.

"Also…..if I am correct. There was a rumor regarding Kazuhisa and Kiyojima"s daughter."


A man in the room openly reacted at that. He was still around twenty years old. His name was Kazuhisa Adamura. He was the third son of the Adamura family, and unlike his father and brother, he was neither tall or muscular but had a completely fragile and harmless presence.

"Kazuhisa, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d….."

Ryuuji openly frowned towards his younger brother.

"It can"t be, you"re still dating that b.i.t.c.h?"

"…….It has nothing to do with you, right."

"Of course it does! You"re leaking the base of the rumors to them!"

"I"m not making trouble. Even if the rumors were let out, I"m not in the position to listen to your and dad"s secret talks in the first place."

He averted his gaze as he said that, but Ryuuji grabbed a hold of his chest and yelled.

"Your existence itself is bothersome! Having the filthy blood of that wh.o.r.e……."


Silencing his son"s words, Jingorou quietly called his name.

With just that Ryuuji had cold sweat forming on his back and could not speak further. On the other side of the coolness of his father"s words, he felt the clear anger in it.

"A dirty woman? You"re calling the woman I chose and bought dirty?"


Everybody in the room realized the retort was misplaced, but there was no one to point out Jingorou"s words. It was because everyone knew. That to the man Jingorou Adamura his wife he was arranged to marry and the mistress he had relations with through money were nothing more than "property." And that he viewed his sons Ryuuji and Kazuhisa as "possessions" more than actual "family."

"I think I told you before, but while he has a different mother than you, to me you and Kazuhisa are the same with half of my blood running through his veins. So Ryuuji, you just ignored the part of my blood in him and looked down on Kazuhisa?"


"So are you indirectly insulting me? Me, your father."

Ryuuji"s back shook at his father"s voice.

Ryuuichi and Ryuuji were famous as notorious bad individuals since their student days, and no matter how many wrongdoings they did in the town they were not reprimanded by their parent but instead most of the events were erased by him. But when he threatened a man stronger than him who he got into a fight one day saying, "If I ask my old man, he"ll put your family out on the streets," he was. .h.i.t in the rear with a pickaxe.

– "You are my dear son. Even if you killed a person or two I would erase the act. But I don"t plan on letting you use my position, nor do I plan to push you around."

– "Why should I spend time to kick others out on the streets for you? That"s quite a bit of time, you know? Crushing a human life without the media getting in on it. On top of that, you even used my name and warned your opponent "we"ll put your family on the streets." For making me do such absurd work, what will you compensate for me?"

– "If you had the time to threaten someone with my name then you should have crushed that kid with a surprise attack. If you carelessly killed him, then I would have erased the incident at that time."

Recalling his father"s unique moral perspective Ryuuji felt his old wound throb.

"Please wait, pops. I"m sorry. I didn"t mean that. I misspoke."

"Is that so? Then that"s fine."

He answered Ryuuji who was pale as he said that, and then continuing on he turned his gaze to Kazuhisa.

"Now then, how about it? Are you still dating that daughter of Kiyojima?"

"…..We haven"t even seen each other recently. This isn"t the time to see each other, right."

"Is that so? It"s not something I really know but don"t behave in a way as to let Kiyojima use it as the Adamura"s weakness. At that time you will have to dispose of that girl after all."

"Wha-…..She has nothing to do with our problems!"

Kazuhisa glared at his father from right in front of him rashly, and Jingorou stated to him.

"Whether you or that girl intend to or not, do you think Kiyojima would accept that seriously? Even if I said do as you like, would you solve the problem on your own? Even though there are rumors connected with the house"s problems, why do you say she"s not involved?"

Kazuhisa turned silent, but even so he did not look away from his father.

"Well, it doesn"t matter. Kiyojima would reject it, but I don"t give a d.a.m.n about the girl who is neither a politician or anything for that matter. Until the mess is cleaned up, just behave yourself."

"…..Understood, father."

"Still for you to stare me down head on……It seems you have more guts than Ryuuji."

Seeing his father chuckling, Ryuuji looked over at Kazuhisa while grinding his teeth. But whether he thought he would incur his father"s wrath if he said something poorly again, he made no move to speak up.

After a brief period of time, Jingorou addressed each person in the room including the servants again.

"You guys, don"t get bothered by the poor rumors. Be even more careful to not behave like the origins of those rumors."

"Ah, that"s right. I just remembered, but….."

Waiting for the pause in Jigorou"s words, Udagawa speaks up.

"What is it?"

"Do you happen to know the name Izaya Orihara?"

"………No, that"s a first."

He looked around the room, but Ryuuji and Kazuhisa also tilted their head to the side in confusion.

"That Orihara….whoever it is, what is it?"

"Well, Izaya Orihara. When I looked into the rumors it was a name that kept coming up so I got curious. I do not know if he is the person who directly spread the rumors and it may just be a coincidence, but since it was a name I was unfamiliar with I thought to ask."

"Have you looked him up?"

"I checked with city hall, but he does not appear to be a person from this town at the least. Well, there"s the possibility of it being a fake name though…… Even when I looked it up online I couldn"t really know. At least if I had his name in kanji it might have been different."

In any case with "Orihara" being written as 折原or 織原, Udagawa and his men were unsure how "Izaya" would have been written but searching it under just katakana did not come up with any satisfactory results. Even when they tried to search "Izaya" with the Kanji 伊座也 or 伊座夜 it was the same result, so they stopped there.

"Well, with the sense that the people who gave the name heard it from "a friend of a friend," it seems they did not meet with him directly, but we will look into it further just in case."

"Yeah. Don"t look over the trivial details. If someone new enters this town during this time it could be someone under Kiyojima. Keep that in mind and be on guard."

Among the people in the entire room who heard Jingorou"s words, there was one person shaken up by it.

– It"s already too late, master.

One of the maids – a young girl wearing an old style maid outfit – whispered that in her mind.

Her name was Azami Niiyama. She was a new housekeeper who had not even been here for a half year.

Suppressing the impulse to show that disturbance on her face, she managed to keep a calm expression and continued to stand in the room.

– I can"t say it, right…..

– The relationship between Kazuhisa-san and Kiyojima"s daughter.

– That the one who told Orihara-san that was me.

Two Days Ago

The man named Izaya Orihara was really a strange man.

She went out shopping for a bit on her day off, and just as she was about to rest at a park, a man in a wheelchair was pushed by two children around elementary age all the way to the side of the bench and called out to her as though she was an old acquaintance.

"Hey, what"s wrong? You look depressed somehow."

"……Who are you?"

She thought it was some kind of new technique in flirting, but that would be too bold by bringing two children for that. Since it was a new face to her, she tried to ward him off lightly.

However, he continued, saying something she could not ignore.

"Well, it"s the first time we met, but you"re famous, you see. Azami Niiyama-san."

"….Why do you know my name?"

"I said "cause you"re famous. To work at the feudal lord"s mansion is enough to be admired by the common people."

She quickly looked around the area. She thought one of Sensei"s people may have come in contact with her to try and obtain information on the estate.

"Ah. No, no. This isn"t anything I would do to you over. If that was the case, I wouldn"t have called out to you in a place like this; obviously I"d use a car to kidnap you off the street at night."

After smoothly saying such ridiculous things, the man gave his own name.

"I"m Izaya Orihara. I just came to this town. I don"t know much of this town"s customs or tacit understandings. So I"ve been asking around from various people."


Thinking of how unique the name was, she decided to hear him out and not run away, feeling a bit relieved for now with the children present.

"Ah, when I asked the elderly women walking in the park they talked about how nice having so many housekeepers employed are. And then they said, "Look, that child over there…….that"s Niiyama"s Azami, and she"s also a maid at the estate," so I got curious."

That"s a lie, Azami thought.

She was a person who came from outside the city. There should not be any house wives walking around in the area of the park saying "that"s Niiyama"s Azami-chan."

Azami was unsure whether to point out that lie or pretend to be fooled, but the man Izaya cheerfully continued on with the conversation.

"Yeah, I"m not saying to tell me the Adamura family"s secrets or tell me the evidence of their crimes. It"s bad to say that, but if they were a family to tell secrets to even a housekeeper then they would have been crushed by Kiyojima immediately."

"I just want to know the mood of this town. You can even tell me the gossip you heard from your friends. Or something you happened to hear on the roadside. Or something that immediately became famous in this town."

"Is there something I can earn for that?"

The man answered Azami"s question.

"That"s right. I"d be fine giving you money for it, but that may make you thought to be a spy. If you don"t want that, then I can give back gossip for the gossip."

"For instance?"

"The weakness of someone you don"t like perhaps. If it"s about that I can look into it right away."

"Even if it was the congressman Kiyojima?"

She chuckled, thinking of it as a joke, but Izaya answered plainly.

"Of course."

"Though for someone of that position, it"ll take a little time. Ah, but the ones who take the most time are the seriously hardworking salarymen. They are people with no distinctive weaknesses and with so many of them even finding anything takes time."

Was he serious or was that also a joke?

Unsure how to respond, Azami decided to change the subject for the mean time.

"Is something wrong with your legs?"

"Yeah, a while back I got into some trouble in Tokyo."

"That"s a unique wheelchair, isn"t it."

"It"s a custom-made product. It can move electronically, but I also move it with my hands or have those children push it."

Hearing those words, Azami looked over to the children taking a walk nearby.

"Are they your little brother and sister?"

"Ah……..Well, it"s kind of like looking after a relative"s kids."

– "It"s like," does that mean they"re someone else"s?

She was intrigued by Izaya"s words, but seeing the mentioned children smiling she decided to drop it.

"Well anyway, for bringing along children you must be a nice person."

"I wonder about that. I could just be the Pied Piper of Hamelin, you know?"

After Azami laughed at Izaya"s jests, she slowly phrased her words. She thought after talking this far without telling him any "gossip" would be wrong. But she really was limited on gossip to talk about.

"……..That"s right. Well, more than gossip, this is something from the past……."

And thus she started to talk with the intent of chatting.

A gossip she knew of.

There was a boy raised as a child of a fatherless family he originally knew nothing about. He fell in love with a certain daughter of a politician, and they came to mutually love each other. But when his mother died of illness his father came to greet him.

It seemed the boy was the child of a mistress, and the man thinking of his legal wife who had died a few years ago in an accident seemed to decide to acknowledge him and take him in. But the boy came to know. That the girl he loved was the daughter of the man who opposed his father.

"I see. It"s like the modern Romeo and Juliet. And the end was with both of them committing suicide?"

"You say some crude things so easily….."

"I think it"s just an opinion unique to humans, though?"

Azami sighed a little at Izaya, who was smiling while shrugging his shoulders.

"With the illegitimate child becoming a candidate of inheritance, it seems he ended up being shunned by his older brothers, Ryuuichi-san and Ryuuji-san. So then perhaps he ended up getting bullied by them where the master of the house couldn"t see it."

Realizing they were talking about information she should not have said, Azami turned pale and said.

"Ah, um…..for this, that I said it……"

"It"s alright. Concealing the ident.i.ty of the person who gave information is part of the job."

Smiling lightly, Izaya looked up towards the sky and began to speak as though half to himself.

"My favorite part of Romeo and Juliet is that the story continued a bit after the two already died. They didn"t cut the story once the two met their tragic end, but they show the audience the reactions of the characters after that. That is truly great. Well, this is completely my preference though. If a tragedy really happened, I have the desire in me to see the reactions of the people who caused it too."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, I like to see humans welcoming a tragic end, but it"s important to me to see how the humans thrown right in front of it would react."

"You don"t have very good hobbies."

Azami says exasperated.

But Izaya just said "I"m told that often" and shrugged his shoulders again.

"Well, I don"t want you to misunderstand, but it doesn"t mean that I only like tragedies. I love even comedies and happy endings. But I"m satisfied with just the change of human"s hearts in them."

Having said that, the ringtone of a cell phone in Izaya"s pocket went off.

"Oops. It"s a text. ……It seems I have to head back soon. Thank you. You really helped me out."

"No, I really didn"t do that much."

"I feel like I"ll be seeing you again."

After saying something that made her think it really was a new tactic at flirting, Izaya called for the children and like that left the park. Lastly, he turned back towards Azami and with a bright voice.

"Until that time think about it, alright? The name of the person you want to grasp a weakness of."

Should she have at least asked for his contact information? Or would it be fine to not get involved and forget about it?

She was hesitant for a moment, but then she heard the voice of the boy.

"Hey, Izaya-san! What"s an illegitimate child (mekakebara)?"


She thought with them playing a little ways off it would have been fine, but apparently he overheard their conversation.

Azami averts her gaze feeling awkward, but Izaya smiled happily and answered.

"It means shoshi. Maybe it"ll be easier to understand to say it"s the opposite of legitimate child (chakushi). Well, various human figures are born so I like it. I have heard of illegitimate children living happily with legitimate children, but it"s true for the opposite. Just hearing information about a hidden relative is quite exciting."

– This person may be the worst.

Azami nodded in her mind deciding not to ask for his information.

In front of her, the boy tilted his head like a Java sparrow.

"Illegitimate (shoshi)? Legitimate (chakushi)? What are those?"

"It"s not good to always ask me. How about looking them up in a dictionary yourself? Or you can ask someone else other than me. Like Azami-san over there."

The one staring Izaya down was the girl next to the boy. Apparently she understood the meaning of the words.

"……..You"re terrible. Izaya-oniichan."

"I"m told that often. Thank you. Now then, shall we head back?"

The girl gave a small sigh, and after glancing over towards Azami she spoke softly as they began to leave.

"Onee-chan, it would be best to not get involved with this person too much, alright?"

Her eyes were filled with a dark color in them, and with a voice for only Azami to hear she said.

"……..Or else your life would be wrecked like ours."


In front of the housekeeper recalling the events, Ryuuji raised his voice in irritation.

"If he knows some things about us, then there"s no doubt that Orihara b.a.s.t.a.r.d is working under Kiyojima."

"Although he doesn"t belong to either camp, there is a connection with unrelated ordinary people and magazine writers."

Udagawa supplied, saying it was too early to decide, and Jingorou nodded at that.

"Yeah. But either way talking and gossiping about us is troublesome. When we catch him we"ll shut him up. It"d be fine if we can keep him quiet with money. If he wants to be greedy, throttle him appropriately……is what I would like to say, but doing that may be Kiyojima"s aim. Don"t carelessly make the wrong move."

Everyone in the room nodded at the head, Jingorou"s words. But only one person, Azami, strictly avoided the others" gaze. Although since she had her face turned downward while nodding, no one noticed.

And then there was one other person in the room making a sullen face. It was the young leader of the Futsuku group, Udagawa.

There was one information he purposefully did not say here. Mixed in with the town rumors one of the "true stories" were something upcoming.

– "In the Futsuku group, there are several spies under Kiyojima."

Naturally Udagawa knew he was not a spy, but it was clearly evident that information on their side was getting leaked to the other side. Perhaps there were one or two people leaking out that information.

But there was no way he could admit that that rumor was true at this place.

– But I don"t understand.

Udagawa thought.

If someone is leaking out the information purposefully, who would that be for?

On the chance leaking the rumors was for Kiyojima"s group, he could not think as to why to let out the fact there were spies. Their aim may be to build up suspension to destroy connections on the inside, but if that was the case he did not understand the meaning of mixing it in with the town rumors.

If it was for the Adamura group, why give the name of the Futsuku group?

Could it be an organization trying to replace the Futsuku group and try to get close to the Adamura family?

Many questions come to mind and disappear, but no clear answer came up. Relying on just one hint, there was no choice but to break through the situation.

– Seriously, what a terrible inclination.

Izaya Orihara.

If he was truly the heart of the rumors, he had to find him no matter what. Even if he was dead by the time he reached him. It was because even though it was neutral right now ,when Kiyojima"s side got involved then the Adamura side would be in serious trouble.

One Week Later Late At Night – At the Night Club "Yami Ouzu"

"Izaya Orihara? Who"s that?"

At the counter seat in a nightclub on the coastline of the city, a man with a sharp gaze frowned. He was a young man wearing a gaudy jacket and initially looked to have honest features, but from how he behaved he emitted a different air than of most respectable people.

"Right now, it seems the guys of the Futsuku group are looking for him."

The skinhead giant, who was more than two meters tall, sitting beside him quietly nodded. Even if one could say he was sitting next to him, the width of his size was wide enough for one empty chair placed between them.

The man took in a deep breath that rattled his large body, and the skinhead man said.

"I threatened and asked someone I knew a long time ago in the Futsuku group why they are looking for him………and it seems there were strange rumors going around."


"The troubles around your father and Adamura"s men. And leaving out things that happened or didn"t happen. Even the relationship between your sister and Adamura"s third son. Listen, Douma, it seems the fact you"re connected with us. the Oukarengou, has been part of the rumors too……..You don"t know anything on him?"

"Not really…… d.a.m.n, is that Orihara or whatever a freelance writer or something? Messing around with us. No matter how many die, they still don"t learn?"

The man named Douma made absurd comments as he gulped down the gla.s.s.

He was the eldest son of Munenori Kiyojima, and in relation to the recent incident with Ryuuichi as someone close to him had said "the fate from their schools days has finally been settled." He had a valid alibi, but on top of having connections with the people of the Oukarengou like this, it would not be strange to doubt him as the offender if he had someone do the job.

There were freelance writers who tried to write articles of the conflicts between Adamura and Kiyojima in the past, but for those who crossed "a certain line" Douma knew they ended up in drowning accidents or they went missing. So that man Orihara was probably the same as the people who spread around rumors in the city, write articles based on the reactions and then try to sell them in magazines.

Douma thought that and irritatingly said.

"Tch……every one of them are doing this because that idiot Ryuuichi went up and died. I had the plan for me to kill him though……"

"I"m just asking to make sure, but it really wasn"t you, right?"

"Of course it wasn"t!"

Hearing the skinhead giant"s words, he yelled while setting the gla.s.s harshly on the counter.

"According to the rumors his eyes were gouged out, but if I did it I would have skinned him! So this isn"t some joke that some guy in the Oukarengou did it, right?"

"I cannot say there isn"t, but they would not cause you trouble. If there was a rebound, I"d knock them all down."

"Well, I know your strength, Tadeura."

The skinhead man named Tadeura was a hooligan not a.s.sociated with the gangs at all but was the leader of a group of outlaws commonly known as "half gray" – the Oukarengou. He was an old friend to Douma, and he was a man used as cover when he did mischief. Although, Tadeura had been saved by the influence of Douma"s father Kiyojima, so it would be adequate to say their relationship was using one another. As the large built man said he had the self confidence to turn over a person if it was just one light motor vehicle with a physical strength deviated from normal people.

Douma did not grasp the entire power of the Oukarengou, but if one would think simply in just numbers, they had more than the Futsuku group. Since the Futsuku group had been employed by the Adamura family since the Showa era, they did not belong to a bigger group system. As such, there was no concern of them being driven out of other cities even if the Futsuku group disputes.  That was a reason for the half grays of the Oukarengou and the organization of the Futsuku group to be able to oppose each other, but for the half grays unaware of that they thought, "we have the power to compete against the gangs," and so the number of people had increased.

Currently in the night club there were mainly members of the Oukarengou, so even if a person from the Futsuku group came in they could deal with him as long as he did not have an arm weapon. Of course if he randomly shot with a sub machine gun that would be different, but they knew the group was not so careless to cause such a huge ruckus.

And so to Douma he used this meeting spot as a safe haven more than his actual home, but-

A slight hoa.r.s.e, dignified voice called from behind him.

"Excuse me. Is Douma Kiyojima-san here?"


The one who called for him was an old man. He looked like a master of a coffee shop, completely unfitting for this place. He stood up proper with his back completely straight, giving him the impression of the occupation of a secretary or butler.

After he stood there for a while, Douma decided it was probably a messenger of his father.

"Tell dad. I"m not a kid anymore, so don"t tell me what to do."

"No, I (soregashi) am not a messenger of Munenori Kiyojima."


At the use of the first personal p.r.o.noun "soregashi" the possibility of him being a butler or secretary mostly thinned.

– Actually, soregashi….isn"t that like the historical play?

Then, who is this old man?

An answer did not come up for the question he thought of. There was the possibility he was someone of the Futsuku group, but he could not think if that was the case he could come alone to a place like this.

– Who the h.e.l.l is this old man?

He would be glad to drive him away, but in the case if he was someone related to a politician other than his father made him a little unnerved. Convincing himself that he was twenty-eight years old and could discern the situation of this extent, Douma quietly addressed him.

"So then, who are you? Are you someone who came from an Uzamasa movie or something?"

"Pardon me, I am known as Densuke Sozoro. This elderly manner of speaking is a habit of mine, so please pay no mind to it."

"So, Sozoro-san, was it? What do you want from me?"

"My employer would like to talk with you on the phone."

The old man held out a cell phone he took out from his pocket towards Douma.


"The call is already connected, so please go ahead."

– This isn"t the exploding type of cellphone, right?

While still doubting, Douma put the cellphone slowly to his ear.


[Ah, nice to meet you. You are Douma Kiyojima-san, correct?]

"Who the h.e.l.l are you?"

Douma wondered what kind of prank this was, but immediately after that a more ridiculous proper noun was interjected from the other side of the phone.

[It is Izaya. Izaya Orihara.]


After a moment of confusion, he immediately regained his composure, and while looking over at Tadeura sitting next to him he recited the name.

"Izaya Orihara, you say?"

Tadeura squinted and after he glanced over at the old man, he slowly got up from the chair. Moving away from the seat a bit, he sent a hand sign to the Oukarengou in an area not too far off. It was a sign meaning "there is a high probability of a dispute happening."

The subordinates understanding the meaning quickly stood up and started to have the general people besides the Oukarengou in the building to leave. Although the "general customers" seem to know the unspoken rule of coming to the establishment that was the Oukarengou"s home, so without any complaints they left the facility.

During the time those procedures were going on Douma continued conversing with the person on the other line.

"Izaya Orihara……That"s a name I haven"t heard of. Where would a hick like you be from?"

[That is not nice. How about we not probe into one another. Though it looks like you are more brawn than brain, but you are at least smart enough to recognize the information that Tadeura-san gives you regarding various information of the town, right? There is no way you do not know of my existence.]

"…..Just who the h.e.l.l are you? What have you come to this town for?"

Douma said with a click of the tongue, and the man named Izaya answered.

[I am called an informant. I just would like to purchase information to sell from you. Of course I am willing to compensate. Naturally money is fine, or even other information you want is fine.]

"An informant? There were a lot of people who said that in the past, but each one of them were just trash trying to make pocket money. Of course, just by listening to them I politely strangled them."

[How scary. I cannot bear getting strangled. So how about we just talk?]

The joking voice of the informant suggested.

Douma, not realizing the danger, cautiously chose his words.

"They rubbed me the wrong way. It was the time. Even if they provided something beneficial to me, I could only think of them as a possible spy for the Adamuras."

[Certainly. But this is a meaningless conversation to ask who is backing me. On the chance that even if I came to this town by your father or other politicians in the area, I would not tell you. Perhaps I could have been called for by the dead Ryuuichi Adamura? To save you from your predicament.]

"What the h.e.l.l are you saying? There"s no way that idiot would save me."

[Who knows? One time in the past he teamed up with you right? When you chased out that gang that came from another prefecture a few years ago.]

Douma unconsciously squinted.

It was true that happened, but that was already ten years ago. Furthermore since them teaming up was completely behind the scenes the only ones who knew the truth were the delinquents Adamura had and a portion of subordinates of the Oukarengou which at the time were still a small gang.

"……I don"t know. You aren"t that special if you managed to grasp fake information."

[Now that"s rude. So, the incident after the fact with Ryuuichi trying to mess with your sister Nana is also fake then?]

– Why.

– Why does he know that?

– The people who know that shouldn"t be much. Even Tadeura shouldn"t know.

– Ryuuichi then…..? Does this guy really know Ryuuichi then……?

-No, there"s no way Ryuuichi himself would say it.

While a warning bell was ringing in his head, Douma snorted in an attempt to keep his composure.

"…….You nutty or something? Or did you do too much dope and you turned into a crack head?"

[If that means if I am crazy or not, then from the normal person"s perspective I may certainly look like it. If you meet with me directly I think you will clearly see. Sozoro-san will escort you, so would you mind coming to where I am?]

"Ha…….No, I"ll refuse. You"re not crazy, you"re just the normal a.s.shole."

Douma smiled widely and said with a large voice so the Oukarengou men behind him could hear.

"I"m not going to your place! You"ll come over here!"

"If you don"t want this old man Sozoro or whatever to get killed, there"s no other choice. We"ll rip off this old man"s nails, look up where you are, and have a barbecue party at your bedside. Right until the home burns down."

With an atrocious smile, Douma briefly glanced over to the old man.

"For now it"s 500 million. If you"re such a competent informant, then you can handle that much, right?"

The general customers had already left the facility, and all the workers pretended not to see. Several members of the Oukarengou stood in front of the hallways to the entrance and exit and were positioned to not let the old man escape.

"Well, that"s how it is. Curse your bad luck of being employed by that crazy guy, old man."

Even when hearing the Douma"s pitiful words, the man named Sozoro did not change his expression. He could see him slightly repositioning his gla.s.ses before he made a small sigh.

From the phone he heard the playful voice of his employer.

[Really now. Do you not have the heart to respect the elderly?]

"Said the guy who sent the old man to a place like this."

– Hmph, acting tough.

– Shall I have him hear the old man"s screams?

Sending a signal with his eyes, the young members of the Oukarengou stepped towards Sozoro from behind. In their hands were wine bottles, and they were prepared to easily hit him.

– With the next reaction, this old man will be a sacrificial p.a.w.n……

Just as he thought that, there was a response from the other side of the phone.

[Actually, Douma-san. Your price estimation is wrong.]


[If you really could catch Sozoro-san……I do not think it would be odd for me to put down one billion.]

There was a dulls sound from behind Douma. He thought it was the sound of someone getting hit with a wine bottle, but what reached his ears next were the cries of the young members of the Oukarengou.

"Aaaaaa!? Arghaaa!"

When he looked the wine bottles that were supposed to be in their hands had fallen to the floor, and the joints of their elbows and shoulders were bent in odd directions. In the old man"s hand was a wine bottle one of the young members should have had at some point.

"500 million……Hmph, is my worth 500 million?"

Glancing over the area while in thought, he turned to Douma and bows.


While bowing he made a clean hit on another man who tried to grab him from behind, throwing the bottom of the wine bottle from below to hit him in the chin. It appeared he maneuvered the bottle he had with one hand behind his back with the movements of bowing.

While a pool of blood streamed from his mouth, the attacker collapsed to the floor. In front of each person in the area dazed, the old man addressed him while letting out a small sigh.

"I do not mean to be rude, but your price estimation is marginally off."

While stating that to Douma, he reached out to the two youngsters who jumped him at the same time. The points of his stretched out fingers on each hand press into the attackers throats, and his thumbs sunk deeply into their Adam"s Apples to crush them. With that he turned his body and vigorously threw the two men who already lost consciousness.


The members of the Oukarengou let out a small cry and move away.

"If I became decrepit enough to be caught by the likes you…..I would not even be worth one yen."

After saying that without a change in att.i.tude, Sozoro had a thought.

"Though I must say the "bad luck of being employed by that crazy guy" comment is evidently correct. It is enough for me to have thought I have finally reached my critical age at seventy years."

[I can hear you~, Sozoro-saaan……Can you tell him that?]

That voice came from the phone, but it did not reach Douma"s ears.

"H-hey! What are you doing! It doesn"t matter! Take out the weapons, the weapons!"

Douma stood up from the counter seat, cowering, and opened the distance while still clutching the cellphone.

With that, next to Tadeura a tall member hoists a small table in the box seat and came forward.

"Die! You old geezer!"

And he swung the table down.

Sozoro narrowly dodged it, and then stepping on the table lightly he jumped onto the counter. On his way down he swhung the wine bottle with all his strength on top of the large man"s head.


The man fainted.

The ten men left in the establishment, having each taken out their knives and stun guns, stood where they were without the intention to use it and without taking a step forward. If they attacked as a group they could probably beat him, but no one wanted to be the last person to have the tables turned on them and so together they hold back.

Taking that interval of those few seconds, the old man reached for the beer shelf on the counter and grabbed two sake bottles of especially high alcohol content.

"Sir, I will repay you later, and with them being the ones to move first…….I wish for your forgiveness."


He apologized to the bar owner who had his mouth open in shock, not following the situation, and in that time he opened the lid of one bottle and stuffed in a handkerchief he grabbed at some point into its opening, took out an oil lighter and set it on fire. Once confirming the end of the handkerchief was ablaze, Sozoro threw it towards the entrance of the facility without hesitation.


In the middle of someone"s dumbfounded words the bottle shattered on the floor near the entrance, and a captivating flame quickly spread.

"Is this geezer serious?!"

"Put it out! Put it out!"

Everyone"s gaze was affixed onto the flames.

In actuality, the Molotov c.o.c.ktail was made by alcohol and not gasoline so most of it already was extinguished, and unless it spread onto the curtains it was not much of a threat.

But Sozoro wanted to show it here. The sake he was currently holding would burn for certain if he lit it.

While the men near the entrance batted their jackets down to put out the fire, Sozoro made his next move. He put down several gla.s.ses on the counter, and while moving off the counter he smashed the gla.s.ses with the bottom of the sake bottle. The gla.s.ses were crushed by the bottom of the bottle multiple times for those few seconds and were spread out as fragments on the counter.

Quickly taking them in hand he brandished the stance like that of a baseball pitcher and threw them towards the men in the facility. The gla.s.s pieces strike into the arms and heads of the men, spreading out like gun shots.


"This guy! He"s seriously bad!"

The men were now in a panic. Half of them bore hostility, and the other half started to notice they were at a disadvantage against this old man.

"Re-reinforcements. Call for reinforcements! It can be a metal pipe, a bat, or anything! Prepare long weapons!"

"Get out from the entrance and call someone!"

The Entrance

The door was beat against, but the door could not open.

A wire was wrapped around the handrail next to it and the door k.n.o.b, sealing the door with little force so it would not open. The ones who were sitting pressed back against the door were a boy and a girl a bit before middle school age.

The door was shaking a bit before and with the screams of "d.a.m.n! Why won"t it open!?" punches and kicks were hit against it from the inside.

While feeling the vibrations at their backs, the children did not move from the front of the door.

"It actually feels kind of nice having the banging at your back!"

Next to the boy with a lively voice, the girl tampered with something without a word. It was a local jamming device to obstruct waves of mobile phones, which a license was needed for use in itself. It was a small product, but it was a device with enough power to obstruct the mobiles in the facility.

In the boy"s hand he held high quality pruning shears he already finished using. It was used to cut the telephone line and the internet cable connected from the telephone pole to the inside of the bar, and with an innocent smile the boy called out to the expressionless girl working the jamming device.

"Hey, it seems like it went well, so I wonder if Izaya-san will be happy!"

The girl, after thinking for a few moments, answered expressionlessly.

"……I think Izaya onii-chan will be happy like normal even if we fail."

In the Facility

"d.a.m.n…..The phone! It won"t go through! It shouldn"t not go through!"

While yelling that, the men became more panicked. The old man picked up more gla.s.s pieces off the counter and brandished them again. If they hit their eyes there was the possibility of them losing their eyesight. The men realizing this truth all covered their eyes from the old man – and even Tadeura who should be used to fighting looked away for a moment.

But in that time the gla.s.s shards did not come flying, but instead there was the sound of liquid pouring.


Sozoro went over to Douma who also covered his eyes in just one breath and threw aside the remaining highly alcohol based sake.


It was already extinguishing, but the fact the sake could burn was imprinted in his sight.

And then the old man corrected his stance, and with the oil lighter in hand he bowed respectively.

"Now then, mister Orihara is waiting, so please come with me."

With the ignition for the lighter still in hand, Douma no longer felt like opposing Sozoro. He briefly glanced over to Tadeura, but he shook his head with an anxious expression. Those eyes felt like they were saying "this old man would seriously start a fire, so behave."

Perhaps he arrived at that from the noise or Sozoro"s voice, but a joyous clattering voice came through the phone Douma was grasping tightly.

[Really, how careless. You honestly thought I sent a normal old man to such a dangerous place?]

And without confirming whether that reached his ears or not, he expressed comforting words.

[Although, I like it…….that carelessness.]

The Next Day, The Entertainment District

"Mister Sasazaki, thank you for the hard work."

It was near morning.

The underling of the Futsuku group Koshino bowed his head, but the corrupt detective Sasazaki only whispered a "yeah" with no aspiration before trying to take his leave.

"Ah, can I have a bit of your time?"

"…..What is it? It"ll be a problem if we"re seen together out in the open with our positions."

"This time of day is fine, isn"t it."

At the very least with people setting up the shops in this neighborhood there was no one who knew the dark rumors about Sasazaki. Although with the someone informing the police he knew another person could do the same thing the shop owners did not dare to blame him. Since they were concerned for their own future, they could not use the media or internet and complain about the damages.

In the middle of such a situation, as someone relatively working well with him without dispute Koshino thought if it was Sasazaki maybe he would know something and decided to try to ask him.

"This is just a rumor, but it seems a strange guy came to town. …..Do you know who Izaya Orihara is, sir?"


Sasazaki"s answer was quiet feigned in calmness, but in that brief time Koshino feels something out of place.

"Are you sure? There"s no way you are some dog sent in, right?"

"Who knows……if that was the case, I wouldn"t know."

Sasazaki quietly said and got up to leave. Watching him take off, Koshino addressed the underling next to him with a quiet voice.

"……Tell the others too. If they see Sasazaki, keep a watch on him."

"Eh? What"s up with him?"

Koshino answered the underling"s words with a bit of uncertainty.

"…..Well, I"m not sure, but……I feel like he is hiding something about Izaya Orihara."

In the Police Station

"…….Was I noticed? No, there"s no way….."

While sweating profusely, Sasazaki whispered that in the station"s hallway. He was worried about that doubtful gaze Koshino had when he departed.

The other day he did tell Izaya Orihara the situation of the town, but he did not think to hear that name from Koshino. Having been contacted sometimes with "if you have new information please tell me" since then, he has not directly met with him.

– Are the Futsuku group guys looking for him?

He considered that honestly, but if he told them Izaya asked about all the different matters about the Adamura family he would get into trouble. He thought he would probably be erased, but naturally on top of there being huge risks, there was a bigger possibility of the tables being turned on him.

Sasazaki, unaware the men in the restaurant had been hired university students, firmly believed Izaya was a member of an organization with a certain scale of power.

– Then is he really someone from Kiyojima"s group?

– No, originally it was the Futsuku group, but after a few days the men of the Futsuku group are desperately trying to search for him……Is this kind of scenario possible?

– Either way, the best thing to do is to pretend to not know anything and not get involved.

Sasazaki pondered to himself as he was walking, but then a sudden voice called out to him.

"Sasazaki-kun, do you have a moment…..?"

"Yes? …..! Chief!?"

The one who addressed him was the police chief younger than Sasazaki, Kakinuma. He was part of the career track, and he heard rumors that his duty as the police chief in this land was something like a seat before moving to headquarters.

Since he would be gone soon, he thought he did not need to suck up to him, but for the other to call for a common detective like himself perhaps he planned to say something about the cynical comment after lunch the other day.

The chief asked Sasazaki, who was thinking that while concealing his impatience.

"Yeah, I thought you would be the best to know both sides of the town."


"Do you know there was an uproar at a nightclub on the coastline last night?"


Since he was not off duty today he had no plans to show his face around the coastline area within the limitations of his work.

"I see…..Well, I think you"ll be explained everything in detail later, but…..I wanted to ask a person at the scene like you. It involves the congressman Kiyojima, so I wish you not say a word of this to anyone else."


He thought it was strange for the chief to be hesitant, but he understood knowing that it was related to Kiyojima. If he wanted to take the certain route to move up honestly, he could not be disapproved of by the respectful Kiyojima congressman in the police headquarters and the National Police Agency.

– Now then, what did that idiot son do again?

Although congressman Kiyojima himself was not involved, but he had erased crimes committed by his son Douma in the past multiple times.

After he returned to the National Police Agency he did not know if he would have favors or not, but thinking it was probably not bad to sell favors to a man on the career path he decided to ask what the story was.

"Leave it to me. I am especially tight-lipped."

– I hear him out, and I"ll have him revoke that cynical remark from before.

The chief smiled as though relieved towards Sasazaki who had made that statement with a serious expression, although he was still thinking of schemes to himself.

"That"s great! That"s a huge relief! About what I wanted to ask you….."


"Do you know anything about Izaya Orihara? It seems he caused some trouble with the son of congressman Kiyojima……"

That moment, Sasazaki wanted to punch him from a few seconds prior, but everything was already too late.

Interlude: The Man Izaya Orihara ②

Izaya Orihara you say? That is quite the nostalgic name.

An informant….huh. Well, you"re not wrong. Indeed, he was famous in Tokyo as an informant. To the end, he partially was anyway.

I also came to not be able to face the world, but for that kind of human, he was quite an interesting existence. At the same time, he was also unpleasant.

Seriously, where does he get that kind of information?

He was the guy who held plenty of information that makes you wonder "why do you know that?" whether it would be the secret ledgers of a pharmaceutical company, information on the plans of an acquisition of property happening in the shadows of the town, or to even know the whereabouts of a guy who took and ran away with money from an organization.

Of course, it is not odd for it to have been erased.

We were given quite a bit of that kind of information, but also on the contrary, the informant Izaya Orihara probably also knows too much about us….at least I have that suspicion.

Well, I was almost convinced it was a suspicion. So furthermore, I used him as an informant. We also planned to erase him if he moved even a little into a hindering direction for us. Well, before that could happen he ended up disappearing from Tokyo.

I thought surely he died by the side of the road somewhere, but for someone like you to appear before me asking about him it seems he"s alive somewhere. And on top of that, he seems to be making trouble like always.

Yes, trouble. He"s just trouble. We made deals, but what he has done is not business. It"s just play.

What he does cannot be called business. No, I"m not saying that with an ill meaning. If it was business, then that distortion was certainly born, and with that there"s no way you could allow that standing as an informant to allow him to do as he pleases. He would disappear almost immediately or become exclusive to a powerful organization somewhere. Or he would have no other path than to switch over to a sound business with more standardized criterion like a detective agency.

Well, leaving that aside…..if I can say one word about Izaya Orihara…….he"s a brat.

He"s just a brat.

He is certainly intelligent and has skills. But no matter how quick-witted he is, his heart is about that of a middle schooler or high schooler. His genius and his heart are not being kept at balance.

A guy with the boxing talent that could as well be called the highest peak for humans is someone who would not aim for the world championship but say, "if I can hit the prime minister or president with these fists then world conquest is not a dream."

This might be an extreme example, but that"s really the kind of man he is. You may think this is a funny story, and maybe it actually is.

…..For watching the fire on the opposite side of the sh.o.r.e from far away anyway.

Please think of this.

If we went with the previous boxing example…. If someone says on TV "I"ll even punch the American President," he would probably just become a target of sheer ridicule, no one knowing if he is serious or joking.

However, if that fist turns towards you, what would you do?

If the fist of the world championship came punching at you saying "I don"t like your face, so I"m going to overcome your existence. A first step for world conquest," would you still be able to laugh?

If you laugh without realizing it until your face caves in that"s a huge exaggeration. If you laugh as you are punched to the brink of death that is another kind of lunatic. Well, the one who is able to laugh is an influential person able to choose counters to those punches.

Actually, if there is a human with greater abilities in information gathering than Izaya Orihara and can suppress all his actions you probably could laugh and watch even if you got dragged into his meddling.

If there is that kind of human, you wouldn"t want to approach him much anyway.

Hearing that, have you become relieved? Or have you become weary?

If you were relieved knowing he"s a kid on the inside, that"s a huge mistake. A kid with power is the most dangerous.

Somehow it is often said it is like a sharp blade, but can you imagine what trouble a kid drunk on himself can cause if he has a gun or a j.a.panese blade? Brakes would not work. And information is more dangerous than a j.a.panese sword or handgun. It"s because it is like a poison. It strikes when you are not paying attention……it"s not even a joke.

…..Although, is that the case? Izaya Orihara has lived?

If you meet with him, please tell him this: I will overlook everything until this point. So, don"t get involved with Ikebukuro again.

You also should better leave town immediately if you can. Before the kids spread out poison in your precious town.

-A certain place in Tokyo, a member of a crime organization

Extracted from person S"s testimony

Translation Notes:Kiyojima is most specifically a member of the Diet, which is j.a.pan"s bicameral legislation branch. Basically the j.a.panese parliament.妾腹 – mekakebara (can also be read as "shou

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